《Sebastian Scenarios // stardew valley》False Manipulations (AU)


A bit of info: this is a fantasy AU where the characters all live in a large town names 'Honocrotalus', name for Pelican. Though the layout of the town is not the same from the game, it's much larger and in a different area.

(There area few OCs in here but only background characters for the plot)

TW: blood

Y/n strolled through town swiftly against the breeze, her footsteps emitting the least amount of sound anybody could make if they'd been careful enough.

She'd seen and come across over hundreds of 'wanted' banners of her masked face throughout her journeys and it was getting tiring.

Ever since she was a child, she'd always been on the wrong side of the family.

At least she thought so?

After years of various types of abuse, Y/n had run away from a family in which had kidnapped her at birth.

This resulted in having to steal and rob from others in order to keep alive in such a difficult era of the times.

It all went downhill from there, she even had the blood of the innocent resting in her hands after showing no mercy to them with the use of her own stolen blade.

Fortunately the public hadn't had a clue of what she looked like, nor did they figure out her real name.

The only fit description they could give her was the nickname 'Rabbit' and 'A slim figure wearing an oversized black cloak covering their clothing beneath and a white rabbit mask'

Y/n would've never thought the words 'slim' was a feature others would point out.. at least in her eyes...

But of course, one could only imagine the starvation she had to go through considering she'd been on the run from the entire nation....

Y/n's stomach growled the moment she'd thought about food and she cringed slightly from the soft ache in her belly.

Fortunately, she was just passing by a carelessly abandoned sales cart...

With a tiny smirk, Y/n had swiftly stolen a good amount of buns off the top and stuffed them into the insides of her cloak pockets where her mask was hidden by.

After all.. the nation had no facial description of her so as long as she kept the mask off, she was able to roam the world as she pleased....

"Guards! Draw your swords!" A large voice boomed down the street and Y/n could see a hoard of civilians crowd around the commotion.

She pushed through the sea of people until her vision was clear enough to realize three of her old bandit friends had been caught red handed.

She hasn't seen them in years, and even then one familiar face looked to be around the age of thirteen.. had it really been that long?

Her eyes widened when two of the three had gotten away, one staying behind to hold off the men.

Y/n's teeth gritted the more her friend's movements became varied.

As quick as she could, she pulled her hood up and snatched her mask from her belt as she jumped over the crowds to help fight off the imperial guards.

Her sword drew apart from its scabbard and had roughly struck one of the men in the shoulder before ripping into another just below his rip cage.

"N/n!? (Nickname)" the fellow bandit yelled out in surprise, an obvious struggle interlaced behind her teeth.

"Just go November! I'll hold them off! Say hi to Ellie and Molly for me please! Elle's gotten so big!" Y/n laughed feebly, a playful grin plastered on her face as she remembered back to when the dirty blonde was only five.


"You sure you got this!?" November questioned in between pants and she sent back a nod and a tiny snicker the other bandit could never get tired of hearing.

"Thanks lots!" She smiled gratefully to her dear friend before leaving the masked killer to fend for herself.

Although Y/n was trying and had left many guards to die from loss of blood on the ground, it hadn't been long before one had snuck behind her to strike just where her shoulder blade began.

She yelped in reaction to the pain, the crowd gasping at how feminine the murder had sounded.

They'd been searching for her for years and only then did they find out she was biologically female?

There was a brief moment of composure as Y/n balanced her stance once again before another royal blade had cut through the layers skin where her thigh was.

She looked down in surprise from the painful, seeping cut before her arms were pulled behind her back, her body being shoved down to the rough pavements.



Currently at the Wright's castle, lunch was being held awkwardly in the large dining area of the palace.

Although with the current news, the awkward silence was now replaced with one of shock.

Especially the prince which held a different last name from the rest of his family.

Sebastian McCarthy, the poor isolated boy was different and despite his family's disapproval's, wanted to catch the Rabbit himself.

"What do you mean Rabbit's been caught!?" He stood up from his seat, the heavy chair scraping the floor with a trip.

One of Sebastian's two entrusted knights, Sam, had barged into the dining room to inform the family of the news just before.

