《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 39


'Precious! Wake up... Sleepyhead! You need to wake up now.' A smooth, loving and deep sultry voice filled with warmth interrupted Avni's sleep.

Who's this person whose voice is so velvety smooth to hear. What does this good man want? Avni groaned in sleep in confusion in her sleep. Then, she smiled when her body felt warmth.

When she felt a gentle kiss, she felt more relaxed. But, then a sprinkle of something wet touched her face.. It felt cold.. Too cold.. She came to her senses when she finally realized that it was water and that made her frown. In an instant, she opened her eyes and sat straight, glaring at Aditya who was now laughing so loudly that the whole building must have heard him.

She huffed at him and said,'Why did you put water on my face? That is not a wise thing to do to wake up someone.'

She pouted at him which looked cute and Aditya couldn't resist so he leaned forward and kissed away her pout, sitting back again. Avni licked her lips which still felt swollen from his kisses last night.

Last night, it was a novelty for her. She felt amazing and now, when she was thinking about it again, the memories brought the chills down her spine.

She could remember his each and every touch. Aditya had been so gentle yet passionate at the same time. It was a moment of bliss for her. Her love towards him made it ten times better.

'The way you are flushing right now and keeping it to yourself, I would say that is not a wise thing.' Aditya brought her back from her thoughts and it was now that she blushed.

She realized the state in which she was sitting in front of Aditya wrapped in the bed sheet with her dishevelled hair.

Unable to speak anything, she stuttered, 'I... I think I'll go to the bathroom.'

Holding the sheets tightly, she rushed to the bathroom to collect herself.


Her heart was beating wildly against her chest.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and found that she was looking different from yesterday. It was a good change in herself she found.

She couldn't believe that she passed the first line of womanhood. She was a woman now! Aditya's woman and he was her man. The thought itself made her smile.

After half an hour, she emerged from the bathroom in the loose tshirt and a pajama and Aditya looked at her and said, 'Precious, the way you rushed to the bathroom I thought I wouldn't see you today.'

'Ha ha! Very funny Adi! But you know, belonging to the female community, we need to take care of us better than you guys.' She argued and Aditya chuckled.

'Still we guys could look great in just few minutes and you females try so hard and yet you all manage to look just okay.' He said this smirking at her.

She opened her mouth, surprised at his statement. She quickly collected herself and said, 'Still you married the just okay girl.'

She took her tongue out and showed it to him teasing him.

'If I were you, I wouldn't choose to tease someone like that. Especially, when it is a major turn on.' Aditya said this and Avni's breath hitched.

He chuckled and then said, 'You look adorable! You should see your face, you are...' He was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.

'Hello! What happened?.....Baani, why are you crying?.... Okay, we will be there in fifteen minutes.' Aditya answered the phone while Avni thought what was the matter.

Aditya ended the call, turned towards Avni and said, 'We need to get to the City Hospital. Grandma..' He couldn't frame the sentence but Avni understood and nodded.

They immediately rushed to the hospital. They rode to the hospital in silence both lost in their own thoughts.

Aditya was trying to remain calm but inside he was a bundle of nerves. He felt that last night was the last time he talked to his grandmother. He won't be able to talk to her now.


He felt in his gut that this was going to be the end. She was suffering from her illness for so long. The doctor though, told them she had less than one month, she had been able to make it more than two months now.

He loved her so dearly. She taught him so much throughout his life. He was thinking about all the moments he was fortunate to spend with her.

So many times, he had done mistakes and she always had forgiven him.

No, he didn't want his thoughts down that road. He didn't want to think of his dear Grandma as dead.

He was feeling restless when Avni's hand reached and closed over one of his.

The touch soothed him and he directed his gaze towards her with a look of thankfulness and then he kept his eyes on the road.

Soon, they reached to the hospital and met Baani and Adi's father, Ajay outside the room where his grandmother was admitted.

'How is she?' , Aditya asked his father as soon as he reached. Ajay was carrying a sad expression on his face. His forehead was wrinkled and his eyes were carrying bags under them due to lack of sleep.

He seemed tired and miserable. He shook his head and said, 'She is not well son. I don't think she could make it this time.'

'No dad! You are wrong. She was fine yesterday. She will be all right. You should not think like that.' Aditya said with hope in his voice.

Avni felt helpless and sad to see Aditya like this. She knew he was breaking with grief inside and she wanted that to end.

She quietly took his hand and made him sit on the waiting area outside. After 20 minutes, a doctor emerged from the room with a neutral face.

He said softly looking at Aditya's father, 'Mr. Mehra! I am sorry.' He shook his head and that mere gesture was enough for all of them to understand what he meant.

Ajay nodded his head lightly to tell the doctor that he get it and the doctor left them to mourn in their loss.

Avni felt the need to be strong for all of them. She knew how much they all loved the old woman. She herself grew close to her and she herself was feeling sad. But, she had to act as a pillar for all of them.

She immediately called her father and informed him about grandma. Both Asha and Vinay reached the hospital where they did all the arrangements and helped out Ajay and Aditya in carrying out further proceedings.

Everything was taken care of with the support of Avni's parents.

When they returned home, the absence of a soul could be felt by them. It was as if they have been robbed of something.

Bertha wanted to leave the next day, but Avni wanted her to stay for some day more for the sake of Aditya.

So, she nodded and said, 'I and Eva will stay but Sal has to go. He has a business to be taken care of.'

Avni gave her a small smile and thanked her for staying for some days more.

Sal was going to leave when Avni reached towards him and said, 'Thank you Sal for coming. That meant a lot for all of us. We will miss you.'

Sal smiled at her and said, 'Take care of him. He has lost so many people in his life. He needs you now.'

Avni nodded and said, 'I'll try to take away his pain and give him the love he deserves.'

Sal hugged her and said his goodbye but then he turned back and said, 'Avni, I will miss you too, both of you. Take care of yourself. Good bye.'

Avni smiled at him and returned back inside.

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