《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》The king of Sheep (au)


Grazing in the windy plains were a little lamb called Chuuya and his flock. They peaceful and happily coexisted with countless other animals. They believed that everyone should settle their differences and make peace not war. However, the wolves that lived nearby did not share the same vision. The pack thought that only the strongest may survive , and the weak did not deserve a place in this world.

This, undoubtedly would make the two tribes clash. The wolves drove the sheep away whenever they met, and killed many of their flock members. But though the wolves were so vicious and had no mercy, the sheep stubbornly stuck to their peaceful ideals and never fought back.

Chuuya disagreed. He was the black sheep of the flock. He did not want to bow down to the wolves' tyranny! Even though, they were originally a peaceful tribe, desperate tumes called desperate measures. The sheep must fight or all will be lost to the cruel wolves.

The flock disagreed with Chuuya. No matter what the cost, they were not going to stoop as low as the wolves and use violence as a way of getting their message across. Even his own mother scolded him for these 'sinful' thoughts.

Chuuya eventually had enough. Whether he was going to be considered an outcast did not matter to him no more. He set up his campaign for the rights of sheep and insisted on trying to spread the message of war.

On the other side of the territory, a wolf pup called Dazai was extremely, extremely bored. His father left him out of the battles and he wanted to fight. He was capable! So Dazai sulked and spied on the sheep instead.

Days passed and nothing happened. Were the sheep really that boring and did not even attempt to stop his pack?


... it appeared so.

But look! There was a little lamb with a perculiar red tint on his wool. That seemed to be... campaigning for sheep rights. That little lamb also spoke of war and that was taboo within the sheep.

How interesting. The brown-furred pup thought, smirking. Perhaps my life won't be as boring as I thought.

So he observed the lamb's every move. The way he fought hard and strong for his views. The way he still persisted, even when his parents disowned him , and his friends all left him. Even when he had nothing left to fight for at all.

A year of watching (stalking) him later, Dazai felt more and more attracted to the lamb called Chuuya. He wrote it off as a predator attracted to some tasty prey, but it was much more than that. He was obsessed in a totally non stalker-ish way. Dazai wanted Chuuya to be his to keep. Chuuya was different and it was refreshing to see some change.

Dazai couldn't delude himself any further. He Chuuya. He really, really did.

"Enough is enough, young man! There will be no more of this 'fighting' nonsense! " Chuuya's mother scolded him. "You are not a lamb anymore. It is time to grow up and do something beneficial to society! "


"No buts! The elders have spoken, go and find yourself something else to do!"

She stormed off.

Leaving Chuuya. His outrage was clearly shown by the way he shook with angry defiance.

He will not be treated like this! He'll show them how ignorant and naive they are!

Later that day, he ventured by himself to the woods. Not knowing that a pair of glowing reddish-brown eyes followed him through the darkness. Their calculating gaze locked onto him.

Dazai was intrigued to why Chuuya would storm off into the woods near nightfall. Did he not know the danger of the big bad wolf? Whatever the reason was, Dazai was rather pleased to see this happen. It only helped his grand scheme. Tonight, Chuuya will be his, and his only.


The sheep tired and came to stop by a clearing with a lake. Chuuya began to fall asleep as he was not used to travelling for such a long time into the night. Just as he was about to fall into a deep slumber, two glowing amber eyes were reflected upon the water.

Oh no. He was in big trouble. As tired and worn out as he was, there was only a very small percentage he was goingto win this match.

Despite this, he fiercely glared at where he supposed the wolf was. "Come out, you bastard! And fight like a real wolf!"

"And why should I do that?" Came the silky, smooth voice. It was mocking, but Chuuya couldn't help but feel an attraction to that majestic voice.

"Just let me tear you to pieces already! " Chuuya responded, a little less hostile.

The wolf leisurely strolled into view. "I know that you don't mean it." It stated.

"Oh, I do."

It smirked. "Then in that case... I'll just have to convince you, don't I?"

Before Chuuya even had a chance to react, he was already feeling faint. It must be some sort of tranquiliser... He thought, blearily.

" Oh, little Chuuya... "

Sorry for such a late update! T_T I am just a little stressed about some things going on in school and it's been a busy week, so please bear with me! I can write another part of this au story if anyone is interested, and please let me know if you are! As always, prompts and requests are welcome, so if you have any ideas just write it in the comments section! A prompt can be anything from a sinhle word to a sentence. And requests can be anything fluffy or angsty, so long as there are no lemons.

Thank you for your patience!

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