《The Vampire King》16. What?


"According to Greek mythology,

humans were originally created with

four arms, four legs, and a head with

two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus

split them into two different things,

condemning them to spend their lives

in search of their other halves."

-Plato's The symposium.


In An alley way,

Vampire World.


"But I don't want that, damn it! I want y-"

Silence surrounded every ounce of the atmosphere, making it possible for me to hear my own fast-beating heartbeat. My heart was pounding in my chest, like it did every time he was near. I tried to control it, took in a deep breath, but that didn't do much of a justice. As I breathed in, I also inhaled the King's exotic masculine scent. Standing only about two feet away, he was still too close.

My blue eyes found his wild, black ones, "What? What do you want, your majesty?" I asked, sarcastically.

"I want you to shut the fuck up," he finally opened his mouth. He seemed frustrated, with himself or perhaps me. He looked the other way and avoided making any eye contact.

"I want an explanation, there's no way you're just keeping me alive for whatever that witch's name is to see me. I know you. I know that you never spare any of your enemies, you kill them even if you have a little bit of suspicion. Then why keep me alive? I want to know what you have planned for me."

I didn't know why I just thought of this now. I've never really thought this through when he spared my life. I was so caught up in enjoying my postponed death that I never thought of the consequences or the price once. But now I doubt his actions, there has to be something else, something more meaningful as to why he hasn't killed me yet.

He took a step closer, and this time, I didn't back away. I knew he was trying to scare me again, so I won't question him. But not anymore, I had to show him that I won't be a puppet who dances on his fingers.


"Would you rather I kill you? Fuck, humans are so annoying... And pathetic," he shook his head and laughed, for the first time, but it wasn't a oh you're so funny kind of laugh, it was a you have no idea what I'm gonna do to you kind of laugh.

He continued, "but if you want to know so badly, I'll tell you. I don't want you to be alive, to be honest I would have killed you when I first saw you. But where's the fun in that, human? I wanted to try something new. Come on, a Vampire's got to get bored of killing once in a while. I wanted to see how would you plan to be the cause of my destruction, which, let me remind you, is next to the word impossible."

He said everything in a motion that seemed practiced. There was a voice at the back of my mind, telling me something, which didn't make sense. But as I looked into his eyes, those unguarded, black eyes, I came to a conclusion. It was like I could see right through his eyes for once.

"You're lying, you would never give your enemy a chance to prove themselves. Heck, anyone with a proper functioning brain would never do that, underestimate their enemy."

He looked at me with surprise written all over his face. Did he really think I was too dumb to figure that out? I don't know what it is that he's hiding from me. Why couldn't he just say what he has in store for me? What's the price for me being alive?

He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal to him, "I know you can never destroy me even if you tried, Alexis Smith. You're too weak for that," he laughed, "I mean, just look at you. All it took was a little bit of crying from a Vamp kid to get you running towards trouble by yourself."


He just had to bring that up again.

But he didn't stop there,"besides, what can a little crybaby human who can't even take care of herself do to cause me harm? You're too naive for that, I know that now. I know you're just a regular human who-"

A ringing, sharp noise was heard by us. The King sighed as he slid his hand into his jeans pocket and took out his phone. A moment later, he had it pressed to his ear.

I looked around and noticed the blue afternoon sky turned into a never-ending pitch of blackness, the sun was nowhere to be found, neither were the stars. It must be the clouds covering them, I thought. When a earth shattering noise of a thunder was heard, I was proved correct. It's about to rain.

I could hear the King speaking to someone on the phone in the background, but I was suddenly filled with this strange excitement to what was about to come. Rain.

It's been ages since I've actually felt the rain. Literally.

In the dungeons, I heard the faint stormy noise and the chattering of rain drops hitting the pavement, but that's it, I never got to actually experience those rainy weather days.

But now is my chance.

Another thunder roared through the night, and I was filled with yet another exciting feeling, while the King let out a curse.

I looked up at the sky and smiled, I could almost feel my eyes smiling too, after a long time.

But the King ruined the mood by opening his mouth once again, "stop staring at the clouds like that, it's creepy. We need to go, I've been away from my duties long enough because of you."

Yes, blame everything on me, why don't you?

"You're the one who wanted to come shopping with me!" I had to remind him that fact.

"And you should be thankful that the one person everyone dies to get a look at, is spending time with an ungrateful bitch like you who questions her existence every five seconds. Jeez, I have a headache. Who knew that was possible for a Vampire? Maybe this is the destruction the Prophecy was talking about, my brain cells." He rolled his eyes and rubbed his forehead to prove his point.

I had to admit, that actually hurt, he can all me anything he wants, but I'm not ungrateful, as he had put it.

But I realized there was no point in arguing with the devil himself, so I simply turned around and started to walk back to where I knew the car was located.

"Ow," he faintly murmured behind me.

I turned around quickly to find out what happened. He was still standing on the same spot but his hand was rubbing the area where his heart would have been. His eyes were closed and a slightest hint of pain could be seen on his face.

"Damien?" I softly called out.

His eyes shot open, and just like that, he had a guarded mask on again, "It's your majesty for you, human. Next time you call me by my name, I will slice that tongue of yours in two."

He brushed past me and we walked back to the car as the King said something along the lines of, it better not start raining.

There was one thing I have came to realize after today for sure, the King was hiding something from me, and I had a feeling it was something big.



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