《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. PUSH AND PULL


Gabriel was dragged along on a tour of an abandoned foundry with Elijah. He had been writing in his journal for some time before Elijah came into his new room to ask if he'd come with. As. They walk around the building Gabriel keeps his stone face facade up, much like he had been doing since they sent hope away. Since Hayley completely distanced herself from him.

"Authentic cast -iron columns... Look at that, the original Bloomry forge, fueled by a charcoal furnace. The modern elements blend quite nicely, indeed. My foundation has aligned itself with the city's Historical Preservation Society. We have a vested interest in seeing this building protected." Elijah hums.

The Guerrera that had tagged along for the tour, attempting to buy the building from the realtor before Elijah scoffs. "This place is a dump! The Guerrera family would be doing this city a favor."

Gabriel nudges his brother and silently points towards the gold ring with a black stone embedded into it on the mans left hand. "Well, unfortunately, under the Preservation Act of 1966, we cannot allow the Guerreras to demolish one of the city's original foundries... even if it is for something as noble and distinguished as a casino. So, thank you, gentleman. Do give my best to Francesca." Elijah sends the man a fake smile.

Klaus is listening to Mozart in his art from when he tears through his canvas he whips it across the room. Elijah and Gabriel enter the room. "I suppose we shall have to call this your "white period." Elijah jokes.

"I'm missing a crucial color in my palette, that of my enemies' blood." Klaus growls. "It's been months! I've adhered to our plan: sit and do nothing, sell our grief. And now, my child is safely away, and another full moon is upon us another night of pathetic weakness as the moonlight rings steal my strength!"

Both men give him sympathetic looks, knowing how much he had been struggling not being able to do anything. "The nursery is killing me. I need to act. I -I need, I need to spill blood."

Elijah smiles. "Well, then, you'll be pleased to know that I've located the last of the twelve rings forged with your blood."

"Then, it's time!" Klaus announces.


"And none too soon. I'm concerned about Hayley." Both Klaus and Gabriel tense up. Klaus returns to his art. "She looks well enough."

"She looks no better than you, brother. Now, if the two of you would treat each other as more than just... passing acquaintances-" Elijah suggests but Klaus cuts him off. "She has Gabriel for that."

Both brothers look up when Gabriel hastily exits the room. "Sadly, like the father of her child, she prefers to fight her demons alone."

"The wolves have the numbers. Back in 1925, the Guerrera pack was maybe a hundred. We went guerrilla warfare on their asses and wiped them out over a four day fight. But, we're not just talking about Guerreras now. They've had wolves coming in from packs all over." Marcel informs the two men as they sit in his loft.

"Well, we don't have to hit them all. Only the twelve with the rings that take me out every full moon." Klaus simply explains.

Marcel looks at him shocked. "Wait, you want to find twelve rings? Go out and chop off the hands of every wolf you find 'til you get what you want! I mean, come on! You taught me that. You guys and Elijah are stalling. Why?"

"Because it's possible they're in possession of something very dangerous to us." Gabriel sighs.

"They have the stake that can kill you." Marcel says horrified.

"It went missing... the night I lost my child. So, it's in play, and the thought of that makes me very nervous. Especially on nights like tonight." Klaus looks out then window where the full moon can be seen in the sku.

"Why would you tell me that?" Marcel looks at him suspiciously.

"Depends. Do you have it?" Klaus raises a brow at him and Gabriel rolls his eyes at his accusations.

"Course not. That kind of weapon does me no good. You die, I die, along with every vampire we've ever sired." Marcel looks at him appalled.

"Well, then, perhaps you'd like to help me get it back? We attack the wolves, tonight, when the moon hits its apex. They won't expect it while I'm weak." Klaus explains.

An unknown vampire walks into the loft, interrupting their conversation. "Hey, bad news or good news?"


Marcel laughs and stands up to introduce the man. "Gabriel Klaus, Joe. Joe, Klaus Gabriel. Now, you wanna talk Guerreras, nobody fought harder back in 1925 than Joe, here. Fought so hard he retired into retail, been keeping the peace ever since and living right under their noses."

Joe takes a seat on the couch. "Yeah, well, good news is, your order came in this morning. And, bad news? I got made. Your friend Davina saved my ass, but what's done is done. So, pour me a drink, and play me a song, because it's gonna be my last."

Gabriel looks down at the mention of the witch. She had been avoiding him ever since he left the compound that night. Marcel scoffs. "Joe. Don't be dramatic. Just head out of town 'til things blow over."

Joe shakes his his. "No way. I don't run from Guerreras."

" You don't leave, you won't have to. They'll sniff you out in a day." He warns.

"Hey, let them come hunt me down! 'Cause I've had a good ride." The man raises his glass.

Klaus looks pleased at the mans statement. "How would you like to get back in the fight, Joe? I've been thinking about this whole thing the wrong way. The Guerrera pack loves to hunt. They're primal, alphas. I gave you my reason for not making a move these past few months, what, pray tell, is theirs?"

All of the men smile in realization. "They don't have the stake. Well, then who the hell does?"

Klaus shrugs. "Well, tonight it doesn't matter. Because tonight, we're going on a wolf hunt!"

Gabriel is reading a book at the dining room table when the Guerrera wolves, including Oliver attack the compound. When one enters the room he simply lifts his hand the the wolves hand was snapped. He can hear Haley snapping wolves necks left and right and he sighs at how much her innocence was ruined during this all.

He finally gets up from his place at the table when he hears many more footsteps going into Hayleys direction. When he walks into the hallway he notices her amber hybrid eyes glowing bright in the dark room with a menacing look on her face. "Have I mentioned that I've had a rotten couple of months?"

Right before she could lunge at the group he snaps all of their necks, Hayleys amber eyes fade and she stares at him in slight anger and confusion. He simply walks away with out another word, there was no need for her to have more blood on her hands then she already had.

Hayley had just returned back to the compound after Killing Francesca and is rapidly destroying furniture, too overwhelmed by her emotions to think rationally. Gabriel speeds into the room staring at everything in worry, he tries to grab her but she backs away. "Little wolf." he warns.

"I killed her. Francesca looked me in the eye and begged me for her life as I tore her apart. But I don't feel better! I don't feel peace! I don't feel ANYTHING." Hayley screams. Gabriel this time doesn't allow her to pull away and yanks her into his arms. Her back to his front he holds her arms down against her chest, not allowing her to push him away. "Then feel it Hayley." He murmurs.

She shakes her head. "I don't want to live like this, Gabriel. I hate it! When I was living with the Crescents in the Bayou, I finally understood the... purity of being a wolf... the nobility. I killed eight wolves tonight before I got to Francesca. Eight of my own people. What's noble about that? I acted no better than a..." She trails off.

"Vampire." Gabriel whispers.

"Everything has changed. And not just for me. I saw the way you looked at me before. And, I see the way you look at me now. I was a mother, and now I'm a monster. Things are different now. You can't tell me that they're not." She tries pulling away but he just holds her tighter.

Leaning in he whispers into her ear. "Nothings different for me. I loved you as a wolf and I love you as a hybrid. You're still and will always be a mother, Hayley. If You keep pushing me away I will push you back. I love you, nothings different for me. The real question is, is it different for you?"

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