《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 40


Avni walked inside and it was at this time, that she received a text message.

She checked her phone and was surprised to discover that it was none other than Sandhya.

She couldn't understand why would she text her now, when she told her off the last time she was to meet her.

She opened the message and got angry reading it.

Avni! Please meet me this time. There is something very important I need to tell you about. It's a life altering matter. Please meet me today at 4 in the coffee shop near the TDS pub.

What does she mean by life altering matter? Doesn't she know that I had enough of her shit already about Adi, Avni thought.

She texted her back with a reply,

I've had enough Sandhya! I don't want to talk about anything. So leave me alone.

After a few seconds, her reply came,

Please Avni, you have to listen this time. It's very important. If you don't like what I have to say this time, I promise that I won't bother you again.

Sandhya seemed desperate and she felt what was the harm in listening to her for once.

Okay! See you at 4 then.

She walked towards her room and when she entered inside, she found Aditya sleeping. He was never the one to sleep at such an odd time. But the death of his beloved grandmother must have worn him down.

She wanted to tell Aditya about Sandhya but she didn't want him to wake up and worry when he was looking so peaceful in his sleep.

She reached towards the bed and sat down next to where he was lying. She gazed at his face and moved her fingers through his hair.

So many times she wanted to do just that but couldn't because of the fear. Now, she wasn't afraid of anything and was never so sure of her actions than she was, at this moment.


The moment was broken by the sound of a text message from her phone. Avni looked at Aditya who was still sound asleep. She didn't want to wake him up, so she quickly went outside the room to see who it was.

It was a text message from an unknown number.

You should stay away from Aditya. It is not good for your health. ;)

Avni frowned at the text and wondered who would send such a text message. She was scared only of the fact that the person knew Aditya and as a matter of fact, that person knew her too.

If Aditya's name wasn't mentioned, she would have thought that it was sent by mistake by someone. But here the person knew them, and that got her scared.

She texted back to the person,

Who is this? Then she waited for the reply and it came instantly.

You shouldn't worry about that sweetheart. The only thing you should worry about is yourself.

Reading it now, Avni got really freaked out. She thought who could it be and only a single person came to her mind.

Only he could do such a thing but she didn't want to believe it. She thought to ignore the message and move on with her work.

Half the day went by like that, thinking about her meeting with Sandhya with the thought of text at the back of her mind.

She was getting stressed out when she saw Eva entering into the kitchen. Eva looked at her with a smile observing her tensed face and said, 'Don't worry Avni. It's just a matter of few days that everyone is sad. Everything will be back to normal in few days.'

Avni was very thankful for those words and was waiting for so long for someone to say it to her.


'I wish that everything will be back to normal but I know that it is not that simple.' Avni replied and Eva frowned.

'What are you talking about?', Eva asked concerned.

Avni told her about her encounter with Rohit and how she was getting texts from Sandhya and the anonymous number.

'So, you are saying that those texts are from your ex?' Eva asked and Avni nodded.

'Don't worry Avni. We are here for you. He wouldn't dare touch you. And what is that woman Sandhya wants from you?' Eva asked her.

'I don't know what does she want. I guess I will find out when I'll meet her today.' Avni explained to Eva.

'I don't get the right feeling about her Avni. So, be careful.' Eva told her and Avni smiled at her and nodded.

'Yeah I will. But, don't tell anyone about it. I haven't told Aditya about it.'

'You didn't have to even ask that girl. You know I wouldn't.' Eva said and Avni squeezed her hand thanking her.

'Alright then. I will just go now. If Aditya wakes up please cover up for me. Tell him that I am out to get some things. I will tell him when I will return.' Avni said and Eva nodded.

Avni reached the coffee shop, sharp at 4pm. She waited for Sandhya to show up. She wondered what that woman had to say this time.

The thought itself made her nervous. The time was ticking by and with each passing second, her heartbeat was accelerating. It was half an hour past 4, but still there was no sign of her.

She decided to text her and ask about where she was. Instead, she called her and her call straight went to the voicemail.

She found it strange that the person who called her is herself not present.

She decided to wait for more 10 minutes and then she'll leave. She was getting irritated because she was now more concerned about returning back to home and talk to Aditya.

She wanted to make sure he was alright. It was strange that she was feeling so deep emotions for a man so soon. But it was out of her control now and she allowed herself to get lost in her emotions.

She checked her watch and found it was now 5 PM and still there was no sign of Sandhya.

She got up and texted her. I am leaving and don't try to contact me again.

When no reply came she exited the place and drove back to home.

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