《The Vampire King》39. Feel Again.



"Lying here in dark, the thoughts and

visions of you come the strangest. I

dive into them, always, in hope it'll fuel

a dream...

A chance to be with you."


The King's bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.


Two days.

That's how long it's been since Alexis got stabbed. The scariest part was that she still hasn't come back to consciousness. Two days since my birthday, after this, I don't think I'll ever be able to celebrate the day in peace.

I continued to ignore the pain in my chest as much as possible. I've never felt anything like this before. I felt like my own life was sliping away from me. Even thought I was already dead, I felt like I was dying all over again.

I hate feeling again.

I silently begged her through my eyes to come back, like I had been doing for the past two days. But I received the same response, nothing. I had barely left her side, much to my kingdom's dismay. My subjects have been complaining, but it was impossible for me to focus on anything but her well being. My mind was clouded with her memories, they kept playing themselves over and over again, sometimes making me feel guilty for treating her the way I did.

I was such a douche to her, she didn't deserve that hostility. And for what? Just because I was feeling insecure about my power, was that it?

At the moment, nothing seemed more important than her. I know I sounded like an emotional mess, but I didn't care anymore if I came off as weak. For her, I was more than willing to drop my high reputation just so I could see her smile again.

Yesterday, I had given her my blood to help her heal faster. But the doctor simply said that her body was resisting it. Which was very strange because when a vampire gives a human their blood, it's powerful enough to completely take over the human body, it's easy to mingle. But in this case, she wasn't letting me help at all. Did she just grow this hatred towards me recently or was it buried inside her since the very start?

I mentally laughed at myself, was that even a question? The real question here was how could this human be strong enough to deny me?

I was feeling more restless and helpless as the clock ticked away. It was taking every nerve in my body to stop myself from shaking her and yelling at her to wake the fuck up.Couldn't she see her life wasn't just her own anymore? How could she just walk into my life like that, turn everything upside down, and then leave me to pick up the mess I had become?

I was used to getting anything I desired. Never did I ever beg for things. I've grown up to hate it when others begged, even if it was for their life. But here I was, so close to getting on my knees and beg for her to come back if need be.

"My king," the guard who was in charge of finding Katrina suddenly called me through mind link.


"We found her."

That was all it took for me to drop Alexis's hand gently as I quickly told the nurse beside me to watch her.

It was time to get some answers I've been dying to hear from that witch.







I took pleasure in watching Katrina struggle to break free from the ropes tying her to the chair. With my arms folded and back leaning against the wall, my eyes glared at her. She closed her eyes, murmuring some witchy magic words, probably to escape me. I smirked when her eyes snapped open because her powers failed to work. Letting out a huff, she finally stopped struggling and glared back at me, "Why am I here?!"


"First of all, I should be the one interrogating you. And second, let's cut the bullshit and get straight to the point. Now, I expect a honest and clear answer from you. Live up to my expectations and I might just make your death quick and not painful at all."

In less than a second, using my Vampire speed, I closed the distance between us. Griping the arm of the chair, I leaned my face closed to hers.

"Why did you stab Alexis?" I hissed in an angry tone.

At first, I didn't receive the reaction I was expecting. I was expecting something along the lines of fear, or even anger because her true colors were revealed. But what I got instead was a look of confusion from her. Then as her frown slowly disappeared, realization took over her face. Confusion, recognization, and then pure shock. I could tell her wide blue eyes held questions but she remained silent.

Although I had dealt with many criminals, which allowed me to read them like an open book, I was still having a hard time trying to figure her out.

The discoveries I made and what was on display just didn't add up. Things were definitely not what they seem, and it was up to me to dig deeper to find the truth.

"Answer me!" I shook her shoulders, finally bringing her back from her inner conflicts.

"What?" the confusion returned back to her.

"Do you not understand English, woman?! Honest and clear answer."

"I..." she was deep in thought again, probably trying to find a way out of this.

"Come on, Damien. You're smart enough, I'm sure you've already figured this out. Why do you think I did it?"

She was trying to turn the tables here but like she said I was smart enough to figure it out.

"I don't like jumping to conclusions when it comes to crimes. Although I might have an idea of why you did it, I still want to hear it from you."

"What if it wasn't me?"

"Investigation is still going on. We found the dagger, it wouldn't be long before that leads us to its owner, aka you. So you might as well just admit it now because you know how much I hate it when people test my patience."

"What happens when you do find the killer?" She asked as if it wasn't her.

