《The Vampire King》6. Vampires


"It's okay to be a glowstick; sometimes we need to break before we shine."



August 26th, 2015.

The King's Tower,

Crystaline Castle.


This place was huge! Every turn we made lead to a different hallway that I never saw before, yet with their high defying beauty, they looked the same. The only differences were the paintings and decorations on the wall which took my breath away every time with its uniqueness. There mostly seem to be paintings of older Kings and Queens or pieces of art which I'm sure held a deeper meaning beyond what we see. The hallways were candle lit and a little amount of sunlight came in through the long curtains. I suppose Maria was right, the Vampires do tend to be a little old fashioned. They didn't bother using electricity.

If I had been here at this castle under different circumstances, I'm sure I would have never wanted to leave. But things are different, I didn't choose to be here, I was forcefully thrown into this fantasy where I didn't belong.

The King stopped infront of two enormous set of doors. They had woodsy patterns on them, craved to perfection. He pushed the doors and they opened in a swift.

The sight infront of me left me awestruck. I was so use to the cell walls, that every single new detail I discovered left me curious.

The King stepped in as I followed his steps. This was by far the biggest room I've came across. My eyes were blinded with the color red, black, and white. What's with him and his obsession with those colors?

This room was different than the other parts of the castle though. While the others looked centuries old, this room, where I was standing in, it was anything but old. This room looked modern. It was filled with clean white furnitures, matching the white marble floors. A king sized bed with red and black sheets was placed against the right wall. There was a picture of the King himself, on the wall over the bed, in which he was dressed in different clothes, not the formal suits he always wears. He wore a blue jacket and a casual T-shirt, making him look younger. Still dangerous, but less scary.


There was a flat screen TV on the opposite wall, with a super comfortable looking sofa infront of it. This was the first time I saw something that reminded me of my childhood. I remember arguing with my dad all the time because he wanted to watch football while I wanted to enjoy my cartoons. Thinking about my parents still brought tears to my eyes.


I shook my head and looked at the swirling red curtains due to the gushing wind, that notified me a balcony was located right across from me. It gave me a view to the outside world for the first time. Even though all I could see was a blur of blue and green because of the large distance between the balcony and me, it made me want to run free in the wildness.

Bringing me out of my dreamy thoughts, the King said, "You'll be staying here, with me, but make sure you're as far away from me as possible. I have to go take care of some duties right now, so do whatever you want, or die of boredom, I don't care. Just make sure you don't step a foot out of this room, or I have other ways of punishment except death."

Without waiting for a reply, he turned and left the room, shutting the door with a loud bang.

I looked around, trying to find something I could do, might as well enjoy this little bit of freedom. I noticed a small bookshelf in the corner to my right. I curiously walked towards it.

It was filled with old looking books. They didn't seem like a novel, as I ran my fingers swiftly over them, I carefully read each and every title.

The First Vampire

Vampire Royalty

How to be a Vamp

All about Vampires

My fingers stopped at the forth book. Touching the top of the cover, I gently pulled it out from the pile.

It was a rather small book compared to the others, so why not start with this one first?

With the book secured in my hands, I walked across the room to the very edge, the balcony. The door that lead outside were open so I simply pushed the curtains aside, stepping out. I located a chair on the side on which I sat down and began reading the book.

To be honest, I didn't understand half the things they were talking about. But some information seem to stand out more than the rest. Like how to kill a vampire.

Not that I would have the courage to do it anytime soon, considering how much of a coward I am, especially infront of the King, where I can't even look at him without shaking.


According to the book, there is only one way to kill a vampire. Wooden stake through the heart.

They can also choose to die by simply turning off their "life switch". If they live an immortal life, I'm sure they are ought to get bored of it sooner or later.

There are some things that can seriously harm the Vampires, but not kill them. For example, sunlight, not the sun they have in the Vampire world, because that's just a fake image of it to cause some sort of sunlight. But they can be harmed by the real sun, it burns their skin. The picture in the book looked somewhat worse than a sunburn.

Being a Vampire came with many perks which included reading minds, fast speed, healing through their blood, and sharp senses. But it still leaves me truely amazed that they can teleport. Even though I have never seen a Vampire teleport right infront of me before, I knew these details about them, but sharp senses? That would make them vulnerable to certain things, like flashlight shining in their eyes, or too loud of a noise.

I tuned the page and found out it had some information about the royals.

Vampire royals are the most powerful of their kind. They are born in the royal family, but one can also become a royal descendant. For that they have to drink one of the royal member's blood. Not only that, they also have to go through a series of rituals which makes their old self die as they are reborned as a stronger vampire and a part of the true royalty of the kingdom that turned them.

They develop the skills of the born royals soon enough.

This method is very rare because Vampire royalties don't like sharing their abilities. So even though it is heard of, these rituals don't take place too often.

There are twelve countries in the Vampire world, each having a ruling kingdom to keep it in shape and running. The countries are basically like islands, separated by bodies of water.

Each kingdom is represented by a mascot. The mascot of the place I've been kept at is a Phoenix. No wonder all the guards here wore a brooch with a Phoenix on it. This clears it up.

Of those twelve islands, the island of Eveland is considered to be the oldest of all. Making it the home of the oldest royal family, the Knights.

Something clicked in my mind. The Knights. Damien Knight.

I remember Maria telling me about the King who captured me. But I didn't know he was a heir of the oldest royal family. No wonder he's feared by everyone. Let's not forget how he also thinks of himself as a God or something, who does "whatever the hell he wants".

He had another advantage of being from his bloodline. He was the ruler of entire Vampirism. Not only did he rule the country of Eveland, but he's also ruler of all the other kingdoms. Him being the current rightful heir to this throne, they all fall under him, as mentioned by the book.

He is the King.

That seemed like a lot of responsibilities. How does he manage to do all that by himself?

By killing others, a voice at the back of my mind answered. It's true though, from what I've heard, he kills like its as easy as breathing for him. Well I hope someday, somebody gives him the taste of his own medicine. Maybe he'll realize what it's like to lose someone you love when he's the one losing.

Before I could get carried away making up plans how to hurt him, I returned to the book.

Every member of the royalty has a special gift.

It's usually something they discover at the age of eighteen. Because of it being something abstract, only the people who the person chose to tell knows. A special gift could be anything from controlling someone's mind, or just the power to heal by a simple touch of hand.

Wow, that's so cool. I wonder what the King's special gift is...

I reread the part where it say it's a abstract thing, so I doubt he would ever tell me. Guess that'll forever be a mystery for me.


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