《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 35


Aditya descended down the stairs with a smile on his face. He met Baani at the bottom stairs where she wished him happy birthday.

'Thank you!' Aditya replied smiling when Baani noticed his tie and said, 'Nice tie bro!'

'Avni gifted this tie to me.' Aditya said grinning and Baani chuckled at his excitement.

'Yeah, it looks good on you. I wanted to tell you to come home early today from work because you need to get to the airport to pick our guests for your party.'

'Why do you need me for that? Can't you do that work by yourself?' Aditya asked irritated.

'No, I can't because they are coming for you and they are important people. Basically, they are family so I am not hearing anything and its a strict order from grandma.' Baani said and went inside her room.

Aditya sighed and went outside. As soon as he reached his car, he was reminded of the person, who was waiting for him in the office and his smile disappeared from his face.

He had been planning for days now of what he was going to do to him. He reached in his office and went straight to the room where he had kept him.

He opened the door and Fareed's tired eyes met his. Fareed was still tied to the chair and was sitting helplessly looking too fragile. He seemed like all his energy had been drained from his body. He was looking tired and weak.

He appeared pale and lost. It wasn't like he was not given food. He was fed and given water to drink everyday tp make him live. But it was only enough for him to live.

Aditya leaned closer to him and said, 'Fareed my friend! I have a good news for you. You don't have to stay here anymore.' Fareed looked at him surprised to which Aditya gave him a lopsided grin that made him look cunning.


He continued, 'Yes you heard me correct. You don't have to stay here any longer, but before you leave I want you to sign these papers.'

Aditya handed him the papers and made him read it. While he read it, Aditya explained, 'It states that you accept that you handed the documents to another company illegally without my knowledge and took advantage of your position here. Thereby you'd accept any charges pressed against you.'

Fareed looked at him with anger and said, 'I will not sign this! I will be destroyed if I do so.' Then his features softened and he said with pleading eyes, 'I cannot..please, Aditya don't.'

Aditya ground his teeth and looked menacingly towards Fareed. He was fighting for control for Avni's sake. 'You lost the privilege to plead the day you betrayed me. Now, you sign this or you stay here for eternity. You should thank me for giving you a chance to survive and lead a normal life.' Aditya told him straight, meeting his eyes.

'But you know I would not be able to lead a normal life after I sign it. We both know what you'll do once I sign it. I will not get any job and I will be sent to jail for what I've done.' Fareed said.

Aditya smiled at him and said, ' If you sign it and promise to stay away from me then I will keep this information to myself and let you live normally. Is this enough for you?'

'Why should I believe you?' Fareed asked.

'Because you don't have any other choice and besides I am giving you my word so you should trust me.' Aditya stated and pushed the papers towards Fareed.

Fareed stared at the papers for a moment or two, then he reluctantly picked up the pen and signed his name.


Aditya commanded one of his men, 'Let him go.' Then, he returned to his office and thought the first thing he'll do on returning home is tell Avni what he did today.

She would be so proud of him that he tackled the situation without harming Fareed. He wanted to become a better person for her. He wanted to show her that he could turn himself into a good man.

The thoughts of avenging

Sneha's death was still there somewhere in his mind but he didn't want to pay attention to them. Avni wouldn't want him to get in trouble and he was too selfish to try to act otherwise. He wanted her happiness at all cost.

He felt the strong urge to see her smile at him. He wanted to be the only man she'd smile at or laugh with, to be able to see her sad, to be there with her in her sorrow and happiness.

He wanted to be the only man around whom her world revolves.

The thought was selfish but he was a selfish man and he wanted all this with her because she had become the world to him.

Soon, his day was over in his office and he wondered what Avni was doing at home. He knew she took the day off for his birthday, she told him last night. Yet, he came to his office to work when he could have stayed at home and enjoyed her company.

He felt like an idiot for missing his time with Avni. But then, his phone rang and Baani's name flashed on the screen. He thought he would receive a text or a call from Avni but when he saw that it was Baani who was calling him, he felt disappointed.

He picked up the phone and Baani spoke on the other end, 'Adi, I called you to remind you that you need to leave for the airport in half an hour so please don't get stuck in your office.'

Aditya would have bored holes with his eyes at her if Baani was to see him now. He replied irritatedly, 'Aren't you acting like an irritating little sister today? Its my birthday today and you are troubling me. You need not remind me anything I am capable of remembering by myself. So, don't act like a pain in the ass.'

Baani chuckled and said, 'That's what we sisters are meant for. To make our brothers' life miserable. But you still love me.'

Aditya was never the one confess his feelings openly so he changed the subject and asked, 'By the way, what are you doing?' He wanted to know what Avni was doing but he didn't want Baani to know so he rather asked about her.

Baani was silent for a moment and then she said, 'Well, I am with Avni and I am helping in her work.'

'What work? Is it about my birthday? ' Aditya asked excitedly grinning from ear to ear.

'Umm.. Adi, I'll talk to you later, gotta go bye.' Before Aditya could ask her anything, she disconnected the call.

What are they upto! Aditya wondered.

He wanted to hear Avni's voice. It was just few hours before he met her and he began to miss her. He was again reminded of how she looked in the morning in those gym clothes. It was a major turn on for him.

He decided he would text her in the airport. So he quickly exited his office and drove to the airport.

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