《The Vampire King》14. Shopping With His Majesty.


"Cuz life is not easy, I'm not made out of steel

Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real

Act like you know me, but you never will

But that's one thing that I know for sure

I'll show you

I'll show you.."

-Justin Bieber XD


Somewhere in the Vampire World


My eyes scanned every inch of the surroundings that blurred past the car's window. I tried to capture all the little details as fast as I could.

The pure white birds, which I've never seen before, flew over the horizon mingling with the group of different colored birds. They formed a larger group and proceeded going in a different direction until they were out of my sight.

I could occasionally make out the different kinds of fishes resurfacing ever so often to catch a glimpse of sunlight.

The window was rolled all the way down, thanks to the King for listening to me for once. Wind was slapping me on the face as he was driving like he just escaped from a jail. Which, in my case was kind of true, since this was my first time being out of those walls that ate me alive ever so slightly everyday.

I enjoyed this little bit of freedom. After all, this was all I could have, because soon enough, I would be on my death bed.

Pushing the scary thoughts away, I focused on the present.

Blue was the main color that appeared in every direction I looked. The road that we were on, was surrounded with bodies of water. It was a long, stretched out lane which connected the castle to the nearby city as Damien has mentioned before.

I was surprised he even told me that piece of information.

We were in a Red car which I didn't bother checking the name of, all I knew was if I had to trust my life on one single car, it would be the one Damien was currently driving.

He had taken me into this huge garage, if you could even call it a garage. It just seemed like a place I remembered from back home where they sold cars. He had way too many for only himself.

He had actually asked me, "which one?"

I was still in shock while replying, "uhm.. How about this?" as I stopped infront of a mint colored two-doors car.

He had rolled his eyes and walked away towards a red car that stood out the most and said, "guess we're taking this one then."

I just shrugged it off because that's the all mighty king we know, who always does the opposite of what everyone wants him to do.

Soon enough, the loud noises around me brought me back to reality.

The place around me wasn't so empty anymore, now we were driving through busy streets filled with cars buzzing past us and people walking around, some running to catch the bus.

No, not people, they were Vampires, no doubt.


The fact that this part of the Vampire world seem to be filled with lights didn't go unnoticed by me. Back at the castle, everything was so gloomy, while here, it felt like I was in a completely different world. They very much used electricity here at every corner of the streets, while at the castle, it was used at just some parts of it.

I sat up straighter to get a better look and found out that everyone was clearing out of the path Damien's car was going through.

I looked at him, my eyes filled with questions while he just smirked, "they can smell my scent, and nobody wants to be the reason for their King's delay."

Wow, everyone really did respect him, well more like feared him.

We reached a parking lot filled with countless cars, as I turned my head to look at the shopping mall.

One word.


"We didn't come here for you to gape at the mall like that, let's just go."

Without waiting for a response, he opened the car door and stepped out. I followed his actions as he walked around the car and grabbed my upper arm, sending a now familiar wave of electricity throughout my body.

Oblivious to my reaction to his touch, he continued walking, almost dragging me along with him.

I moved my arm out of his grasp and looked at him in the eye, "I can walk on my own."

I noticed his eyes turn wide before I quickly turned around and took a step forward. Bad idea, because I suddenly bumped into a stranger and my frame stumbled back into Damien.

"Watch it, " an angry voice said.

If it wasn't for the king's arms, that reached out to steady me, my butt would be on the floor right now.

His face had a bored expression on as he lazily smirked, "I can clearly see you can. That--"

"Let's just go."

He frowned, his eyes turning more serious, "You're not the boss here, don't order me around, human."

But then he continued walking with me trailing after him, still glaring at his back.




"Which one?"

We were in a store called "Forever 21", and Damien had told me I could buy whatever I want while he was just on his phone making calls or scanning through something. But his attention was divided though, probably to make sure I don't run away, like I would in a world filled with scary monsters who are eagerly out to get me.

Even though this place was great and I discovered something I've never seen before with every turn I made, I eventually got bored of the excitement. I wanted someone to give me ideas and opinions on what looked better. Someone to help me out, I wish Emma was here with me instead.

