《Alpha Lucious》Chapter 8 YOU'RE AWAKE


" She's still alive" The healer finally said as Lucious let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding. He felt like he had been standing there for ages, waiting for the healer to tell him the rogue girl was okay.

" Will she be fine?" He suddenly voiced out before he could stop himself.

Lucious wanted to face palm himself immediately the words left his mouth.

'What the fuck is wrong with me?' He said to himself as he looked at the two people who stared back at him with eyes full of surprise.

Raphael and Dayna's heads swiftly turned to look at him, eyes wide with surprise

Dayna blinked her eyes a couple of time trying to make sure she hadn't misheard him.

Since when did the Alpha start expressing his feelings openly?

She looked at Raphael who stood there, surprise equally etched on his face . His lips were slightly open as he looked at the Alpha.

'What the fuck was happening right now?'

Lucious had always been the "no nonsense type of Alpha" . He was so strict that only his name sent shivers down people's spine.

Lucious was very much feared, both within and outside his pack. Being the most powerful Alpha and also the leading Supreme Alpha, he was very ruthless and vicious when it came to handling others.

He cared about his pack and closed ones only, but he never showed it in public. He never forgives any mistake and made sure to vent out his punishments ruthlessly. Even the slightest mistake could cause you severely.

Lucious though, was a fair leader.

And because of this, he was highly respected both within and out of the pack. He set rules everyone had to follow the rules willingly or risk incurring the Supreme Alpha's wrath.

His ex wife Natasha, was the only exception when it came to Lucious.

He dotes on her so much that one would think she had casted a spell on him. Natasha was the only one who had Lucious wrapped around her fingers.


He does what she wants and avoids what she doesn't. It has always been like that since the beginning of their relationship.

Lucious had showered her with overflowing love, but in the end she had to mess everything up by doing what she did.

Dayna quickly averted her eyes. She was too scared to even look at the Alpha. She found his sudden behavior very strange.

Her hands reach out to touch the rogue girl again. Using her hands, she opens the rogue girl's eyes as she looked in. She observed her for a while before leaving the eye lids to close again.

She stands up and bows a little as she talked to Lucious.

" Alpha, the girl is still alive but..." She paused.

" But what?!" The Alpha asked impatiently. The healer was starting to get on his nerves now.

Dayna flinched as she heard the Alpha's tone.

"I..i don't know when she'll regain consciousness again." She stuttered completely her sentence.

Lucious had regained his senses just in time to leave her neck, allowing a sudden rush of air to fill the rogue girl up. He had let go before it was too late and he was glad he did.

He couldn't imagine what would have happened If he didn't... He didn't even want to think of that.

Lucious watched as the healer walked to a far end of the room and brought an ointment that looked sticky to the eye.

She gently applied the ointment on the print marks around the rogue's neck . She then helps her up to drink a concoction.

The girl's eyes were still closed as she laid there, the dark liquid being forced slowly down her throat.

All done the healer excused herself as she goes out, leaving the Alpha together with his Beta.

" What happened Lucious?" Raphael questioned him again this time dropping all the formalities.

The relationship between Lucious and Raphael were more like that of two brothers.


They grew up together and did almost everything together. He was the Alpha's most trusted person. Raphael had been with Lucious for as long as he could remember. They had been through thick and thin.

So at serious times like this, Raphael dropped the Alpha title as he talked directly to Lucious addressing him by his name.

Lucious ran his hand through his pitch black hair in frustration. He too couldn't understand what the hell was going on.

Why is he this restless?

He left at loss for words.

" I ...i..don't know" He finally said as he ran his hands through his hair again. Lucious paced up and down the room, his eyes occasionally darting over to look at the rogue girl.

Raphael stood there waiting for the Alpha to finish gathering his thoughts. It took a while before Lucious finally stopped pacing up and down as he came over to stand beside him.

" I...I nearly ...killed her Raph.." He said, his voice cracking at the end of his sentence.

" I had strangled her with my own two hands . How the hell could I do that to someone who had saved me?"

" She was there at the time you were attacked. She is not as innocent as she seems" Raphael argued. He strongly hated rogues and so naturally, he disliked this rogue girl too.

He just couldn't understand why the Alpha hadn't kill her already.

If it was left to him, she would have been long dead by now.

" You should just kill her already, she's of no use to us anyway"

Lucious let out a low growl as he heard this, his eyes turning darker. How dare Raphael talk like that.

Raphael was shocked as he saw the Alpha's expression " Are you sure you're okay?" He asked narrowing his eyes in worry.

Lucious eyes went back to their normal color a moment later.

" What is happening to me Raph? I think I'm really going crazy!" He half yelled as he grabbed his hair in frustration.

" What do i do?" He finally asked looking at Raphael.

Raphael was at a loss for words. He had never seen Lucious acting like this. He stood there watching how his Alpha looked dejected.

He didn't know what to do or say as he was too confused to understand what was happening right now.


Haven's eyes gently fluttered open. Bright sunlight blinded her sight, forcing her to shut it back immediately. She opened her eyes again, her eyes darting across the strange room.

Haven groaned as she felt the pain shooting up her body. Her neck felt sore as she tried to get up.

A low whimper escaped her lips as she gritted her teeth in pain.

"Lie down child.." A voice called out as she tried to get up.

Haven looked as an older woman approached her, holding some herbs which she set gently aside.

" You're finally awake." She smiled. "You've been out for four days now. "

The woman came over to touch her forehead as she said some words which Haven couldn't understand.

Haven's head ached as she tried to remember what happened.

She had been locked up in a room and had tried to escape. So how did she end up here?

Haven groaned as she willed herself to remember.

"It's okay child, you're fine now" The woman's voice reached her ears.

"The Alpha had specifically brought you here so there's no need to worry, just try to rest" The woman said trying to calm her down.

Alpha... Alpha?!

Everything came rushing back to Haven as she finally remembered.

Her hands subconsciously flew to her neck as her eyes widened in horror.

He tried to kill her!

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