《The Unwanted Proposal》Part 31


'Oh god! You never get anything you want in these sites anymore. ' Avni said frustrated to herself. It was about an hour that she was searching for Aditya's birthday present but still she couldn't find anything worth it.

She sighed in defeat and got up frustrated. It was almost time for her to leave for her office. Thank god! It was Saturday and she'll have to work only halftime. She'll have plenty of time to figure out a perfect gift for Aditya's birthday for the next day.

'Avni, aren't you getting late? What are you doing for so long in the computer?' Aditya asked coming towards her and leaning to see. But, Avni quickly closed the tab of her browser and turned towards him with a smile.

She said, 'Nothing! I was just searching for some inspiration for my work at office.' She lied smoothly but Aditya didn't seem convinced. Still, he nodded and said, 'Really?!' Avni didn't even falter from her expression and said, 'Yes, now would you leave me today in the office? I am getting late.' She changed the topic quickly and got up.

Aditya nodded and they exited the house together. The whole ride went quietly both lost in their own thoughts.

Avni was still thinking about last night and the things Aditya told her about. It was too much to take in. She couldn't even imagine what it must have felt like to see someone you love die in front of your eyes. She felt pain for Aditya and she wanted to help him heal.

She smiled to herself when she realized how is that possible. She would give him all the love and care he deserved, she thought.

She looked at his face which was focused in front. She was taking in his features once again, though she knew each and every line of his face by now and had watched him several times.


Still, watching him everytime brought a feeling of peace and comfort in her heart. It soothed her every time to look at his face. Then, she realized something.. It wasn't like this in the beginning when she first met him. She was so insecure with him. When did that happen? She thought. It was this time now she realized that she is in love with this man.

She had fallen hard for him and now, there was no going back. This strong stubborn and intimidating man has made a special place in her heart. She was relishing in this feeling towards him and was lost in her thoughts when Aditya's voice interrupted her.

'Precious! Stop looking at me like that or else you'll have to suffer the consequences and I would not be responsible for that.' Aditya smirked at her.

Avni's face reddened with embarrassment for being caught staring. But she thought of an immediate excuse and said, 'I wasn't staring at you, I was looking outside the window and thinking. '

Aditya didn't drop his smirk and said, 'Uh huh? Alright, this time I am letting you go.' Then he winked at her. Avni opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again.

After ten minutes, they reached Avni's office. Avni reached towards the door to open but Aditya opened it for her. Avni thanked him for it and smiled. Aditya came closer and suddenly Avni became nervous.

Aditya leaned closer and placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. He further closed the distance between them and came to the eye level with her.

Avni looked into his eyes which were now intense and she felt herself leaning towards him. Aditya's breath fanned over her face and she closed her eyes waiting to feel his lips.

But then, Aditya whispered in her ears, 'I'll come pick you up today, precious.' He then kissed her cheek swiftly and drove back. Avni stood there for a second or two, wondering about what in the name of God just happened?


She entered in her office and saw Anne giving her a knowing smile. Anne was one of those persons in Avni's life whom she could trust with anything. She had always been with Avni since her first day of her job. She knew everything about Avni's past. So, she was the best friend Avni could ever ask for.

Anne was one of those women who couldn't take any nonsense from anybody. She had a tough exterior and nobody could mess with her be alive but she was kind at heart too.

'What? Why are you smiling like that?' Avni asked Anne as she passed by her desk. She then entered inside her cabin, where Anne followed her and sat across her. Anne spoke, 'The man who dropped you today is your husband I suppose?' Anne asked Avni. Though Anne had heard from Avni about him many times but she haven't met him personally.

Avni nodded and said, 'Yeah! He is the one. Who else would it be?' Anne grinned at her said,'You should have seen your face Avni. That man made you look all flustered. I bet he is as good in bed as he looks.'

Avni couldn't control her blushing. Leave it to Anne to say something like that. She diverted her gaze from Anne and mumbled, 'I... um..' Anne's eyes widened and she opened her mouth with the surprised expression and said, 'Don't tell me Avni you haven't done the deed yet!'

Avni bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from laughing at Anne's shocked expression and said slowly, ' Yeah, I haven't done it yet.'

'Wow! I don't believe it. You have such a hot guy living under the same roof, how could you resist him? I mean are you sure you are straight?' Anne said and Avni simply rolled her eyes at her. Anne sometimes is such a drama queen! Avni thought.

'Oh c'mon Anne, its not that big of a deal. You know me, I am just waiting for the right time.' Avni explained.

Anne gave her a I know you very well kind of a look and said, 'Believe me darling, there is no perfect time as today. But its none of my business to interfere in your love life. Its totally upto you when you decide to do it. I am always on your side you know that right.' Anne said smiling at Avni who in turn nodded. It was one of the best qualities about Anne that Avni loved. She was always so supportive when it came to Avni.

'Anne, before we get started with our work, I need your help on something. ' Avni said and Anne's face lightened with excitement.

'Ofcourse Avni!! You could ask me anything since its your first time and I will be glad to help you.' Anne said winking at her. Anne was too excited all the time. Though she was married and a mother of two children, this fact never seem to decrease her spirits. The age difference between Avni and Anne was just about five to six years but it did not affect their friendship one bit.

'Its not about what you're thinking Anne. Its just that tomorrow is Aditya's birthday and I couldn't figure out what to give a man who has everything.'

Anne placed her hand over her chin and said thoughtfully, 'Let me think.' She then grinned widely after a moment and said, 'I got a very good idea! I think I've figured it out what you can gift your man.'

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