《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Wedding day


The Wedding of Dazai and Chuuya was to be as chaotic as expected. The not expected part was definitely when half of the port mafia turned up uninvited. The unexpected part was when Akutagawa turned up to deliver his wedding blessings. The unexpected part was when Mori came to 'give Dazai away'. And also when Fukuzawa also came to do the same...

The next surprise was when the guild came along too.

" Why ON EARTH did you put crab in the cake?!"

"Crab is good!"

"No it bloody isn't "


This was the conversation that could be heard from 17 block radius. This was what woke everyone in that hearing distance that morning. At seven in the morning.

It was no less chaotic at noon.

There was a huge disagreement as to who was the bride and groom. Which of course, ended up being a fight after Dazai mentioned how feminine Chuuya looked (he got kicked in the balls for that).

Then the whole argument about the wedding cake dragged on for what seemed like eons because Dazai refused to take the crab out of it. The cake exploded.

And of course, the dress Dazai bought for Chuuya had to land on Kunikida's head, knocking over his glasses. Which resulted in a very nearly blind Kunikida, who (though practically blind) still managed to beat the shit out of the groom to be (Dazai).

At this point, nobody in the vicinity had not invested sound proof earmuffs. That and turned their house or flat into an indestructible fortress armed to the teeth.

This was a fantastic choice as the actual ceremony itself was more of a fight to the death than a celebration and peaceful gathering.

"Gin! Hello! I don't remember inviting you here!"

The ever silent mafioso shrugged.


"Ahh, Mori-san. I thought I told you to not show up uninvited..." Dazai frowned.

His former boss just smiled. "I'm here to give you away, of course! Isn't that right Elise?"

The little girl (?), huffed, still pouting because of the frilly dress she had been made to wear.

A silver haired man intervened. " With all due respect, I am going to give Dazai away. After all, he is in my care, is he not?"

The two heads went to battle it out at the back of the building.

"..... Dazai-san," a shadowy figure in a cloak murmured.

"Akutagawa, care to explain why half of the port mafia is here?"

"Congratulations, may you and yours always be joyous and may no one obstruct the love you hold for each other," came the reply. A lone hand held out a bouquet of flowers.

"You may now kiss the bride," Atshushi squeaked out, put off by the menacing, envious glare of pure hatred directed at him from Akutagawa.

They kissed-


The Moby Dick crashed through the window with the man himself riding the whale like a skateboard.

Sorry about the characters being a bit ooc, out of practice lol

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