"The other guards are bringing them to the castle now! Your majesty!?" Sam yelled in a panic, pleading at Demetrius for any orders he could be given during such a time.

He'd been king for years now and soon his entire family, excluding Sebastian of course had changed their last names for his own.

With a frown, Demetrius nodded at Sam as the family stood up from their dinner.

Sebastian sped walked faster than the others, wanting to meet the wanted killer he'd been searching for himself for years.

"Sebastian I know you've been wanting to meet him for a while now but please go to your room" Robin pleaded as she pulled on his sleeve.

Despite the Rabbit being caught and detained, they couldn't risk being careful around such a person.

"I'm staying here" Sebastian said firmly as they stopped at the entrance hall.

Demetrius walked ahead of him before turning in his heels to argue with his stepson.

"Why don't you just listen to your mother-"

The men's distributive behaviour was put to a pause when the castle doors opened to three of what was left of the knights, brutally injured they escorted a young looking woman with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes.

She wore an oversized cloak in which the hood was pulled down to reveal a pretty, sun kissed face with freckles scattered across any clear areas from being out in the sun all the time.

Several sizes of old scars had occupied certain parts of her neck and face.

One on her cheek, another slicing through her left eyebrow, one large scar on her neck and another large mark on the corner of her forehead where her hairline was.

The guards spared no time and tore her cloak to the ground, showing off the rest of her malnourished features.

She wore a white oversized blouse where the top three buttons had been undone, black pants and brown leg harnesses where the rabbit mask and empty scabbard was strapped to.


She used to have a dagger on there too, but it was quickly lost during a tough battle from not too long ago.

"Who's this?" Demetrius scoffed, belittling the knights intentions.

Sebastian slowly stepped closer in curiosity of the female, a silent anger building inside him.

"This is Rabbit, sir..." The knight to the left of Y/n had confirmed anxiously, his breath shaking with his delivery.

Robin eyed her carefully as the bandit shot an irritated glare towards her guards, hair a mess and hands and shoulders sore from the cuffs.

"A girl..?" The ginger uttered softly.

Sebastian's anger only grew from then on, was he foolish enough to be searching for someone so far out of his reach that he thought she'd be male?

"I've been looking for a girl this entire time!?" He exclaimed.

A small snort had left Robin's composure and she glanced away when the room had shot her odd stares.

It was just so strange hearing those words come out of her sons mouth.. he never had a great interest in women, nor did he spare any for men either.

He had no time, neither did he care for such silly little distractions like romance.

"This is ridiculous!" Demetrius scoffed.

For the first time, Sebastian could agree with his step father.

"Aw shut up old man, I don't wanna hear from you either.. let the prince talk..." Y/n grinned flirtatiously, throwing eyes to Sebastian who had his own focus on the sharper canines she had compared to his own.

If he didn't know any better, he would've thought she was really a vampire...

"Wh-" he stepped back at her suggestive remark and Demetrius' voice bellowed out in a deep rage.

"You'll be exiled faster if you wish to continue-"

"Hey princey, what's it like living the high life in this place? I'm sure you know this already considering the amount of disappearing items but I've stolen and sold a couple things from here!"

With Y/n's interruption, she continued speaking to Sebastian with love eyes casually staring into his.

Besides, she was always good at manipulating others with her deceiving looks and cheeky voice.

"You know I've always wanted to see you so up close like this.. what's it like seeing me up front?"

"Watch it" Sebastian warned, glaring daggers into her head as she snickered at his little threat.

It was amusing seeing such rage be fuelled with just her words, especially with someone so high up in a monarchy like him...

"So aggressive..." Y/n said with a pout, swaying in lazy movements as a tired smirk appeared on her cheeks.

He sneered at her, he could tell she was mocking him, teasing him for his issues with his anger, his issues with her.

Was she crazy? Did she know who she was talking to?

"Take her to the cells" Demetrius ordered, his frown growing longer when Y/n let out a sigh with an irritated look planted on her face.

The family and Sam watched as the guards led her down into a deeper part of the castle only high ranked criminals would get to experience.

