《The Vampire King》11 . The Dream


"I believe in love at first sight, because I've been loving my mother since I opened my eyes."



The dream.

"Mom, what is a girlfriend?" The five year old boy laid his head on his mother's lap, eyes filled with curiosity. He looked up at his beautiful mom, expecting an answer which would take his confusion away.

"When you're old enough and if you are a good boy, you'll get one," an angelic voice filled with love towards her son said as the source of the voice ran her fingers through the little boy's midnight black hair affectionately.

"What if I'm a bad boy?" the kid couldn't help but ask.

His mother smiled, "then you will get many."

If the boy thought he was confused before, he was now more than just confused. He opened his mouth to ask something else but before he could, there was a loud knock that came from the door.

First, it was just a loud booming noise, but then soon after, more similar sound of the knocks filled the cottage that the little boy and his mother occupied.

"Open up, Evangeline! Your secret is no longer a secret! We've come to get that precious little thing you've been hiding!" A strong voice called through the door that had the boy hugging his mother like there's no tomorrow.

More people were banging on the door now, shouting to be let in.

"Mom, what's going on?" he asked in a small voice.

"Listen here, my love. I need you to go hide under that table and don't come out until I tell you to do so. Make sure nobody sees you, understand? Promise me you won't come out until it's safe!" the angelic voice whispered quickly in desperation. Her eyes filled with nonshed tears, she gulped as an attempt to not appear scared, to look stronger for her little boy.

The boy nodded, understanding the seriousness of the situation even at a young age. His mother made him jump off the bed and crawl under the wooden table which was just a few inches from his head at a sitting position.

The banging seemed to be getting louder by each passing second. His mother rushed to the door and opened it at once.

The breezy air washed inside the house, carrying the smell of wet soil and rain. Numerous sounds of thunders alerted everyone that a thunderstorm was on its way.

The boy could only see the back of the skirt his mother wore and a few pair of boots of men standing in front of her.

"Where is he?" One of the men questioned.

"Who, sir, and what are castle guards doing at a small cottage like this?"


"Don't try to act smart. We are no fools. The king has came to know of that little boy you've been hiding here for years. He has ordered us to bring him to the castle at once. Maybe if you cooperate, our king wouldn't be so harsh to punish you. Now, tell us, where is he?!"

"I do not know what you are talking about, sir. It's only I who live here, that has been the case ever since my master died. I don't have any children. I'm alone in this world." Evangeline tried to shift their attention to the tears streaming down her face to make them believe what she said was the truth.

"Mark, I think what she is saying is the truth. We don't see any kid or his belongings anywhere in this cottage." Another man standing next to Mark suggested.

The darkness of the night was making it hard for the little boy to stay under the table. He grew scared as moments passed, a million thoughts were running through his small brain.

He wanted someone to help him out of that darkness which surrounded him.

"No no, Steve. If the king thinks the boy is here, he has to be here. His majesty sent us here to get him. We can't leave without fulfilling our duty." Mark walked further into the cottage, making Evangeline go still with fear.

Fear for herself and fear for what might happen to her little boy.

"No, I'm telling you, there's nobody here, you would just be wasting your time, sir."

"Search everywhere, guards, turn the place upside down if you have to!"

That was all it took for the guards to get to work as they scattered in all directions, flipping over the bedsheets and checking behind every curtain hanging off the wall.

The boy was terrified by then. He put his tiny hand over his mouth to stop himself from calling out to his mother. He could feel the wetness caused by the tears on his cheeks.

He could hear his mother's desperate voice begging them to stop whatever they were doing.

He saw a pair of boots standing right infront of him, he held his breath, praying to God to keep him safe.

The boy felt relief washing over him as the pair of boots passed by the table and continued walking. He let out the puff of air he has been holding. As he did that, all of a sudden, a face appeared right infront of him as a rough voice said, "Gotcha,".





The sharp slap met Evangeline's left cheek. The pain pierced through her skin like she's been burned. Her dangerous beauty did nothing to stop the monster of the king from being furious at her.


"You bitch, you really thought you could hide that piece of shit from me?! Have you forgotten who I am? I am the King of these lands, everyone falls under my feet so who are you to go against me and keep that boy hidden for all these years?! You know how much he can be of use to me, that's why you kept him from me, did you not? Well guess what, your game is over, I've found him now. And nothing can stop me from using him for my own good."

"You will have to go over my dead body to harm my son. Which is impossible, considering the fact that I cannot die, or have you forgotten that, you majesty."

Venom was dripping from every word she spoke which only made the king more angry.

All of a sudden, a light bulb went on in the King's mind.

He smilled, "Believe me, it would be you who will willingly give up her son to me."

Evangeline's eyes narrowed in confusion. Before she could ask him what he meant, the king grabbed her by the hair and brought her face dangerously close to his own.

"You will do as I say, or your son will suffer the consequences of the choice you make. It's impossible to kill him, but trust me, I have other ways that are more painful then death. He will be begging for the relief that only death can provide but he will never, I repeat, never be able to escape the torture I will put him through." The king hissed.

Evangeline struggled against the cruel man but it was no use, he was a lot stronger then her, she was drained of her magic powers so she couldn't use those either.

"I will never let you harm my son!" her voice quivered but she covered it up with a cough.

"The choice is yours, Evangeline. Do you want to let your son be my son so he can be treated like a prince and receive all the riches I will shower him with, or do you want to go against me which will result in your son going through the punishment that should have been yours?"

The broken woman was lost in her own thoughts, looking over every detail in debt.

"Will I get to see him whenever I wish if I give him up to you?"

"Of course, even though I cannot allow you to live in the castle because people might get suspicious, you will be able to visit him whenever you wish. So do you agree?"

Evangeline still did not trust the king but she soon figured out she had no other choice but to give her son over to the king if she wanted to keep him safe.

With a million thoughts running around in her mind, she whispered the word that will change her son's fate for the better or for the worse,

"I agree."





The sound of her own sobs surrounded Evangeline as she ran out of the castle's main gate.

This has been the hardest day of her eternal life.

She could not get the image of her son's tear soaked face out of her mind as she told him that the king will be his father from now on, that he was to respect him just like he respected his mother. She had told him she will come to visit but the castle was his home now.

She had just left her son in a world filled with monsters and betrayals. He was the only source of light she had left, but that positive energy in him will soon turn into everything she hates, he will turn into one of them.

But she tried to tell herself at least it was better than what they would have done to him if she refused to leave him there.

Her long strides turned into slower and weaker ones, she lost all her energy as she let her head drop while she sank to the floor in the middle of nowhere.

A laugh came from right next her, she turned her head so fast that she got dizzy for a couple seconds. But as soon as she made out the figure standing next to her, she stood up.

"What are you doing here?"

The king smirked, "you didn't think I was going to let you go just like that, now did you?"

Before Evangeline could process his words or make sense of them, the king held onto her shoulders and said" I, King Isaac of the Vampire world, ban Evangeline Iris from this world, she is to never step a foot here again, all portals in all three worlds that leads to here are to be closed foever for her. She must stay in the human world, away from here, away from my son."

A gust of wind surrounded Evangeline as her eyes grew wide realizing the situation.

The king had played her.

He didn't stick to his words, just like he never did.

How could she be so stupid?

Why did she fall for his trap?

What will happen to her poor little baby?

Before the wind made her fully dissappear to send her back to the human world, she found her voice and screamed at the top of her lungs,

"My son will never be like you, you bastard. He will not do any of your dirty works, he will not misuse his abilities! He will never turn into a monster like you!"


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