《The Vampire King》31. Past. (part 1)


" Stop asking me to trust you while I'm still coughing up water from the last time you let me drown."


The spare bedroom,

Crystalline Castle.


"Who is she?"

He knew who I was talking about, but took some time in answering, "my wife."

My eyes widened. His what? His wife? His wife. His wife.

No matter how many times the words repeated in my mind, I was having a hard time digesting them. Why didn't I ever think of this before? I just thought they were close, that they really loved each other. But the thought of them being married never crossed my mind. I had so many questions but no answers. I was afraid to ask him about his past. What happened, why they aren't together anymore.

As if reading my mind, he said, "I guess I do owe you an explanation. Do you really want to know? My past. It's not all butterflies and rainbows, Lexi. Just a heads up."

It was now or never, I thought, so I nodded.

"Okay," he sighed and then continued, "A long time ago, when my father adopted me, this Kingdom of Eveland was nothing but a dust on the perfect picture of the Vampire world. Being the oldest land of civilization, it was supposed to be the dominating Kingdom. All of the other Vampires, witches, royals, were supposed to fall under the King of Eveland. The rightful heir to this throne was supposed to be the ruler of the Vampire world. But over the course of time, it all started to changed. The walls of this place that once stood proudly under the sun, started to get old. The system became corrupted because of my grandfather. He was a man who was so overwhelmed with his new power that during those centuries he ruled, everyone else was treated like they were dirt on his feet by him. Everybody saw how selfish he was and how little he did to improve this world. The other Kingdoms became stronger while Eveland grew weaker and weaker. People who had the money started migrating. This island of Eveland lost its dignity, it faded away just like its importance. By the time my father became the king, there was almost nothing left for him to rule over. People didn't take him seriously, they thought he was just like his father. That's when my so called father, King Isaac, adopted me. He found out about my mother being an angel living a peaceful life with her son in the woods. He found out what I was capable of. Not being born made it impossible for me to die. Or at least that's what I think. I believe only my mother would know how to really kill me. But anyways, he saw a better Eveland in my eyes, he told me this himself after he made me believe mother left me. He became my teacher, training me day and night at a young age. Sending me off to fight and kill without thinking twice about it. If I did, he would hurt me tremendously. By the time I hit eighteen, I was prepared to lead an entire army of men. I became in charge of everything, turning this Kingdom around to the way he wanted it."


"You said he found out about what you were capable of. What is that?" I asked.

"Turning invisible, having sharper vision than a normal Vampire, sensing danger, things like that. Oh and the fact that my emotions affect the weather. But I think he main reason he adopted me was because I can fly," he joked, "So as I was saying, everything was in perfect shape for about a century. My father crowned me the new Vampire King the day I hit 25, proud of the person he had turned me into. Showing emotions were a weak person's symptoms, that's what he taught me, and I believed it. I locked away any sort of feelings in me, put up metal walls around my heart so I wouldn't feel. But nothing seemed to be going according to my plan after the day I met her. I saw her at a meeting. It was one of the important conferences which were held once every three months. She was one of the King's most trust assistance. One smile from her was all it took for me find some sort of interest in her. After that, we bumped into each other, not literally, in other places like restaurants in town, bars, etc. I was surprised to find out that even though she worked for my neighbor, she lived in Eveland. Time began to pass by, while we exchanged a few smiles here and there. Then finally I got the nerve to ask her for a dance at a fancy restaurant. I still remember how happy I was when she accepted. I didn't even realize when those meetings which seemed like a coincidence at the time, turned into planned dates. Those dates ended with us sleeping together. It was just casual sex at first but later, it became something serious. After that everything was a blur, engagement, wedding, honeymoon. We were on cloud nine, a point of no return. Everything was a dream come true until that one day..."



I walked down the hallways, trying to find my wife. In my left hand, I held the bag which contained the designer dress she wanted, while in my right, a flower bouquet which I had picked up on my way back to the castle. The smile wouldn't leave my face as I thought about how happy she would be. She would shower me with a million kisses and I wouldn't complain once.

"You will regret this," I heard my father hiss. His voice was coming from the study. I turned right, towards the closed set of doors. Pushing them open, I stepped in to find a jaw dropping sight in front of me. The moment I stepped into the office, my wife plunged the wooden stake into my father's chest, ending his life. I ran in full speed towards them, throwing her off him in a second. The fact that she killed my father didn't leave a hint of worry in me for her. I saw my father's eyes dropping as I held his hand. Even though he made my life a living hell, at least he was the reason I wasn't an orphan. At least I had a home after my mother abandoned me on the streets. He was my only family, along with his mate, who was like a mother to me. She loved me more than her own son. Her own son she disowned because he tried to kill father once. Nobody knew where he was now.


