《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 36


'Relax Avni! He don't know what we are doing.' Baani assured Avni.

'But you almost told him..' Avni couldn't finish the sentence when Baani spoke, 'yeah I didn't tell him anything did I? Now, we need to finish this and get back to our preparations as planned.'

Avni nodded and said, 'Have you checked everything? I mean, the party arrangements? '

'Yup! Now stop fidgeting. You are getting nervous as if you are going on an interview.' Baani scolded Avni and she replied, 'Its just that, I want everything to go perfectly.'

'Don't worry and think about all the good things. Your parents are coming right?' Baani asked and Avni nodded with her face lightening at the thought.

It was too long since she had last seen them. Her mood has transformed from being nervous to being elated in mere seconds thinking about her parents.

She was so angry at first when she had to marry Aditya. But now, she wanted to tell her parents how much happy she was and wanted to thank them.

She was interrupted from her ponder by the sound of her cellphone.

She picked up the phone and saw Aditya's text. Hey precious! What are you doing? Don't plan too much, you know I don't like much noise.

Avni rolled her eyes, though he couldn't see them and texted back. You will eventually know so there's no point in telling you now. And don't worry I will not do anything to make you uncomfortable.

She placed her phone on the table and waited for his reply.

Few moments later, his reply came Good luck then precious! I hope that you make me happier than I already am. ;)

Avni rolled her eyes but then smiled at his text and proceeded with her work.


One hour later, Avni's family showed up and she welcomed them with open arms delighted. She was reminded yet again of the warm and cozy feeling she used to get with her family.

She missed them so dearly and now that they were here, she wanted to spend as much time with them as she could. At the same time, she had to get ready for the party as the guests would arrive soon.

Aditya didn't know who these people were whom he had to pick up from the airport. But when he saw who it was, his face transformed into a big grin. He knew it was Baani who called them and he wanted to thank her for that.

'Happy birthday son!' Bertha said smiling, placing one of her hand on Aditya's cheek. Aditya returned the smile and thanked her. Both Salil and Eva also wished Aditya and all four of them got out together.

'I am sorry Adi, only three of us could come for your birthday. You know how is the work at this season. Avni told us how...' her eyes widened when she realized that she was not supposed to tell Aditya. Avni told her not to tell Aditya that she invited them so she quickly closed her mouth.

But Aditya had already heard and he was no fool to realize who invited them.

He said,'What!? Avni invited you? Great! ' I must thank her when I get home, he thought.

'Thank you for coming. I never expected you to come here.' Aditya told them.

Bertha smiled at him, Eva looked at him with mouth wide opened and Sal began to laugh.

Aditya frowned at him and said, 'Why are you laughing?'

Sal replied, 'I can't believe that you are thanking us for coming. It seemed like a dream that you would ever thank anyone. But here you are my boy! Thank you sounds funny coming from your mouth.'


Eva chuckled while Aditya just glared at them. Bertha interrupted and said, 'Now kids enough! I think we should leave now.'

'Yeah, come.' Aditya said and they rode to his home.

Throughout the ride, Aditya couldn't help but think about Avni.

The girl who was a mere stranger to him a few months back, knew him so well. She has done so much for him and his family. She has given him the happiness of his lifetime. He could never forget the things she did for him and the sacrifices she had to make.

He wanted to make it up for her. He wanted to make her happy and he knew it wasn't easy because he wasn't perfect but atleast he would try his best.

He knew he didn't deserve her. She was perfect but now he wanted to be the man she deserves. He was now having the strong urge to see her. He wanted to get home as soon as possible. Why there has to be so much traffic when he wanted to reach home fast! He cursed under his breath while driving.

He knew that when he'll get back, he'll have to meet all those people. It was the same every year. He hated to be surrounded by so many people but it was necessary for his business.

Being the CEO, he had a lot of responsibilities to fulfill, whether he liked it or not.

Few minutes later, they reached home. It was obvious from outside that the place would be crowded. The parking lot was filled with expensive cars.

As soon as they entered, Aditya was showered with the wishes. His father came forward and hugged him wishing, followed by other guests. He thanked them but was not even listening as his whole mind was focused on finding only one person Avni. His eyes were searching for her but couldn't find her.

He went to his bedroom hoping he would find her there. But when he reached there she was nowhere to be seen. He called her cellphone but he found it ringing on the dressing table. He was now getting impatient.

He again went downstairs to find her but instead he spotted Baani and asked her where Avni was. She shrugged and told him that she don't know. He knew instantly, at that moment that Baani was lying. She was very well aware of Avni's whereabouts.

Aditya was getting irritated now. He growled at her, 'Tell me now where is she?' When Baani gave him an annoying look he added, 'please.'

Baani smiled and said, 'She is right behind you.'

Aditya turned and saw Avni in her full glory walking towards him, looking so beautiful that took his breath away. She was wearing a lemon yellow coloured saree that hung to her body in a way that it was meant for her. It made her skin glow like an angel.

He stood there dumbfounded just staring at her. He wanted to speak and tell her how beautiful she was looking but couldn't form the right words to say.

Avni smiled at him and took his arm that sent a tingling sensation and brought him back from his trance.

She leaned closer to him and said, 'Adi we need to see grandma. She told me to bring you to her as soon as you show up.'

Aditya nodded and they both went to meet his grandmother.

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