《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. WEAK


Hayley sits in a rocking chair in the babies room with her feet propped onto Gabriel's lap. He had dragged a chair into the room and sat next to her claiming he "heard" an odd noise near the room and wanted to be near in case any danger came. But everyone knew he was just attached at the hip to the pregnant wolf.

They were both writing letters, one on plain paper and another in a journal. The truth was that Gabriel had stopped writing in journals as time went on because they simply became outdated, that and his siblings all had snooped through his things one time or another. But when Elijah had told him that when Hayley was first brought to the plantation and she was looking at his journals about Marie with such envy and admiration, he decided to write a journal completely for her.

Klaus enters the room and leans in the doorway. "Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors? So, who's the lucky recepient, then?" He smirks, Gabriel ignores his brothers goading and continues his writing. "Jackson? Or, Elijah?" He teases. Hayley rolls his eyes and then he mock gasps. "Don't tell me it's me? I thought I was out of the running ages ago!"

That elicits a laugh from all three of them before Gabriel goes back to his writing he was currently very invested in. "And the award for "Biggest Ego" goes to..." She gestures towards a laughing Klaus. Her smile fades into a groan as she feels a kick from her belly. "Oh!"

Both men look towards her in worry but she waves them off. "How is our littlest wolf?" Klaus lightly questions.

The brunette gestures towards her stomach as she rubs it. "Do you want to...?"

Klaus steps back, looking more nervous than Gabriel had ever seen him. "Come on Nik! Ive been wanting to feel her kick for months but I promised myself I'd make sure you'd be the first male to feel your daughters kick. I'm getting impatient." Gabriel complains.

"Come on!" Hayley urges when she sees he's still hesitant. Klaus hesitantly reaches out and touches her belly. He stares at her belly in shock and awe when he feels the baby kick. "You feel that?"

They all laugh in joy but suddenly Klaus stands up feeling slightly awkward and nods towards the door. "Right! I'll leave you to your secret letter, then!" And he rushes off.

"It's my turn now?" Gabriel questions Hayley and she nods with a genuine smile. Slowly lifting her feet from his lap he places them on the floor and kneels in-front of her stomach. He places both of his hands on her swollen belly and Hayley watches with adoration and love in her eyes. "Hello, littlest wolf it's you're favorite uncle. I just wanted to tell you once again that I love you and no matter what happens you'll always have uncle Gabriel to protect you." As he places a kiss on her belly he feels a small thump on his face, he blushes in shock.

Hayley throws her head back in laughter. "She returned my kiss." He whispers in shock.

"She kicked you in the face." Hayley attempts to stifle her laughter at the awestruck man.

Gabriel simply ignores her and speeds out of the room seemingly on cloud nine. "NIKLAUS!" He screams overjoyed. "YOUR DAUGHTER LOVES ME ALREADY."

Hayley shakes her head with a large smile at the two men's antics and returns to her writing.


'Dear Zoe...or Kaitlyn...or Angela. To my little girl. Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I think he said it just to make your uncle mad but I guess it kind of is. I never got to know my mother. I have no idea what she must have thought when she carried me.'

Hayley screams at Genevieve and Monique as she goes through another contraction. "AHHHH! Let go of me, you bitch!"

'So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much your father and I can't wait to meet you... You're too little to understand but I have a feeling you're going to have two men doting over you the second you're born... you already have them both wrapped around your tiny fingers.'

Klaus limps into the church and finds the source of Hayleys screaming along with multiple witches surrounding her. He lunges towards a witch and rips his head clean off. Hayley looks relieved to see him but in the back of her mind she was panicked about Gabriel's whereabouts. No matter where they stood she knew he would never leave her and his niece dangling in deaths reach.

Abigail and Genevieve link hands and suddenly Klaus is pinned to the wall.

'And, I want to make you a promise, of three things that you will have that I never did: a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what.'

Klaus fights against the spell but no matter what he did he couldn't get free. He made a promise to his big brother to protect these two, he had only asked for the day that he make sure they were safe. He knew he was failing.

'In other words, a family. So, there you go, baby girl. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together. I love you. Your mom. Oh, and Gabriel wanted me to add in that he loves you very much. I don't know why he insisted, he'll be seeing you very soon. He said he just had a feeling and needed to say it. That's you're uncle for you.

Genevieve grabs the ceremonial athame that the witches had also used for the harvest and both adults look towards her in fear. "You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick. Let's begin, shall we?"

Davina is horrified to see all the dead and dying vampires laying around the compound as she enters. Cami and Diego are taking care of Diego. "Cami? Oh god, what happened?"

"It's okay! I gave as good as I got. But, we need Klaus' blood to heal." Marcel frowns.

Davina thinks for a moment before a thought pops into her head. "Gabriels blood! It can heal you!"

"D..." Marcel sighs and Davinas face pales.

"W-what happened to Gabriel." Davina looks around in fright before she spots a familiar form slouched up against the wall. She sprints towards the other side of the room and lifts his face.

