《The Vampire King》17. Rain, Rain, Go Away.


"Maybe rain drops are the bravest thing created by God.

Want to know why?

It's because they're Never Afraid of Falling."


On the way back to the Castle,

Vampire World.


A loud screeching noise brought me out of my slumber.

Aware of the long distance from the Castle to the city, I had fallen asleep listening to the patternless rhythm of the falling rain drops on the car roof.

My eyes shot open as a sudden force pulled me forward. In my mind, I thanked the seatbelt I had on, or I would have flown out the windshield.

I turned my head to the left, raising my eyebrows at the King, "I know you hate me and all, but can you please let me sleep for a little while, your majesty."

He was surprised too as the car came to a halt. Letting out a curse, he turned his head and glared at me, "don't call me that."

"Don't call you what? Your majesty? Excuse me, weren't you the one who told me to call you that or you will, and I quote, slit my tongue in two."

I didn't understand this man at all.

A frustrated sigh came from him, "I did. But I hate it when you say it like that."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Like you're mocking me or some shit! When everyone says it, you can hear the respect they have for me dripping through the words. But you, it sounds like an insult when those words come out of your mouth!" The King exclaimed.

For some strange reason, his words made me laugh, even though he was giving me a warning. The kind of laugh that I haven't experienced in a long while, the carefree one. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be laughing at something the King, the most feared Vampire, had said. My laughter took its time, as it died down to a faint giggle.

"Hehehe, so funny. Are you done?" There was no hint of humor in the King's words what so ever, but the way he copied my giggle, had me laughing out loud again.

"God, what did I ever do to you, for making me get stuck with some crazy human?" He looked up at the car roof, expecting some sort of reply.



What did he mean, getting stuck with me?

"Yes, if you still haven't noticed, human, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere. This piece of shit has decided to break down at the worst timing possible! Great, now I have to hear that disgusting heartbeat coming from you for much longer."

The situation we were in just made itself visible to me.

His car broke down.

It's pouring down rain.

I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Stuck with the King.

But at the same time, some other thoughts hit me. And I realized this might just be the first and only time I can outsmart the King, "Can't you just teleport? Or use your phone to call your guards or whatever?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Is that what you think of me? I've already tried calling but there's no service here, because we're surrounded by miles and miles of forest trees! Also, I cannot teleport either, I haven't fed enough to have the energy needed to complete the action. That leaves only one other choice, communicate through my mind, but for some twisted reason, I fucking can't. I don't know what the fuck is going on. It's like someone planned this stupid night to make me suffer." He kept going on and on about how much his life sucked, making me snicker.

All hopes of escaping the situation left my brain. There's really no getting out of this one. I slumped back into the seat, getting comfortable, "So what do we do?"

"We? If you could just shut your mouth and let me think, that would be a lot from your part."

I scowled but did as he said.

He was in deep thoughts for quite some time, glancing around the car, looking outside the windows.

"I just need to feed, I know there's a village nearby. If we can walk to there, I can get rid of my hunger and have the energy to transport us back to the Castle."

Oh the irony, the precious King who does whatever he wants asking his people for help.

But I went along with it, "Okay, wait, but we're walking in the rain?"

All of a sudden, the situation we were in didn't seem that bad, after all.


His ussual frown appeared on his face once again, "I guess," was all he said.

He reached his arm out to the back and when he retrieved it, a black leather jacket was in his hand. I glared at his preparedness. He seemed to be ready enough to go out in the rain, while I just wore a thin blue sweater and jeans.

Then a thought hit me, I had a jacket that I had purchased in the trunk, too. I smiled, "I need to grab my jacket from the trunk."

"Wear this."

Holding out his jacket, he looked straight ahead.

"But wouldn't you be cold then?"

"I'm use to it, coldness doesn't bother me much anymore."

Why did I get the feeling those words had two completely different meanings?

I just shrugged it off and took the offered piece of clothing. I snaked my hands through the sleeves and the scent of his colonge surrounded me, highlighting my senses.

"Let's go," without waiting for a reply, the King opened the car door amd stepped out into the breezy night.

I didn't waste much time and followed his actions. Right as I stepped out of the car, millions of tiny water droplets showered down on me. I smiled amd threw my head back, as I let the rain kiss my face and wash away the lines of worry.

A hand grabbed my left wrist gently out of nowhere, and another grabbed my right wrist. From the tingles which appeared on my skin, I knew those pair of hands didn't belong to anyone but the King.

What was he doing?

He was standing behind me as he took a hold of my arms with each hand.

His fingers brushed against the naked skin of my wrists because the jacket's sleeves have risen up. He slowly directed my arms upwards, till they were stretched out, next to me, on the opposite sides as if I'm about to hug someone.

I was starting to feel dizzy due to not breathing properly. But can you blame me? The King was standing so close behind me that I could feel his body heat radiating off him, which is odd since vampires are supposed to be cold creatures.

He was much taller than me, but I could feel his warm breath on the side of my ear as he wispered in a rough yet so velvety voice, "Put your hands out like this too."

My head was spinning while the chaotic rain was falling all around me, gusts of wind blowing my hair in different directions, sent a shiver down my spine. Or maybe that was due to his touch. I felt sick because of the tingle like sensation in my stomach.

He was too close.

As I slowly opened my eyes again, I became more aware of the situation.

My mind went back to my eighteenth birthday, what a day to remember.

All of sudden, his touch, his hands on me didn't feel like heaven anymore. My back, which was pressed firmly against his chest, remembered the torture it went through because of this man. Even though the wounds have healed, the scars were still visible. They would always be there to remind me just how awful the King is.

How can I be so close to him without being disgusted? How can I let him touch me in any way after what he did to me? Why am I always left wanting more of his presence?

He made me suffer my entire life. He's the reason I would sit in the little dungeon for countless hours just staring at the plain wall, because at that point, I had no more tears left to express what I was feeling.

I controlled myself and moved a step forward, away from him. Away from his arms. Away from what felt like heaven once.

I continued walking ahead for a couple of steps, and when I didn't hear his footsteps, I looked over my shoulders to find him still standing in the same position I had left him.

His expression was unreadable because he was looking at the long stretch of trees that surrounded the lone road we were on.

"Are you coming?"

My voice seemed to bring him out of his thoughts and he muttered a yes, and then continued walking with me to God knows where he was taking me.


End of part 1..

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