《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 42


The sound of the thunder was resonating inside the room where Avni was kept.

The same could be said for Avni for there was a thunderstorm going inside her.

She was sitting all confused as to why she was here. She couldn't understand the reason. She had so many questions in her mind and nobody was there to answer them for her.

She was getting tired with every moment that was passing by.

Among all these feelings, there was only one thought that was eating her up.

Why the man she loved so much betrayed her in the worst possible way!?

It was then she remembered something. The words of her captor resonating in her mind.

You need not worry about that. But, your husband should.

What was there for Aditya to worry? What these people want from him? Why would Aditya worry about her when he himself made it quite clear what he wanted. The truth was he didn't want her.

The mere thought brought back the tears that had stopped previously. She was acting like such a weak person. She knew she wasn't weak. But, heartbreak can make a person pathetic.

The clock was ticking by. She was feeling numb inside as the days passed by. She lost the count of days she had been there.

Everyday, she used to get her meals but there was no sign of life other than the person coming to give her food.

The strange man that she assumed to be the boss, only came the first day. After that, he never showed up.

She had stopped thinking about Aditya and now her whole attention was towards the way to escape.

She didn't want to act like a damsel in distress. She was never the one. She couldn't wait for any other person to rescue her.

She looked around but the room was empty. Not even a single speck could be seen. She tried to free her hand of the knots that were tied to her back.

But to no avail, she couldn't open them. She was feeling tired by sitting in the same position. Thank God, that she was allowed to go to the bathroom. That too, when someone would accompany her to the door.


She wanted to escape as soon as possible. But her mind was not working properly.

She called to the man she knew was standing outside her room. 'Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom. Is anyone there?'

A few seconds later, the man entered and said disgustingly, 'Shut up! You just went to the bathroom. This is not a hotel. Do you understand? Now, shut the hell up and don't bother me.'

Avni wanted to slap the disgusting man. But, she fought the urge to do so and said, 'But that was an hour ago. Please..'

'If I wasn't given instruction not to do anything to you, I would have taught you a good lesson.' The man said with hatred in his voice and turned back closing the door behind him.


'It has been 3 days since she left the house. I contacted her parents but they said she wasn't there. I don't know what to do. I don't even know where is she now. She didn't even let me explain.' Aditya said to Baani.

'You didn't know what happened, did you?' Aditya shook his head and she said, 'Then it's not your fault. You should not be so hard on yourself.'

Aditya ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. 'It is my fault Baani. I should have chased after her and tried to talk to her.'

Baani gave him a sad smile and said, 'Did you try to call her?'

'Yeah! That was the first thing I did after she left.' Aditya said feeling helpless.

It was all because of Eva. He didn't know at the time what was happening. He came out of the bathroom when he saw Eva lying on his bed.

He was angry to see her invade his private place but then his anger changed into surprise when he saw Avni. Then the fear of losing her surfaced and his anger took the place of his fear, the anger that was directed towards Eva.

He then and there told her to leave his house but she begged him to accept her and forget about Avni. As if, he would do that. Eva was his past and he realized it a long time ago.


He told her off and when he came to his senses, he went out but there was no sign of Avni. She had already left.

He felt miserable and still he was miserable.

For that time, he thought that she had gone to her parents but when he called them and they said that she wasn't there, he got confused.

He was desperate to see her and wanted to explain things to her but he didn't know where else she would go.

She had only few friends or the only friend, Rose. Thankfully, he had her contact from the time Avni saved it when her cellphone wasn't working a few days back. He contacted her and asked her about Avni but she also told him that she wasn't with her.

Aditya was getting tensed and anxious with each passing second which turned into minutes and minutes turned into days.

Now here he stood in front of his sister, crying like a baby.

Baani gave him a sympathetic pat on his back and said, 'Aditya! She'll come back. You know you love her and she loves you too. Everything will be all right.'

Of course, he loved her but the thing was he never told her that. He expressed his feelings towards her so many times. Only, he never said that he loved her.

He wanted to tell her so many times, but something held him back. Maybe it was the thought that he wasn't fully honest with her. He wanted to avenge his dead girlfriend which he kept to himself.

But, he stopped thinking about it the day he realized that he had a new life ahead. A life with Avni as his companion. He dropped the thought of revenge from the day he realized that he was now way too head over heels for her.

He was too much of a coward for not saying those words in the fear that he would not receive the reply he wanted.

He was a tough man for the whole world but when it came to Avni, he became the most gentle person. He became the person with a soft heart.

She was everything to him. She was his greatest weakness and the greatest strength as well.

He collected himself from his emotional state and finally got up with one aim in mind, to find her.

He would not let her get away from him. She will have to listen what he has to say.

He picked up his cell phone and was about to dial a number, when his phone started ringing.

The call was from a number he didn't recognize. Maybe Avni was calling him, he thought for a second and picked up the phone.

'Hello, this is Aditya Mehra speaking.' Aditya said on the phone.

'Hello my dearest friend. How are you? Or I should say, How are you with your wife gone?' The person on the other end said.

The colour drained from Aditya's face on hearing Fareed's voice. That too, when he knew about Avni.

So, does that mean that she was with him! The thought got him enraged and he spoke menacingly, 'If you even lay a finger on her, I am going to make you pay.'

'Calm down my friend. Think rationally for a minute. I have a upper hand here. So, the only person who is going to pay is you. Now, the question arrives, what do I want?' Fareed said and Aditya was still simmering with rage.

'I want you to give me the papers I signed that day or your wife will suffer the consequences. As for now, I haven't done anything to her but you wouldn't like me to change that, do you?'

'I will kill you! You, big piece of shit!' Aditya spat over the phone.

'You are not going to get anything by calling me names. So, I suggest you to bring those papers to me and your princess will be relieved of her misery.' Fareed said the last part teasingly which made Aditya further mad but he controlled himself.

He held the phone with the tight grip getting himself in control. After a second's pause he said, 'Fine! Tell me the details.'

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