《To Be Loved By A Mikaelson | Hayley Marshal》MR. SLEEP


"A world with out her in it was a world that he refused to live in."

Hayley was utterly exhausted. Not only were her pregnancy hormones acting up worse than usual but with all the drama happening she felt like her head was going to explode.

After the revelation of Gabriel trying to kill himself and then putting himself into a magic coma. They quickly found out that Papa Tundè, an old enemy of Klaus, came back to kill Davina Claire so that the French quarter witches could complete the harvest. Only for everyone to find out that Gabriel had a protection spell on the little witch. So three witches were brought back from the dead instead of four, none from the original harvest though which scared them all.

The Mikaelsons grew more paranoid by the day and they all just wanted Gabriel back. He was the anchor of the family and the strongest competitor. The only one that could stand alone against these witches for the sake of his family.

Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah grow further apart by the day. Elijah taking over the role that Gabriel had as the oldest and the leader and in return Klaus and Rebekah began to despise him for it. Feeling like he was trying to replace their brother. But Elijah was just trying to keep his family afloat.

Not only that, but Hayley had found her biological family's roots. The crescent pack of New Orleans. Celeste, once one of Elijahs lovers had cursed them, in the end Hayley desperately trying to bring her family back steals the remains of Celeste, ultimately upsetting Elijah.

She nervously awaits to meet her family at the plantation with Rebekah at her side. Who was unaware of the whole ordeal before she came.

"Andrea? Andrea Labonair?" A tall man with a scruffy beard questions the pregnant brunette.

"That's me." Hayley greets with a meek smile. "Who are you?" She skeptically questions with a raised brow.

Scratching the back of his neck nervously he speaks. "I'm Jackson, Jackson Kenner."

After they talk for a while she really starts enjoying his company, he was kind and sweet. Her mind drifted towards Gabriel who had been asleep for months now and she didn't know if he would ever wake up in her life time. Which brought down her mood drastically.


"If you're supposed royalty, I mean where's the throne?" Hayley asks confused and a bit sarcastic.

"When we were cursed by Marcel that all came to an end. We all had our roles to play." He says with a small longing smile.

"And what was yours? Besides the alpha." She asks curiously.

"Your husband." He says stunning her into silence. "We were engaged to be married as soon as we were born until all this curse crap happened. But thanks to you we're finally gonna be free." He says in glee after the mood turned somber for a moment

"What are you talking about?" Hayley questions, her carefree persona gone within a blink of the eye.

"The witch you got to help us..." he trails off in confusion, wondering why she looked so pale suddenly.

"I didn't hire a witch!" She shouts in panic. Grabbing her phone she automatically goes to press Gabriel's name but sighs and clicks on Elijahs.

"Hayley you have to listen to me you're all in danger! You, Rebekah, and Niklaus! Get to Rebekah now!" Elijah shouts in panic.

His brother would have known what to do. He wouldn't be panicking, he would get something done. But Elijahs whole world was spinning and his elder brother wasn't there for him to lean on like usual.

Smoke began to rise through the house as all the doors and windows magically slam shut. "Elijah! They're locking us in here." She starts to cough and Jackson hands her a wet cloth. Telling her to breath through it.

"Hold on." Elijah yells and ends the call about to speed towards the plantation when a hand on his shoulder stops him abruptly.

Spinning around in furry towards who ever tried to stop him when his family needed him the most, he stops in his tracks with a loud gasp.

Tears automatically start springing to Elijah Mikaelsons eyes as he latches himself onto the male.

"T-they're all gone, they were taken I don't know what to do." Elijah stutters out, over whelmed with their current dilemma.

"It's okay brother." Gabriel whispers. His eyes flashing a bright blue with his fangs coming out. "Find our siblings." He orders, to which Elijah frantically nods and speeds back to the abattoir to gather more information.


Speeding as fast as he could towards the plantation he hears Hayleys desperate gasps for air and spluttering coughs motivating him even more to push himself harder.

Jumping straight through the window he carries Hayley bridal style before jumping out of the window as fast as he could. Getting fresh air into the wolf's lungs as soon as possible.

"Gabriel!" Hayley shouts in surprise when she looks up to see her savior.

With out looking back at her he jumps through the window again grabbing the man that he knew was an alpha by his wolfs instincts.

Dropping him right beside Hayley. He looks towards the moon, waiting for them to finish their conversation before Jackson runs back into the woods awaiting transition.

"You're awake." Hayley shakily states after a tense moment in silence.

"I am." He nods, not able to look her in the eye just yet.

"I waited months, months! For you to wake up. I begged for you to come back that day, and what? Because I rejected your kiss you decide to leave me alone for months on end!" She shouts, shoving him back, and he gladly allows her.

"Do you have any idea what I have been through?" She yells, shaking her head frantically as she lets out a cry.

Grabbing her wrists to restrict her from hitting him he leans in closer. "I needed time Hayley."

"Time to what?" She argues, angry and hurt.

"Time to forgive myself." He whispers. "Time to make myself move on from the fact that a woman that I once loved thinks of me as a monster. Time to forgive myself for falling into her trap. Time to forgive myself for hurting you."

"Once? Once loved?" Hayley questions, searching his face for any signs of him lying.

Nodding his head with a small smile he explains. "I want you. Only you. You're the love of my life Hayley Marshall. I'm so sorry that it took such a big mistake to make me see that. I love how confident and head strong you are. I love all of your insecurities and tendencies to cause problems. I will spend the rest of my immortal life making it up to you. That is, if you'll let me."

Hayleys lip wobbles and she wraps her arms around his neck squeezing him tight as she could with out her growing belly getting in the way as he wraps his arms around her hips. "I love you too."

After a moment he separates them and laughs lightly at her natural pout. "I have some siblings to save, love."

Picking her up bridal style with out giving her a chance to speak he speeds back to the compound to see Elijah holding Marcel against the wall back his neck.

Speeding towards the two of them he pushes his brother across the room. "What is the meaning of this?"

"Him and Rebekah brought Mikael to New Orleans." Elijah hisses as he attempts to attack him again only to be stopped once again by Gabriel.

"I don't care for your petty grudges right now." Gabriel grits out as Hayley watches from a few feet away. "If Niklaus knows of Rebekahs Betrayal he will kill her. We need to find them now."

"The old sanatorium." Marcel mutters with his head held low in shame and guilt.

Gabriel snaps his head towards his brother. "Both of you go!"

"What are you.." Elijah begins to question only for Gabriel to shout again. "GO!"

When both of them speed away Gabriel turns towards the brunette woman. "I need you to stay here. Stay safe. Please."

"Celeste is the one who cursed my family..." she whispers in a longing tone. "She can reverse it."

Grabbing her by her cheeks he promises. "I will help you. Just please wait for me."

Nodding her head he kisses her cheek, not knowing if she would once again reject his kiss. But when she pulls at his sleeve he turns around and is pulled into a long passionate kiss. "If you don't come back to me I'll kill you." She threatens with great sincerity.

"I wouldn't expect any less." He whispers in response. Stealing one last peck before speeding after his siblings.

He would kill his brother before he let him touch their sister. No matter what she did wrong, he would always stand by her.

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