"There's too much wolves bane and vervain in his system that if we even attempt to drink his blood we'll all be dead men." Marcel looks towards the man that was like a father figure towards him in pity. There was enough wolves Bain and vervain to kill a whole pack and twenty vampires.

"Why isn't he healing?" She looks up to marcel with tears falling from her eyes.


"Elijah had gotten bitten as well but Gabriel was stabbed with wooden stakes which didn't give his body any time to heal." He explains.

Davina starts putting her wrist towards his mouth but Marcel immediately stops her. "What do you think you're doing? What do you think Gabriel would say?"

Before Davina can argue Cami steps up. "Ill do it." Both of them look at her in shock and confusion. "I didn't know Gabriel well but from what Klaus and Hayley have told me he's the glue to the Mikaelson family. They're about to fight one of the biggest fights of their lives with more at stake than ever. They're going to need him."

Marcel gives her a nod of respect knowing its true.

She places her bare wrist onto his mouth and it takes a moment for his fangs to even elongate which worries Marcel. One he starts sucking his eyes droop open and shut a good few times before he harshly pushes the arm away.

Weakly lifting his head he looks at the three with confused and pained eyes. "W-what's happening?" He grasps his chest.

Marcel tries to explain but Gabriel becomes frantic. "No, no, no. Somethings wrong with Hayley..." He stumbles to his feet and tries to limp away when Davina blocks his path.

"Gabriel... I have to tell you something." Davina confesses, a wave of guilt had hit her so hard when she realized she was wrong for hiding everything that had been happening in her life from him. She should've known better and told him the second something happened.

And though Gabriel was seeing double vision right now he places his hands on both of her cheeks and says in the firmest voice he could muster. "Davina Claire-Mikaelson." Camille, Marcel, and Davina's eyes all widen but Gabriel doesn't have the time to say much. "I love you. I love you so much. You're like the daughter I never had the chance to have. I you've gotten yourself into some type of trouble. And I know you're scared of my reaction, but i promise no matter what you've done ill love you no less. I linked Hayley's pain to mine. She cant feel mine but I can feel hers. She's giving birth and she's very very scared. I need to go save my future wife and niece." He kisses her forehead before he weakly speeds away.

On his way to the church Gabriel had stopped feeling anything from Hayley at all and he knew exactly what that meant but he was in denial. Both of his brothers had to have saved her. She'd be okay. They saved her.

He slams the church doors open and his heart completely stops. Klaus sits on the ground with Hayleys dead body and Elijah was sadly wiping his mouth after drinking Klaus' blood. "No, no, no, no." He mumbles.

Stumbling to his brothers they both watch wide eyed as he falls onto his knees next to the cold brunette. Taking her body from Klaus' arms with out a word he lets out a heartbreaking sob as he places his head on her chest. Both brothers look away unable to watch the scene in front of them.

Gabriel shakily lays her body as gently as he could onto the table while the two brother watch. "How? How did this happen?" Gabriel whispers.

"I was bested." Klaus numbly replies as he replays the events in his head again.

Spinning around he grabs Klaus by the collar of his shirt. "You were bested?! I asked you to protect her for one day. ONE SINGLE DAY!" Gabriel screams. Both brothers watch in shock but Klaus is the first one to shake himself out of his guilt. "They took the baby. But, there's still time. We can save her."

The trio of Mikaelsons rush around the Lafayette Cemetery trying to find the witches and the baby. "They've fabricated some kind of illusion."

"It's ingenius. I can see them, I can feel them, and yet, they are not real." Klaus rages.

"My magic is still too weak to push through the ancestors magic." Gabriel sighs.

"What we need to do is focus." Klaus snaps at Gabriel while ELijah watches the two with conflicted eyes.

"My only focus right now is that child and her safety, do you understand me? This all of this this is the world that you created, Niklaus. All of your scheming, the enemies that you have made every single day of your miserable life what results did you expect? That your child would be born into a happy life? That the mother would be alive to know her daughter? That we could live and thrive as some as some sort of family?" Gabriel yells.

"That was your fantasy, brother, not mine!" Klaus snaps.

"NO, little brother! This was our hope. This was our family's hope. And now she is gone. Do you understand? I let this person in. I let her in! You knew this. You've taken her from me! I needed her, and you've broken me. You let me get close to her only to take her away from me. The one day I was weak is the same day that I lost her. I will never forgive myself for that." Gabriel ends his rant in a whisper.

Klaus grips his older brothers arm, the man he looks up to, and says, "You can tell your niece how much you cared for her mother when we save her."

They break through the illusion by destroying all of the tombs they come into sight with. They stop at a tomb filled with candles to catch their breath. No matter how tired or weak he is he wouldn't stop fighting. "We've passed through here twice already. We're running out of time." Elijah sighs.

"Then we move faster." Klaus suggests.

"Or smarter." A voice calls from behind them. All three of them turn towards the familiar voice and gasp.

"Hayley." Gabriel limps forward, catching himself on the wall beside her. They both share intense eye contact, relaying everything they needed to say through their looks.

"How are you here?" Elijah questions, not unkind.

