《Knot Of Destiny》Chapter 9


I felt as my head was going to explode due to the constant wailing. I couldn't control my emotions and tears, no matter how many times I attempted to console myself by reciting those words,

Its okay harshika.

Its okay to be labelled as a slut.

It's okay to be reflect as disgusting person.

It's okay to be blamed for something you didn't do.

It's okay to be mock for being overweight girl.

Its okay to be rejected..

Its okay to be unmarried..

Its okay to be unwanted..

It's okay to be someone who can be disliked.

My wailing and self-contemplation came to a halt, when I heard Meera and Aarav shouting,

"APPA (Father) ".

Meera's scream and the sound of a quick fall drew my attention to the direction in which the sound was coming from. I couldn't see anything clearly as the result of tears drops on my spectacles due to my constant weeping. When I saw blurred image of my uncle who is lying on the floor unconsciously, I sprung to my feet, despite the fact that my legs were numb from sitting on the floor for so long. I could not feel my feet and did not feel like I was standing, despite the fact that I had stood up. Within the second I got up from the floor, my body tripped, and I was about to collapse to the ground against my will to stand up. As my body moved closer to the ground, everything around me became darker to my eyes and causing my eyelids to close spontaneously.

After then, no matter how hard I tried to open my eyes, I was unable to do so. Nonetheless, I was aware of what was going on around me. Someone seemed to be carrying me while ordering others to move out of the way. As I listened to his dominating voices, I slipped into a deep sleep.


My sweet sleep was interrupted by a touch on my hand. My entire body ached as though a train had run over me. My skull, in particular, is in excruciating pain. I struggled to open my eyes and looked around the room. Everything around me appears to be a haze to me. I moved my hands towards my face and attempted to adjust my spectacle, like I was used to do when I couldn't see anything well. It was only then that I realised I wasn't wearing spectacles. I looked for the spectacle near the pillow, which is where I always keep it before going to bed. Argh !!.. Where has this spectacles gone ?. Why I couldn't find out spectacles ?. Why I couldn't move to my leg ?. Why its paining if I tried to get up ?. I could be late for work if I was in search of spectacles like this.


While looking for spectacles, my hand came into contact with a nearby table. Who kept the table near me ?. Moreover, why do I feel like I'm sleeping in a bed ?. As I was piling up a lot of questions in my head, I rubbed my palm on the top of the table to see if there was anything in the table. When my palm touched the spectacles, I breathed a sigh of relief. As I concluded that Meera might have kept the spectacle on the table, I wore spectacles. It was only after I wore spectacle and seen clearly around me that I realized my conclusion was completely wrong.

The room in which I'm lying resembles a hospital room with an attached bathroom, a sliding glass window, a single size bed, a sofa at one end of the wall near the door and a small table with beautiful flower vase near the bed. The sound of the door closing caused my eyes to go in that way. I flung open my eyes wide. When I noticed a man who is quietly exiting the room. I couldn't figure out who he was because of the darkness at the doorway. I merely caught a glimpse of his shadow.

I tried to get out of bed with the intention of figuring out who it was. However, due to my frail physique, I fell back on the bed and let out a feeble cry as a result of my unexpected fall. Meera entered the room abruptly, as if she had heard my scream. When I saw Meera, I remembered everything that had occurred in the marriage hall. My heart seemed to tighten as I remembered those memories.

Tears involuntarily flow out of my eyes as a result of those traumatic memories. I tried to hold back my emotions and pain, but I couldn't. I tried to ask Meera about Mama, but my throat was so dry that I couldn't say anything and coughed. To ease up the cough meera rubbed my back and fed me a glass of water. When my cough subsided, she assisted me to sit up in the bed. As soon as the dryness in my throat and cough had subsided, I questioned her


"Meera.. Where is Mama ?. How is he ?".

Meera hugged me and sobbed uncontrollably when I mentioned Mama. As a result of her broken state, I felt as if my heart was about to rip out of my chest. My mind begins to be ruled by all negative thoughts. Before the nasty ideas completely overtook my mind, I asked her with a stutter,

"Me..eera.. Pl..ease.. say something.. What.. happe..ned.. to.. mam..aa ??"

She unclutched me from her grip when she heard my voice and gazed at me with tear-filled eyes. I wiped her tears away and kissed her on the forehead before asking her again softly,

"Meera, Your akka is here.. I will not let anything happen to mama.. Don't be afraid.. Say me.. Where is mama ??.."

She struggled to keep her tears in control after listening to what I said. Her sobs became a whimper as time passed. She start to explain everything once she had regained her composure from her emotions.

"Akka.. Appa is in the intensive care unit (ICU).. Doctors are treating him, but they aren't saying anything about Appa's health right now. They are simply repeating the same lines, "We are trying our best.. Pray to the god".. I'm afraid akka.. What will we do if something were to happen to ap...??"

Before she could complete her whole sentence, I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and shaked my head in the way to indicate that don't say like that. I removed my hand from her mouth and placed it on her shoulder when she agreed with me.

"Meera.. I'm saying once again.. Your akka is with you.. I will not let anything happen to mama.. Okay.. So don't repeat those words again..The most important fact is that mama was only admitted to the hospital a few hours ago. So it will take some time for doctors to examine him.. There is no need to be tense about it. Okay.."

She glanced at me with a shocked expression after hearing my remarks. Noticing her surprised expression, I pinched her cheek and asked in a regular tone,

"Meeru.. What is that expression ?. Is there something in my face ?. Anyway, Come on. Assist me in getting to the ICU to see Mama."

After saying it, I dragged my foot from the bed and placed it on the floor. Meera stopped me from getting out of bed and said, in a commanding tone,

"Akka.. Stay Still.. You are just awoken from coma. You should not leave your bed until the doctor has examined you. Wait here, I will go and call the doctor.. Okay.."

Before I could agree with her or inquire why she mentioned that I had awoken from a coma, she exited the room. I sighed and waited for Meera as per her comment. After a while, a middle-aged lady doctor and a nurse entered the room with Meera. Doctor approached me with a smile on her face, as if she had escaped from her doom. Despite the doctor's strange behaviour, I let her to check me. After the doctor examined me, Doctor exclaimed to me and the nurse,

"Thank god.. Now you are perfectly okay.. Jeni call MD and inform him that Harshika madam is perfectly alright now."

After instructing the nurse, doctor prescribed medicine's for me to have for one week and she also urged me to come to the hospital if I had frequent or severe head pain. My mind struggled with me to confront her about why she informed her MD about my health issue as she was getting ready to leave the room. Regardless of my mind, I stayed silent, thinking that it might be a hospital policy to notify their MD about every patient's medical report.


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