《Alpha Lucious》Chapter 13 HIS WRATH


Ashley grins happily as she looked down at the poor rogue who was wriggling furiously under her.

'Poor girl, she has to die by my hands tonight'

Ashley had been quite surprise when she saw the rogue girl hadn't made a single sound while she tried to pry her hands off her neck.

Ashley shrugged, she didn't care one bit about that.

In fact, it was such a big a big advantage as she wouldn't have to worry about drawing any attention to herself.

Ashley smiled wickedly.

It seemed the moon goddess was really on her side this blessed night.

She smirks, tightening her grip as she slowly suffocates the rogue girl beneath her.

Ashley squeezed the rogue's neck with all her strength, immense pleasure feeling her up as she saw the look of pain on the rogue girl's face.

' She deserved this.' Ashley thought. She certainly deserves this.

She deserved all of it, all of it for having to show up and try to ruin every single thing for her.

He was hers.

Lucious belonged to her and her alone. No one would take him from her.

She'll certainly get rid of any obstacle obstructing their love story.

Ashley already had her plan perfectly laid out.

She'll get rid of the rogue girl first.

If the filthy thing's death really affects him, she will have to be there to comfort the Alpha as he goes through his second loss.

She'll make Lucious see that she's the only one who truly cares for him.

She'll stay with him and shower him with all her undying love. Lucious will definitely have to fall in love with her after all that.

They'll be inseparable. Forever.

A dreamy smile appeared on her face as she thinks of all this.

The rogue girl still struggles making Ashley to look down, frowning.


She was still alive!

"Why won't you just die yet you filthy bitch?" She cursed, gritting her teeth as she strangled her the more.

Haven's mouth desperately gasped for breath as she felt the pain racking through her whole body.

She struggled violently under Ashley's grip as she fought for air, trying in vain to pry away the cold hands which hand clambered down on her neck.

No, she can't die yet.

She can't die, just like this.

She keeps reminding herself she had a lot more to do, she can't die just yet.

Haven desperately tries to hang on the last piece of thread as she feels the life slowly leave her body.

She blinks mindlessly,



And opens her eyes for the last time.

Strangely, only one person was on her mind as she felt she was breathing her last.

She saw his handsome face as he stared down at her, his lifeless red eyes seeing directly through her cold soul.

Haven lets out a small smile as she feels her eyes slowly start to flutter close.

An evil smile plastered itself on Ashley's pretty face as she sees the rogue girl slowly closing her eyes as she stopped resisting further.


Ashley didn't even get a moment to rejoice as the next second, the front door was kicked with so much force that instead of breaking, it immediately shattered into hundred of pieces, the broken shards scattering all over the place.

Ashley's neck whipped around in horror as she saw the figure of a man as he furiously stepped into the house.

His glowing red eyes were the only thing visible in the dark room, making him seem even more dangerous.

Before Ashley could even blink her eyes and register what was happening, the figure just disappeared and suddenly materialized, right in front of her very eyes.


She didn't even get the moment to scream as the next second, strong hands grabbed her by the neck as she felt her self being hoisted up high in the air, her feet dangling above the ground.

Ashley's eyes were wide with horror as she soon realizes who the person was.

"A... Al ..Al ..Alpha..?" She called out in horror as his red eyes glared dangerously at her.

Ashley gulped down her next words as her whole body starts shaking uncontrollably in fear.


Lucious dashed through the cold night as he ran swiftly towards the healer's house.

He didn't know why, but he couldn't shake off the feeling something bad was really about to happen.

Impatiently, he lurched forward and shifted into his magnificent black wolf as he ran swiftly to the pack healer's house.

Within a few minutes, Lucious' wolf soon arrived in front of Dayna's house.

He shifted into his human form as he tore across the small garden , heading straight for the locked door.

He didn't have the patience to even stop and open the door as he raised his leg, kicking the door open lazily.

He watched as the weak door shattered into a thousand tiny pieces, scattering before him.

The first thing his eyes saw made his blood boil with so much anger.

Ashley, the beta's younger sister was standing there, her two hands pressing down on the rogue girl who was gasping slowly as her hands slowly fell.

Even from this distance, he could tell the rogue girl was barely alive.

Ashley's neck suddenly whipped towards him, a look of horror on his face.

Lucious could hear his wolf let out a loud growl.

The next second, his feet suddenly moved. His feet moved like they've never ever moved before and in the blink of an eye, he was standing right in front of Ashely.

His hands grabbed the beta's sister by her neck, as he raised her high above the ground.

Shock was registered all over her disgusting face as she stammered some incoherent words, words he didn't even bother to listen to. He stared at the girl in his hands in pure disgust as he snarled viciously.

His red eyes turned ten shades darker as he tightened his hands around Ashley's neck , strangling her above the ground.

Lucious could feel the anger bubbling from within him as he stared at the woman gasping horribly before his eyes.

"How dare you?!" The words left his mouth in a glutteral voice.

"How dare you try to TOUCH HER?!!" The Alpha demanded furiously, seething with rage.

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