《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 33


Aditya drove to a building silently which Avni hadn't seen before. Avni was too tired to acknowledge her surroundings. She was seated in her place with her eyes closed when they arrived.

Aditya squeezed her hand and Avni opened her eyes which were now red due to crying. Aditya felt weak and helpless to see her like that.

He took her hand and lead her outside the car into the building. They got into the elevator and then into what appeared to be an apartment.

He made her sit on the couch and said, 'I'll be right back. You sit here okay?' Avni nodded and Aditya went inside, what appeared to be like a kitchen.

It was now, that she was alone sitting, she realized that she was in some sort of apartment. She looked around and the interior was fabulous. The floor was covered with plush carpet. In front of the couch was a wide screen television.

At the ceiling was a beautiful chandelier and at the back of the couch was a walll covered with a large painting.

It was simple yet elegant. It was beautiful and cozy at the same time. She was now curious to find out what this place was.

Aditya returned back from the kitchen with a glass of water and handed it to Avni. She took it from him thanking him and drank the water. Aditya sat close to her and asked, 'Are you ready to tell me now what happened?'

Avni nodded and said, 'Yeah! I am fine now. Sorry you had to see me like that.'

Aditya placed his hand over hers and Avni felt the warmth filling her body. He, unaware of his effect on her said, 'You mean you looking so beautiful? I don't mind a bit.' He winked at her and Avni smiled shyly at him.


Then she said, 'You know, I was waiting for you to arrive in my office... Rohit, my boyfriend... I mean my ex boyfriend, he was there.' Aditya stiffened at his name but his face remained calm all the while encouraging her to go on.

She then continued, 'He came to my office and said he knew why we got married and he wanted me to go back, with him.' Aditya became nervous, worried and enraged. He never felt so many emotions coursing through his body all at the same time.

He was nervous because he wanted to know what Avni's response was. He never wanted her to go back. He was worried for her and about the fact that whether she was okay or not. And he was angry with that ex boyfriend of her. If he even tried touching her without her will he would kill him.

All these emotions were creating a havoc inside him but he was maintaining a straight face for her sake. He couldn't let Avni know what was going inside him. He wanted her to be calm and have peace. But at the same time, he was getting impatient about her reply.

So he asked, 'What happened then? What did you say?'

Avni said, 'What do you think I said? I told him that I am a married woman and I will not go with him.'

'So, then why were you crying? Did he do anything? Did he touch you? ' Aditya asked losing control over his temper.

Avni noticed how defensive Aditya became for her. It was one of the fact about Aditya that made her feel safe. But she was also scared about his temper. She knew he could be quite intimidating when he wanted to be.

'No he didn't do anything to me, Adi.' She assured him and said, 'I was hurt about the things he said to me. He accused me of certain things which hurt my self respect that's why I broke down.' Avni explained him. She didn't want to tell Aditya what those things were. She knew why it broke her. She had never expected Rohit to question her in such a way.


He hurt her because he thought she refused to go with him because she slept with Aditya. She broke down because she had been wrong all this time to think of Rohit as someone else. She couldn't believe that he thought so low of her.

She was grateful for Aditya for not asking anything further. She wanted to tell him that she stood her ground and fought for herself but then she would have to tell him what all things she said. And for that she wasn't ready.

At the same time, Aditya wanted to know what did Rohit say to Avni. But, he didn't want to push her about anything. He was an impatient man but it seemed like after Avni his patience was growing day by day.

Aditya, after listening to her nodded and said, 'Alright! I wouldn't ask you anything that you are not comfortable in telling but I need you to tell me next time if he appears near you. I don't want him to create any problem. Okay?' Avni nodded and then she asked him the question she was keeping to herself since she arrived here.

'Adi, what is this place?'

'This is my place, I mean when I want to escape from world I often come here. I owned it a year back and no one ever is allowed to come here without my permission except for family ofcourse. But I think we both can come here now if we want to escape.' He then gave her a lopsided grin and Avni returned the gesture.

'This place really looks beautiful.' Avni commented and Aditya lead her to take a tour of the place.

When they returned back to home, Avni was happy about how understanding Aditya acted after she told him about her encounter with Rohit. When she thought about how he soothed her, she got goosebumps at the sensation she felt from his touch.

She was now getting excited and nervous for his birthday. She started planning as soon as she got home. She was hoping that everything would go well as planned. She wanted Aditya's birthday to be a memorable one and she knew what she had to do to make it one.

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