《Alpha Lucious》Chapter 22 EAT!!


Lucious' soft footsteps echoed in the hallway as he walked towards the room. He held a tray which contained a plate of steaming hot food and water he had decided to bring for the rogue girl.

Since Dayna had left , Lucious thought the girl must really be hungry as she hasn't eaten anything for days now.

Lucious' footsteps stopped just by her door as he gently opened it. He could see the rogue sitting on the bed with her back faced to him.

Lucious slowly closed the door as he entered. He took long strides across the room and stopped just in front of the rogue.

The girl's shoulders were slumped as she looked down.

" Food" He said simply as he dropped it on the table and waited for her to eat. The girl didn't move one bit as she sat there, her eyes still looking at the ground.

This irked the Alpha as he frowned his face. He picked up the tray and moved the small table closer to her.

" Eat! " He demanded loudly putting the tray back on the table but the girl still ignored him. She took one glance at the food on the table as she slowly picked it up.

Lucious stood there waiting for her to eat but she never did. His eyebrows scrunched together as he wondered what was going on in the rogue's mind.

Lucious didn't have to wait for long as the next thing she did was something he did never expected. The girl grabbed the tray of food and flung it across the room furiously.

A loud crashing sound rang across the quiet room as the plate landed at the far end of the room, shattering into hundreds of pieces with the contents spilled all over the place.


Lucious clenched his jaw as he saw this.

'How dare this mere rogue act like that in front of him?! Does she even have any idea who he is?!'

Lucious' grabbed her by the arm furiously as he yanked her off the bed and pulled her towards himself.

" How dare you act like that in front of me?!! " He barked angrily as he looked down at the young girl who was glaring back at him.

Lucious' grib tightened around the rogue as his eyes became darker.

" Answer me!!" He yelled before he could stop himself. He watched a small smirk slowly appear on the rogue's face as he realized what he had just said.

Of course, how can she answer when he had taken that right away from her?

Lucious' anger soften a bit as he looked at the girl in front of him. He was about to release his grip when the girl furiously yanked her arms making his anger resurface all over again.

Rage filled him up as his eyes turned completely black. He tightened his grip on her arms making the girl squirmed as pain was written all over her. It took all he had not to snap her arms in two as he shoved her to the side.


Haven gritted her teeth as she stared at the man whose eyes had turned pitch black. She struggled looking for a way to escape his iron grip but the more she moved, the more he tightened his grip.

Her whole face contorted with pain as she tears began to form in her eyes. She refused to be weak as she glared back at him furiously, trying hard to blink back the tears that were threatening to fall.

The pain she felt at that moment was so severe that she felt like screaming out.


Haven was sure her hand would snap in two if the Alpha continued and had already given up hope when she felt herself being shoved towards the side.

She stumbled a bit as she landed roughly on the floor , pain shooting across her whole body. Haven clutched her arm as she looked up at the man who was towering above her.

Hatred burned in her eyes as she looked into his souless black eyes. She wanted nothing more than to kill the man before her.

She sat there , glaring back at the man who stood there for sometime before he turned and stomped out of the room. He stepped out of the room and closed the door. Haven could hear a locking sound indicating he had locked her in here, once more.

' Fuck!!!' She silently cursed closing her eyes as she felt the pain shoot up her body again. Haven curled up on the floor, clutching her injured arm as tears slowly dropped down her eyes one by one.


Lucious was a complete mess after stepping out of the room. He threw and crashed every single thing he saw on his way , leaving a trail of destruction behind him. His once beautiful apartment now looked a complete mess, just like him.

His wolf was already livid as h e growled angrily, breaking everything and anything his eyes landed on.

His foul mood was felt by members of the pack which left them wondering what had happened to the Alpha all of a sudden. Everyone deliberately stayed away from the pack house as no one wanted to be caught up in the Alpha's anger.

" Raph, what's going on?" Alena frowned as she tugged his sleeves.

" I really feel something is going on up there" She pointed referring to the Alpha's floor.

" I know." Raphael replied with furrowed brows. Even he could sense that something was really wrong with the Alpha. Being Lucious' beta, his bond with the Alpha was much stronger than the remaining pack member.

This simply meant whatever the others felt towards the Alpha, he could feel double of it or even triple.

If something was wrong with the Alpha , Raphael would be the first to sense or feel it before anyone else.

" Maybe you should check up on him" Alena's worried voice reached his ears. Raphael nodded his head as he made to get up.

He could see Alena's eager face as she got to her feet to.

" Where do you think you're going?" He frowned looking at his mate.

" I'm coming with you of course" She rolled her eyes " I want to make sure Luna's okay" She stated.

" Do not call her that !" He yelled angrily as he gritted his teeth.

Alena stood there , mouth slighty opened in shock at her mate's sudden outburst.

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