"I woke up in the church. I felt this hunger... I knew what I needed. I can feel her. She's here. I can feel my baby." Hayley gravely states.

Klaus is the first to realize what's happened. "She's in transition. Which means she has to drink the blood of the child if she is to survive. To be reborn a hybrid."

Hayley waves off their horrified looks. "I don't care about me. I'm gonna go find our daughter."

They're all quick to follow after her.

They all turn the corner and immediately see Genevieve holding a knife above the newborn baby. "NOOO!" Hayley screams. At Hayleys scream Gabriel picks up a larger rock near the tomb and whips it towards the witches. It hits Genevieve's hand and knocks the athame onto the ground.

As they start running towards them Monique and Abigail join hands and begin channeling the ancestors, using their magic to throw the four back. "La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur... La mère, le père, le frère, la sœur..." They chant.

"You fools! To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three, you face us all." Monique shouts, and suddenly they can see the hundreds of the dead witches that have come together so that they could complete their sacrifice.

No matter how much they fought against the magic no one could move, they were making no progress. And that's when Gabriel realizes that even though his magic was in a weak state it was still quite strong compared to the average witch. The Mikaelson trio had figured out many years ago that while being an original made you nearly invincible, nature always had a careful balance. And although he was an original, one of his weaknesses were overusing magic.

It could kill him. While this wasn't usually a worry of Gabriel's, seeing as he was very powerful to begin with. He knew he was far too weak to pull this off with out any repercussions. But as he looked at Niklaus and Hayleys desperate faces and towards his innocent niece this cruel world was trying to destroy far too soon he had already made up his mind.

Raising both of his hands he channeled all of the power he had left in him. The other three suddenly found it a lot easier to move and Hayley and Klaus had no hesitation in running up from the sides. But as Elijah was about to surge through the center he just then noticed his brothers state. He already had blood starting to drip from his nose and the sweat was layering his forehead.

Making eye contact with his brother, Gabriel shakes his head. Motioning for him not to say anything. Elijah shakes his head as a lone tear runs down his cheek, realizing this could be his brothers final fight. Looking up once more he nods his head at his brother, Gabriel doing the same back. both understanding that, that would have to do as their goodbye if this really was it.

While the three fought off the few witches Gabriel couldn't push back, he staggers to his knees. Holding off hundreds of generations from the French quarter coven was no easy feat. Especially in his state. He can feel the blood coming from his ears now. He grits his teeth in pain, blood staining his teeth, dripping down his chin.

When his eyes begin to burn from the blood leaking from his eyes he knows his time was almost up. He would die knowing he did everything he could to save his niece, and would now leave her life in the hands of a determined wolf, a powerful hybrid, and the noble Mikaelson.

Just when his body is about to give out he feels someone grab his hand. Opening his eyes he's too tired to be shocked so he simply smiles.

"Nik is always getting you into trouble, isn't he?" Marie Claire tilts her head with an amused smile.

"You're here." He whispers, a genuine smile gracing his face. As if he wasn't in excruciating pain.

"I'll always be here." She smiles back. She looked exactly how he remembered her.

"Please don't leave me again." He begs. Marie glances towards him and gives him a sad smile. Life had never been kind to him, and she more recently had been hearing a lot more about what's been going on in his life. She knew he was slowly learning how to open his heart again, and she couldn't be happier for him. She also heard about him taking in her distant relative, Davina Claire.

"You have to keep fighting Gabriel." She sniffles. Bringing her forehead down to his own, they both know this will probably be the last time they ever see each other again. "No matter what happens you have to keep fighting. Hayley and your niece are going to need you now more than ever. We had our time, its not fair if I keep hogging Hayleys." Marie jokes.

"This is goodbye." He states with his lips pursed.

Looking back towards the others fighting Marie notices Klaus staring at his brothers trembling frame and nods her head. He was going to save him. It made her smile in content, knowing the Mikaelsons she had come to love so much hadn't lost their spunk.

It was quite a sight to see. The great Gabriel Mikaelson, the strongest of them all, on his knees, barely hanging on to his thread of life.

And that's exactly what Klaus Mikaelson saw when he looked back. His eyes considerably widen, he couldn't lose his brother. None of them could. What would they do with out him? They would fall apart. Klaus would fall apart.

Leaning towards his ear she begins to whisper.

When his eyes trail towards the iron fence an idea pops into his head. He breaks off one of the spike and throws it as hard as he can towards Abigail. It impales her through the stomach and kills her, successfully breaking their connection with the ancestors.

So as Marie leans back and begins to fade his mouth quivers but his eyes show happiness. His last moment with her, instead of holding her dead body in his arms like it was before, was now of her smiling at him with the most loving eyes he had ever seen her hold as she slowly disappeared.

He looks up and notices Monique about to sacrifice the baby. "Noooo!" Hayley screams in horror.

Just as Monique is about to sacrifice the baby her neck is snapped at the same time a sharp metal star is embedded into her stomach. Her dead body dropping to the ground with cuts littering her body.

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