《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Sick Dazai


So here was another overly long winter that had the utter audacity to visit Yokohama. Another freezing gust of wind blew in from the chimney, causing the flames to flicker slightly.

The kettle whistled. The blinds rustled.

"Chuuya~" Dazai sniffled and flopped onto the sofa that his beautiful boy had been sitting on.

"Did you catch a cold?" His tone was flat as he continued to stare at the novel in his hands.


Chuuya sighed. What did the damned bastard want today?

"I want a hug."

He... didn't actually want that did he? No, one look at that disheveled man told him all.

"Get away from me, you fucking son of a bitch!" His face flushed as the bandaged man grabbed the air where he had been, mere seconds ago.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

"Why not?" Dazai pouted, huffing and acting all affronted. Damn that man was a good actor... the Brunette but his lip and gave Chuuya the most goddamn adorable puppy eyes he'd ever seen.

"You-" The midget of a man spluttered, trying desperately to come up with some excuse, god help him, how could he refuse? "You'll give me the CORONAVIRUS!"

A snigger.

"The Coronavirus?" A mischievous predatory glint appeared in Dazai's eyes. "Why Chuuya, how could I get the Coronavirus if I've not been outside for the past month due to lockdown!"


"Why, Chuuya..." There goes the sad, kicked puppy look again. "Do you think that I'd betray you like that! I'm so hurt!" He sulked for a bit.

Chuuya felt a tug at his heart. That fucking manipulator.

"Get out."

"Chuuya- are you alright?"

"Get out."

So he did.

Chuuya sat in silence for a bit. Did he overreact? Was it justified? Why did he do that... Oh god.


It just reminded him of... that time. He didn't want to ever get emotionally manipulated again.

But this was Dazai! Dazai wouldn't... Dazai wouldn't ever, they loved each other. Yeah.

Wait what. No, no they were just partners. But.

All that time Dazai had jokingly 'asked him out', was that- no, it couldn't be.


The redhead didn't respond. But more was said in their actions, their embrace, than words could have ever said.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

You shouldn't have been hurt that way.

Author here, thanks so much for reading, sorry about the crappy as always update schedule. Stay safe.

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