"Slow and torturing death, of course. But if you don't waste more of my time and be more cooperative here, maybe we can come to an agreement that satisfies us both."

"Yes," she hesitated but carried on, "I was the one who stabbed her. But I didn't do it only for me, I did it for you as well. Did you forget about the prophecy Destiny told you about? That girl is supposed to be the cause of your destruction, and you're letting her roam free in this castle like a freaking princess. Can't you see? Alexis is manipulating you. This was her plan all along, to make you trust her. It's only a matter of time before she turns the prophecy into reality. She is going to destroy you the first chance she gets. That bitch is going to betray you--"

"Like you did? You should take a peak at yourself before you accuse others of such things! Look at what you did years ago before you even think about calling her a back stabber."

How dare she think that Alexis is like her? She's not a bad person, she's the most selfless human I've come across. Even though many did her wrong, she always tries to see the good in people. She brought out the good in me. Although this world brought her nothing but pain, she never wished it upon anyone else. In fact, she welcomes my kind with open arms. She was a loyal friend to my sister. There's no way all that was just for show.


She smirked, "I see she's already got you wrapped around her little pinkie. Why did it bother you so much when I insulted her, huh? Why can't you stand me calling her a bitch? You've changed, Damien. Can't you see she has changed you? I've never seen you so worn out before. I've never seen you care this much about a human. And what's up with your eyes? Why do they look like you've spent the last few days crying? Why do they burst with emotions at the mention of her name?"

"That's enough. I don't have a soft spot for the human or anything. It's just that she's been through a lot and... I want to end her suffering. I would have done the same thing if it was someone else on her spot. I care because she was on my grounds while she got stabbed. She deserves justice."

It seemed like my words went in through one of her ears and out the other. The witch completely ignored me.

"Now that I think about it, you never tried to punish me for killing your father. But I can see you already planning my death for stabbing Alexis. Could it be because you've fallen for her?"

"I told you to stop talking! Or should I shut you up myself? Your glass of evilness is full Katrina. It's time you get punished for your sins."

I grabbed the dagger placed on the small table next to me, it was coated with the venom that would kill a witch instantly if it made contact with their blood. I had the dagger placed on her neck in an instant. Her eyes held fear now but she quickly closed them to hide it.

"This wasn't the first time you tried to kill her. The reason you came back wasn't because you left your home for me, but it was because you wanted to get rid of Alexis. That night when she experienced that severe stomach pain, it was you causing it. You were trying to suck the life out of her by performing some rituals in your room. What I still don't get is why? It can't be just because she's meant to be my destruction, you would be more than happy to destroy me yourself. There's something else that I'm missing here. Why do you loath her so much?"

Her eyes opened again, a guarded expression took over her face, "Isn't it obvious? I want you back to myself, Damien. That girl stood in the way of what I wanted, so I simply decided to get rid of the obstacle. Yes, that was me performing rituals to kill her that night. She would have died then and there if you didn't approach her. Your mere presence caused the pain to disappear. I guess the warmth of your love broke her out of the cold walls of my envy."

I laughed at her well thought out story, while she just looked at me confused. I can't believe she really expected me to fall for all her lies.

"Liar. It wasn't me who ceased her pain, it was you."

I watched as the words drawn on her, she suddenly panicked, "What are you talking about? I was the one who caused her pain, so why would I want to cease it?! I wanted to kill her, throw her out of my way, so I could get you back. During these years I spent away from you, I realized how much I truly loved you. I simply wanted the love of my life back, the love she was beginning to take away from me. I had to kill her before she killed you. I finally succeeded, on the night of your birthday, she wasn't lucky enough to escape her death."

"Did she know it was you who stabbed her?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Of course I hid my identity by wearing a mask."

Yes, of course you wore a mask Katrina, I thought sarcastically.

"Your sick. You can't die this easily, not after you made an attempt to kill my sister when she tried to push you away from Alexis."

"What was I supposed to do? Your sister was getting in the way of my target," she shrugged cassualy. I found it surprising that she was going along with all the lies I was throwing at her.

It wasn't her.

She didn't stab Alexis.

"You can drop this act now." I demanded her but she just looked at me, more furious than ever.

"If you're going to get rid of me, do it now. You said you'd kill me in an instant if I told you why I stabbed Alexis. Well there you have it, I wanted you, Damien. But now I've realized that you're far too gone for me hold onto you. You said you wanted to kill Alexis' killer right? Well I'm right infront of y--"

"Stop fucking lying! I knew it wasn't you who tried to kill her, but you just confirmed it. And I also know that you know who tried to kill Alexis. Who the fuck are you trying so hard to save? Who is this person that you would give up your life for?!"

