《Knot Of Destiny》Chapter 21


Before heating up the argument between raghavan and inspector, prakash approached them hurriedly with the thought to convince inspector somehow. Before he could speak anything to inspector, assuring voice of someone, who entered the room at the moment, heard around the room.

"Inspector.. Raghu will announce the relationship he had with arshika in the press meeting with reporters.. Now, please excuse us for few minutes."

After getting the firm assurance from the grandmother of raghavan, inspector left the room with other police officers..

As usual raghavan grandma waited for raghavan to have dinner with him.. However, as dinner time was running out, grandma had a doubt whether he would come to have dinner or not.. The grandma, who did not want to bother raghavan by calling him, turned on the TV to pass the time with the thought to wait for raghavan even for a little while..

The television she turned on to pass her time came as a huge shock to her.. She was shocked by seeing the flash news which aired on the all tv channel.. All the channels aired a scene where Raghavan was hugging a woman with the title that he was caught in a hotel with a girl.. Although she was sure that her grandson would never do such a thing, she went to the hotel with the intention to know the exact situation and to save her grandson before he could fall in any trouble..

Regardless of reporters who surrounded her when she reached the hotel, she went to the hotel room and saw the most unexpected person harshika who is standing inside the hotel room with flushed face by looking raghavan.. Raghavan grandma thought that this trouble is caused by any of raghavan busniess rivals but she didn't expect to meet harshika in that room.. Although Grandma was shocked to see harshika, she devised a plan to use this situation to fulfil her desire that to make her grandson raghavan to marry Harshika.. Raghavan's grandma was blindly believed that harshika could bring back the life to raghavan dead heart.. Therefore, she instruct prakash to carry out her plan,


"Prakash. Book the conference hall of this hotel and arrange the press meeting in it."

By hearing grandma order, prakash shook his head as yes and turned to leave the room without even giving a glance to raghavan. However, before he could approach the doorway of the room, raghavan warning voice were bloomed around the room,


Before his grandmother came to the hotel room, raghavan thought everything that happened was coincidental, But, only when his grandma came into the hotel room, he realized that everything happened in the hotel room is harshika's cunning plans.. He could not control his anger when he thought that even he fall in harsika's innocent acting.. He hated himself for believing her that she is changed.. Realizing that she still hadn't changed from her evil thoughts, he turned and looked at her with pure disgust.. He became even more angry when he saw her looking at him with blushful face and shy smile..

Harshika who did not know raghavan's inner thoughts, unknowingly felt shy due to his intense gaze.. Even though everything that happened there was a mystery to her, she kept quiet without exaggerating anything..

Realizing that his grandmother had misunderstood everything that had happened here, raghavan tried to stop his grandma with the intention of making his grandma to understand that everything that happened in hotel due to harshika's cunning plans..

"Grandma.. What are you doing ??.. I think you misunderstood everything.. She is...."

Raghavan grandma shouted at him in a threatening tone to stop him from speaking with the thought that she should not allow him to collapse her plan..

" Raghavan.. I know what I'm doing.. You destroyed our family honour by coming this hotel with harshika.. What else you have to talk ??.. Now, just stay silent and do as I say if you want your grandmother to be alive.."


Grandma said the last word in sad tone as she wiped her eyes which don't even shed a drop of tears..

By hearing his grandma broken words and seeing her weeping, raghavan felt sad with the thought that he is reason for everything and if he didn't fall in harshika trap, he would not have brought this dishonour to his family..

On other hand, Grandma looked at raghavan with one eye to find out that whether he believed her fake emotional drama or not.. By viewing his sad face, she understood that raghavan believed her drama completely.. A smile cracked on grandma face by viewing raghavan.. However, she hide it soon before anyone could notice it..

But unbeknownst to raghavan grandma, Prakash watched every act of grandma with shockful expression.. From Grandma's action, Prakash realizes that she is planning something big to change raghavan life.. Grandma who did not know that prakash had seen her, proceed her acting by ordering to prakash with fake angry,

"Prakash.. Go and do as I say.. "

Prakash had no other choice than to agree with grandma words.. Therefore, he shook his head as okay and left the room.. There was a pure silence prevailed in the room since prakash left the room.. All three present in the room were engrossed in their own thoughts..

Harshika thought was prevailed around how to leave the room without making raghavan angry and also to find other way to get money for her mama's treatment.. Harshika was well aware that raghavan would get angry if she tried to leave the room without asking Raghavan's consent.

Raghavan's thoughts were on how to get out of this predicament and how to pacify his grandmother.. If Raghavan's grandmother had not only intervened in this matter it would not have been a big deal for raghavan to cover up this news using his power and money.. Even he could change the thing that happened in the room as did not happen.. But now he don't know how to change his grandmother's stubborn decision to handle this matter by herself.. Moreover, raghavan have no idea how his grandmother going to handling this issue..

Raghavan grandma thoughts were immersed in how to use the chance which she got after a long days to fufill her desire to see her grandson marriage.. Raghavan's grandmother knows very well that nothing is going between raghavan and harshika but there is a belief in her mind that if this two of them get together in their life, their life will be better and they both of them find true love and happiness between them.. Therefore, she has decided to arrange their marriage with this strong belief.. However, she didn't even think for a second before taking this hasty decision.. And also she didn't understand that knotting the people who don't like each other, in a relationship would brought more sorrow and pain than the love and happiness in their life..

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