As Y/n passed by the curious queen, they locked eyes, Y/n sending over a polite nod as her expressions grew blank.

The bandit left her pondering to herself, intrigued with the killer.

"Strange girl..."


"She's in there.. be careful Seb, she's got a couple screws loose in there" Sam pointed to his head, twirling his finger around as he shot warning eyes to his friend.

Sebastian only nodded back before leaving Sam alone to worry in the dark entrance of the imprisonments.

With his lips pursed and his hands sweaty, Sebastian walked passed empty and open cells, peering through them before shoving his focus onto the distant tune of humming coming from the very end of the hall.

The cells were dark, dimmed with lit torches that gave the room a cozy, warm feeling to it despite holding one of the most wanted criminals of the decade.

As Sebastian stopped at the end, he studied the calm posture of her body, one leg sitting up as the other laid straight out, arm resting on her knee.

The cold, thin bed she sat on supported her weight just fine, and with a smile she let out a satisfying sigh in which Sebastian couldn't understand.

Why was she so calm in a situation like hers?

"Rabbit" holding his ground, Sebastian spoke firmly to her, watching as her head tilted to the side as to listen to his voice at a clearer angle.

It grew apparent to him that she knew he was there, she knew it long before he entered, long before Sam had warned him of her...

"Hello, prince" she grinned lazily, her body repositioning itself to a more comfortable position.

With her legs now crossed, she opened her eyes sleepily as her hands rested respectively in her lap.

Sebastian's figure shifted in the light behind him, leaving only a silhouette for Y/n to see.

She only smiled more the clearer her vision got in the dim lighting, seeing as his brows furrowed at the nickname.

He knew she was dangerous, especially when she was deranged enough to be smiling in such a place.

He was careful, tense around the chilly atmosphere she gave off each unbothered grin she gave him.

His fingers clenched, head filling with warmth as he longed to know more.

Something about her made him so intrigued with her mindset, almost obsessed with the overwhelming questions running through his head, day and night.

Why had she chosen to kill so many? Why kill in the first place? They were innocent to begin with, so what was so angering to her that she'd decide to end their lives?

Though his mind had far more complex needs than the safety of his kingdoms village, witnessing his mother's distress and silent, held back cries throughout the castle felt horrible.

She cared too much for her kingdom, she'd even ended wars with the worst of their enemies in order to keep her people safe...

After listening for far too long, Sebastian had decided he'd catch the murderer, exile and torture them physically and mentally just as much as she did to her mother emotionally.

Soon after shoving himself into neighbouring kingdoms records of the masked killer, his studies grew overachieved and soon he grew obsessed with catching the culprit.

Now, sitting in front of him with the shit eating grin on her face, Rabbit herself, and Sebastian had no idea what to do.

Seb wasn't really expecting a woman to come striding in, not that he was expecting much of a man either...

He was thinking more of a monster than the pretty sight in front of him.

"Wanna join me?" Y/n asked, pulling the plate of bread and gravy covered mashed potatoes towards her frail looking figure in which Sam was ordered to give her.

Although she was cruel and unstable, Robin wanted to keep her healthy.. even if she had to sneak the generous order behind Demetrius' back...

"I already ate" Sebastian frowned.

He just wished she was more scared, wished she were cowering in the corner for whatever karma would come her way.

"Stay with me then? It's lonely down here" Y/n pouted softly.

She didn't miss the look of disgust overtaking his face, it nearly made her laugh just how shocked he was.

Maybe if she was still a kid, emotional and in search for validation, she would be hurt by the look the prince wore...

But now it was more amusement than it ever was sad.

Yoba was it satisfying to watch such innocent humans like Sebastian grow angry with her...

Dirty looks were always welcome to Y/n, considering she took it as a sign that she'd successfully gotten under their skin...

"You'll eat, then I'll join you.. but I won't be here for company" Sebastian scowled, his teeth showing slightly as Y/n stifled back a laugh from his weak attempt of being threatening.

It was hard to be threatened when you've killed so many....

"I'll make sure to enjoy whatever you do to me then"

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