She laughed humorlessly, "You're forgetting something, Damien. I don't care about anyone but myself, you said that yourself. I'm the same Katrina who killed your father, I'm the reason you were tortured. And you still refuse to believe how cruel I am."

"If it was the old Damien standing infront of you, your dead body would have been lying on the floor, drowning in your own blood by now. But the thing is, I'm not the same Damien I was a couple months ago. You were right, she changed me. She taught me how to think more logically instead of acting upon my anger. Now, you're probably wondering how I came to know of your innocence? The answer is simple, I had my men spying on you the moment I allowed you to stay here. I knew there had to be bigger reason as to why you returned. And there was."

"My spies told me beforehand that sandwich was drugged, but I still ate it to find out what you were up to. While I was under the influence, the security was increased. But I was confused as fuck when you didn't do anything. After leaving me unconscious on my bed, you went back to your room. You were peacefully sleeping when Alexis felt that pain. The doctor who checked her was a witch, she informed me that the pain Alexis felt was due to a witch performing a ritual to kill her. But the method could be interrupted if another witch touches the person. You were the one who took away her pain by touching her forehead and secretly murmuring."

She scoffed, refusing to believe a word I said, "Admit it, you just don't want to kill m--"

"You knew Alexis' life was in danger. That's the reason you came back," my voice raised a little, "What I don't get is why were you trying to save her? I have a feeling you know all about the situation, you know who is trying to hurt her, you know who's behind all this! Who are you trying to save, huh?!"

Her eyes avoided looking at me, they stayed glued to the plain walls of the dungeon. Her mouth was pressed in a firm line, as if holding back the words which were on the tip of her tongue.

"Fine," I said, standing up straight, "I guess I'll just have to track and hunt down your loved ones back at your kingdom, I'm sure it's one of them if your trying so hard to save the person."

"You'll do no such thing!"

I turned to leave but her mumbling stopped me.

"What was that?" I turned back around to look at her, to be met by her narrowed eyes.

"It was my sister who was planning Alexis' death a while ago." Katrina looked like she was forcing the words out of her mouth, "One day when I found her trying to control your mind, I just knew I had to do something to stop her. But for that I had to know her plan first, without her getting suspicious. She was controlling you to separate you from Alexis. So I made a plan of my own, I came here, got you under my control to make her believe she was succeeding in creating this wall between you guys."

I interrupted her, "so technically, you did the same thing she was going to do. How does that make you innocent?"

She shook her head, "I only did it because I needed time. I needed time to find out what she was planning to do next. I was afraid it was something big. So until I found out what it was, I decided to make her believe her plan was working. That she had you under her control but in reality, you were under mine. If you hadn't thrown me out of the castle on the day before your birthday, none of this would have happened to Alexis. I thought you would protect her, dammit! But you were probably too busy giving that attention to some whore, huh?"

Scowling at her, I chose to ignore her words because I was afraid my anger would again get the best of me. Or maybe I was angry due to her being right.

"You never told me you have a sister,"

"I didn't tell you a lot of things back then, Damien." she gave me a straight look.

"Fair enough. What's her name?"


"That witch is your sister?! The witch who told me about the prophecy ten years ago?"

I couldn't believe this. But now that I think about it, they could definitely be sisters, both culprits and plotters.

"Small world, huh?" she just shrugged.

"Hold on. Why would Destiny want to kill Alexis? What does she accomplish from this?"

"Because you're in the way of what she wants, power. She can't just kill you to gain your position, but she can do something that will spread hatred among your people towards you. She can kill your Vampire side, bringing you back to your original form. If she succeeds, you will only be an Angel, like you were when you were 5."

I let out a chuckle, "and just how would she manage to kill the strongest Vampire King?"

Just the thought seemed hilarious.

"By killing Alexis, of course. Your entire existence depends on her. Until she keeps breathing, you're out of danger. But the moment she dies, you die with her. If she falls, she's taking you down with her."

What? Whatever Katrina said didn't make sense at all. How could my life depend on that human? Why?

"She's your mate. The pain you've been feeling in your chest for some time now, is the pain of losing her, your other half. Now that your Vampire side has met his mate, and the bond has gotten stronger with every second you spent with her, you won't be able to survive without her."

What she said next made me stumble back, while it felt like I was on the brink of my death. My life literally flashed before my eyes, making me realize nothing will ever be the same again.

"You need her more than the air you breathe and the blood you drink."



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