"What have you done?!" I turned around to face the witch who starred at me with her eyes wide.

I tried to telepathically talk to my guards so they could come here as soon as possible, but for some reason I couldn't. I couldn't connect to them. Knowing this is her doing, I narrowed my eyes at Katrina.

I stood up, taking a hold of her throat, I flew her across the room. All the love I had for her faded away to the back of my mind, the image of her killing my father fresh in my memory.

"Answer me, Dammit!"

Using my speed, I picked her up from the corner, pinning her againt the wall, while my hands stayed wrapped around her neck. Her eyes suddenly turned from innocent to dangerous looking, something that I've never seen in them before.

Suddenly, as if my hands had a mind of their own, they let go of her. My body was automatically pushed a couple steps away from her. I was caged in my own body. Her doing, I realized.

"Surprise, my love." She winked.

"Why did you kill him? What do you want?!"

By now, I knew this was not the Katrina I fell in love with. Maybe, that Katrina didn't exist at all.

"Well, what do you think? He found out about my plan, of course." She laughed, walking towards the table to pour herself a glass of water. Her causality only increased my anger, making me fight against the invisible cage she put around me.

"What plan?"

"My plan to kill you," her straightforwardness made me feel glad that at least she wasn't talking in riddles, but the sentence still hurt like a bitch. She was planning to kill me?

"So this was all fake? Your love was a show? For what? Why did you marry me in the first place if you wanted to kill me? Why do you want to kill me?"

I had so many questions and so little time. I could feel it slipping from my hands.

"Patience, my love, patience. I'll answer all your questions if that's what your last wish is. Yes, I made you fall for me. All those times we coincidentally met in different places, was all planed. It was always my plan to take things slow, to root myself so deep into your mind that all you thought about was me. And when I knew you had fallen for me, I confessed that I loved you. When you proposed, that was the first prize of my efforts. You were too big of a fool to marry an ordinary girl just for her looks. You didn't do any background checks, you said it didn't matter to you. I was never from this Kingdom, that place I've been staying at was my temporary home to be close to you. Now, why I want to kill you? For power of course. After you die, I will be the ruler of this Kingdom, along with the entire Vampire realm." She let out a laugh, throwing her head back, which just made her seem more evil.

"But you already have that. You're already the Queen."

It seemed like I was missing something.

"You're right. I do. But I don't want to share all this with you. I want to share it with someone else. Someone who deserves to be the king more than you. Someone who I'm truly in love with. That special someone I went through all this chaos for."

Blood boiled under my skin, as I tried to hold back my anger. My sharp teeth screamed against my gums to be let out, to be able to rip someone's throat apart.

"Enough of the talking. Now, shall I do the honors or would you want to? You know, the honor of killing you. Actually would you really want your precious Katrina's hands to get dirty with your blood? Why don't you kill yourself, at least then you wouldn't have to face the pain of getting stabbed by someone you love so much."

Her remarks hurt me like sharp needles were piercing my skin. But I tried to hide it.

"No, you go ahead. Remember when I said I would give my life for you? I wasn't lying like you, I meant it,"

I saw her flinch a little but she took control of herself quickly. I smirked because my plan worked.

Then suddenly, she picked up the stake next to my father, and buried it deep in my chest without a second thought. I had to compliment her speed.

A few seconds passed, a look of confusion crossed her face as I stood right in front of her as if nothing happen. She took out the stake, while blood started to pour out of my chest in great amount. She gasped as the wound sew itself back together, leaving nothing but a simple scratch on my skin, visible through the hole created in my shirt.

I laughed, taking a hold of her hair to bring her face close to mine. I pulled at it harshly as she let out a hiss.

"Remember yesterday, back to the good old days when I trust you? I showed you my wings? Well I forgot to tell you something. Not only am I half angel, I cannot die either. Maybe I can, but definitely not by a wooden stake, or I would have died a hundred times before. Clearly, you need to do some background checks as well, don't you think?"

Her eyes were burning with anger, as if they would erupt like a volcano. But then, soon her face mirrored my smiling one.

"What if these Vampires who love you so much come to know about the real you? What if they come to know who you really are? Half angel. A pure creature with white wings? Something that's the complete opposite of what they are? Would they still let you rule over them, Damien?"



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