I held up two of the same dresses but different in color, asking the King which one looked better.


He rolled his eyes like he would rather be anywhere else but here, "I don't care, buy whatever you want"

He went back to his phone as I just shrugged off his ussual behavior and turned around.

"The red one."

I heard a faint smooth voice that belonged to nobody but him.

What's up with him liking the color red so much?

I smiled, turning around to face him again, "Well I'll get the pink one then."

I saw him open his mouth but before he could say something rude or scold me again, I turned around and ran into the fitting room.




I rested my sore back on the car seat, letting my head fall back, I was beyond tired.

My feet were numb and it seemed like they would fall off any moment now. My arms were tired from looking through the clothes.

Oh and I made sure Damien payed more by buying the stuff I would never even need...

I mean it's his fault I'm in this mess anyways, he's got to make up for it one way or the other.

Right now I was in his car all alone because he recalled he forgot to get something and told me to stay in the car no matter what. So he went back inside the mall to get whatever it is he forgot to buy.

All of a sudden, I heard a sob.

A sob followed by many, and I realized someone was crying. I looked out of the window and saw a kid around ten years of age, crying and looking around for something or rather, someone.

Instincts kicked in and I stepped out of the car without a second thought.

"Hey, are you okay?"

The kid looked at me and shook his head no.

"My mom is sick! There's no one else home, she's really sick! You have to help her! Come with me. Please!" He cried.

I stood there, deciding what to do, should I wait for Damien? But this child really needed my help.

"Um, hold on, let me see if--"

But the boy didn't let me continue as he grabbed my arm gently, urging me to follow him, to help him. I could see the pain behind his eyes and I think that's what made me give up and go along with him.

He lead me through the crowd, "my house is just around the corner this way."

We turned onto a narrow alley way where there was no sight of a single soul. We continued onto that road for a minute or two, we were surrounded by the back of some apartment buildings so I guessed his must be on this street too.

In a blink, the boy let go of my arm. I looked at him to ask where his house is but before I could speak, a rough hand, which I'm sure didn't belong to the boy, grabbed my arm and pushed me untill my back hit the back of a building.

My eyes met his strange red ones. There was a burning desire so strong in them that it frightened me to no end. He had dark messy hair that curled at the end. He was dressed in some odd looking clothes which seemed as though they didn't belong in this century.

He had a strong hold on my upper arms as I continued to struggle against him.

"Who are--"

His hand came up and covered my mouth tightly, preventing me to make any sort of noise.

I got really scared and tears escaped my eyes. What was he going to do to me? Was I going to die before these four months were even over? If I was meant to die like this, if I was to have no meaning in life, then why was I even born? What was the purpose? Why did the big guy sitting up there even create me?

Please let me go.

I was ready to beg for my life if i had to. I haven't even lived yet.

"Well, well, well, don't cry now, baby doll, I'm going to make you feel really good..." his rough voice reminded me of how dangerous he can get.

It made me want to run away and hide in the deepest dungeons.

"You have no idea how fucking tempting you are. I've been thinking about you ever since I smelled your scent with that bastard of the King. You can only wish but you can never hide from me, you're mine now. Mine to do whatever I want with you."

As if it couldn't get any worse, his face came really close to mine and I could smell the alcohol on him. I pushed myself farther into the wall, away from him.

How could I be so stupid? As I looked around, I noticed that boy was no where to be found.

I hate him.

My body started shaking from fear, a type of fear I've never experienced before. Not even with Damien. For some strange, fucked up reason, Damien never made me feel this sick.

The Vampire's hands were all over me now.

I couldn't do anything but fight, which wasn't good enough since he was a lot stronger.

His face moved towards my neck as I tried to scream but luck wasn't on my side as his hand was pressed onto my mouth.

"Mmm you smell so good, I bet you taste even better..."

Realization hit me like a brick that he was going to bite me, drink my blood, then use my body for other reasons I was too scared to even think about.

I felt his mouth on my neck as he kissed a certain area which had my heart rate increasing ten times faster and not in a good way, at all.

I felt his fang ready to pierce through my skin and all I could do was silently pray that it would be over soon.



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