《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 41


Avni drove through the city towards her home with a feeling of anxiety. She didn't like the idea of keeping anything from Aditya, when he bared his soul to her.

The dark clouds were scattered in the sky and it appeared as if it would rain any second now. The cold wind started flowing through the window while Avni drove, making her hair blow wildly across her face.

It brought a chill to her skin, she quickly closed her window. She was not a fan of rain unlike many people. It always brought back so many unpleasant memories of her past.

It was during this time, when she got late and got punished at school, then was being scolded which lead to her being bullied afterwards. To some it might sound absurd. But, it wasn't such a small thing for her at that time. Though it did not continue for so long. Her school teachers and parents discovered about it and helped her.

But from that day on, she never liked the weather. Another incident was when she was driving to her workplace, she was met with a horrible accident. It was all because of the rain that the driver couldn't see properly and was driving very fast.

Every time in the rain, the scenes of that day flashes through her mind making her feel nauseated.

She had to take leave of about one month after that accident. She was lucky that she was alright and no major injury happened. Only some bruises here and there and a little cut over her forehead.

She wanted to get home as soon as possible to escape from these memories and the weather as well. So she started driving faster and it took her lesser time to reach home than usual.

She started taking longer strides to her room. It was eerily quiet at this time in the house reflecting the loss of someone beloved.


When she opened the door to her room, the view in front of her took her breath away.

She couldn't believe her own eyes. That couldn't be possible what she was seeing in front of her eyes.

Eva got up from her bed wrapped in bed sheet and got up without saying anything. Everything around Avni got still. It felt as if she was dreaming.

Aditya was nowhere to be seen in the room but she wasn't foolish. A second later, he came out of the bathroom and his eyes landed on Eva and then on Avni.

He looked surprised and that was enough confirmation for her. Without uttering a word she just ran from there, down the stairs and outside the gates.

She was running wildly without thinking. Her mind was crowded with the images she witnessed just now.

How could he do such a thing to her. How could he betray her. He was not Aditya. Her Adi wouldn't do that. He could never betray her.

No, that was a nightmare she witnessed just now. Maybe she was in deep sleep.

But, the problem was she couldn't wake up from this nightmare. She tried and tried but she soon realized that it was for real.

Her friend and her husband...

How could they do this!!

Soon, it began to rain with the thunderstorm, the weather perfectly matching what she was feeling in her heart.

Her heart was breaking into thousand pieces. She couldn't bear the pain, it was too much.

She was running and running without paying any attention to her surroundings. She was completely drenched in the rain but she couldn't care less. Her tears were mixing with the rain.

It was as if the sky was crying for her. She never thought it would hurt so badly. She just began to realize what love feels like when she had to taste the betrayal.


She wanted to suppress this feeling that was eating her from inside. Suddenly, she felt a hand covering her mouth and nose and the last thing she remembered was falling with blurred vision followed by blankness, losing consciousness all together.

Avni woke up with a shooting pain in her head. She opened her eyes and found herself in an empty room.

She moved her head to see where she was.

Only a single bulb was lit in the room and when she tried to hold her head that was paining, she discovered that her hands were tied to her back and she was sitting on a chair.

She was confused at first but then she remembered everything.

With the memories, her tears started trailing down her eyes.

She cried loudly not for how she was tied and made captive but because of the loss she suffered.

She couldn't help but ask herself again and again. Why did he do that? He promised his grandmother that he would take care of her. Does that mean, he didn't mean those things he said?

She wasn't focusing on herself at present. All her attention and mind was in the argument she was having with herself.

She was sitting there all by herself lost in her thoughts when she heard footsteps, ascending towards the door. The sound of the footsteps ceased and a second later, the door opened with a creak.

Her eyes looked at the shoes standing in front. He was wearing sport shoes with jeans and a T-shirt.

When her eyes settled on his face, she frowned. The man looked familiar but she couldn't remember where she had seen him.

He was giving a smirk and then said, ' I think you don't know me. Do you?'

Avni shook her head at him without uttering a word. 'I thought so. It's better for now if you don't know.'

He said this and started to walk outside again. It was at this time that Avni realized that she was held captive.

She quickly said, 'Wait. Why am I here and what do you want?'

He turned towards her giving her the one sided smile and said, 'You need not worry about that. But your husband needs to.'

With his final words, he exited the room closing the door behind him.

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