《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 38


They drove silently with Hunter Hayes' song 'wanted' playing in the car.

Aditya wanted to tell Avni and ask her about everything. He decided to finally speak.

He said, 'Avni I want to tell you something.' Avni nodded and said, 'Okay! What is it?'

'Today, I met Fareed in my office and...

I didn't punish him.'

He said slowly so the information could sink in Avni's mind.

Avni nodded and didn't show any reaction about what she was feeling or thinking. She prayed to God that nothing bad would come out of this.

So she asked, 'What did you do then?'

Aditya continued, 'I made him sign the paper stating his confession and also took his word that he won't bother me anymore.'

Aditya proudly said this and Avni released a sigh of relief.

'For a second there, I got worried but now, you have made all my worries fly out.' Avni said what she was thinking.

'I wanted him to pay more, but I thought that I want to do something different this time.' Aditya explained with a lopsided grin and Avni smiled keeping her gaze fixed on the road.

She was feeling so proud of him. She knew that he was trying so hard to change and to become a better person that made her even more happy.

She placed her hand over his and gave a little squeeze to which Aditya started moving his thumb over the back of her hand.

For an unknown reason, the gesture ignited a fire within her and she sped the car to reach as soon as possible.

'Where are we going?' Aditya asked again after few minutes and Avni answered reaching on the destination, 'We are here!'

She parked the car in the garage of the house. This was the same place Aditya brought her to, the other day.

'You told me that whenever you want to escape from everything you come here. So, I thought, this would be the perfect place to escape from the populated party of yours.' Avni said after she parked the car.

'Yeah! This is the best place. Thank you for bringing me here.' Aditya said to her.

Aditya looked so relieved to come to the place that Avni thought that there was more to it than Aditya was letting on.

She wondered if he would tell her. She could ask Baani but she wanted to hear it from Aditya about the main reason of his likeness to this place.

'There's no need for you to thank me Adi! Not yet.' She said looking in his eyes and the same look was reflected back in Aditya's eyes.


'Come let's get inside.' Avni said to Aditya and they got inside hand in hand.

As they reached the door, Avni stopped and said, 'Now Adi, close your eyes and no cheating alright?'

'As you command my lady!' , Aditya replied smiling and then closed his eyes.

Avni led him towards the bedroom and opened the door and said, 'Now you can open your eyes.'

Aditya opened his eyes and the view in front of him made him speechless. He never thought anybody would ever take so much trouble for him.

The room where they stood was illuminated with several candles and the ceiling was shimmering with several beautiful bundles of light.

There was no other light in the room except for the decorative ones.

The wall that was towards the headboard of the bed, was showing projected images of Aditya from his childhood to being an adult.

It showed all the images of him with his mother and family, his pet dog when he was a child of 9 years old, when he was in college to when he became the CEO. At the end, displayed on the wall were the words.. Happy Birthday to the one and only special man of my life, Aditya.

It was a simple line yet it touched him so deeply that forever left the imprint in his heart and mind. His heart and mind, for the first time, was simultaneously feeling the same thing.

It brought an overwhelming feeling within him and he felt elated beyond expression.

He looked towards Avni with so much love in his eyes that for the moment there was no need for anyone to speak. They were gazing into each other's soul through their eyes. No words were exchanged yet everything was being said and understood.

Avni smiling, held Aditya's hand and took him towards the balcony attached to the room.

Aditya was mesmerized in the moment, unable to utter a single word and followed behind Avni.

A lump was formed in his throat when he saw the extent that Avni went through to make him happy on his birthday.

The dinner table was set beautifully in the balcony area for them and a slow music was playing in the background.

It was something a guy would do for his girl but in this case, it was the opposite and the fact itself made him feel proud about her.

He was in awe with this woman standing beside him, looking so beautiful.

He wanted to say so many things to her but no words were worthy of what he was feeling. So, he did the only thing he thought would convey his feelings.. He turned and captured her in his arms pulling her towards him.


Avni stiffened with surprise at first but then she relaxed in his warmth instantly.

They stayed like that for a minute, then Aditya said moving his fingers along Avni's hair, 'I don't know what to say at this moment, precious! You just are amazing. Thank you so much for this.'

Avni took in his scent and said, 'It's nothing Adi! You deserve so much more than this. It was my effort to tell you just that.'

'I think that we should eat now or else my and Baani's effort will be wasted.'

Aditya released her and looked at her in wonder, 'What! You and Baani prepared all this? How... When?'

Avni chuckled softly and said, 'When you called Baani and then texted me, that was what we were doing.'


Avni yawned at the dinner table after half an hour. 'I think I ate too much.' Avni said making a sour face to which Aditya chuckled.

'Why did you eat too much then?' He asked Avni.

'Because I was hungry and I liked the dessert so I couldn't control.' Avni mumbled to which Aditya chuckled again and she just glared at him.

'I am sorry, but I am not making fun of you. It's just that I find you adorable when you eat.' He explained and Avni for a second, just looked deep in his eyes which reflected honesty in them and she was beginning to get lost in his dark eyes.

But then, she rememebered something so, she was the one to break the eye contact first. She got up and said, 'Adi I... I want to talk to you about something.' She said nervously and Aditya frowned in account of her discomfort.

'What is it?', he asked confused at the sudden change in the mood of her.

'Can we go inside first?', Avni asked and he simply nodded, confused at her behavior.

'Avni, what is it? Tell me.' Aditya said gently.

Avni gave a small smile that did not reach up to her eyes and said,' It's nothing. I.. I wanted to tell you something.'

Aditya waited patiently for her to continue.

After few seconds, Avni released a breath and said, 'You know, you said that you won't do anything till I am ready... Well, I think I am.'

After this statement, Avni looked down, at the floor feeling too shy about what she just expressed.

It took Aditya a moment to understand what Avni said. But, when he finally realized what she meant, his eyes widened and his lips parted.

He couldn't believe what he heard was right.

He had imagined, a day would come when Avni would grant him his wishes, but he never thought it would be so soon.

He was ready to wait patiently for her as long as she wanted him to.

He never thought today would be the day when she would be ready to be his with body, mind and soul.

He was already feeling ecstatic and he couldn't imagine what was ahead of him to be experienced yet.

Avni said before that she would be ready when she would be in love, so does that mean that she was in love with him!!

Then, suddenly his mind started to wander in dark places and he began to wonder if that would be alright and whether he was worthy of her.

As the thought crossed his mind, his train of thought was interrupted by Avni. 'Aren't you going to say anything?', she asked when she noticed Aditya just sitting, deep in thought.

At that moment, she thought that she made a mistake and Aditya was so tired of waiting for her that he didn't want her anymore.

But the next words uttered by him proved her thoughts wrong.

He placed his finger below her chin and raised her face to look him in the eyes.

'There are so many things I want to say precious, yet I will not speak, for my actions will be enough to tell you what I am feeling right now.' Aditya said smiling.

It was the same famous smile of his that made Avni's heart flutter whenever she saw it.

Avni said with glazing eyes, 'Show me then.'

And true to his words, Aditya showed her what exactly he was feeling by his tender touches and loving kisses that offered the promise of togetherness.

He leaned down and captured her lips and kissed her like she was never being kissed before.

Avni too made him the happiest man by giving him the best gift he could ever receive on his birthday.

The last word she muttered before losing herself in sleep inside the warmth of her husband's embrace was, Happy Birthday Adi. In return, Aditya kissed her forehead and pressed her body towards him more tightly. He, too, then drifted off to sleep with his precious by his side.

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