《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》The New Year (oneshot)


This story will be split into two parts. One, the celebration. Two, the post-New-Year deppression.

Warning for censored and uncensored swearing.

1. The New Year

As this was a period of time of joyous celebration, sake, s̶u̶i̶c̶i̶d̶e̶ and feasting. The two-, no three great organisations had come to a compromise. The truce being roughly: 'I don't kill you, you don't kill me.'

Of course, after the celebration the truce will be broken and the war can be waged again, yadda yadda.

So that day, all of Yokohoma was in peace. Well, nearly all, who are we to forget the infamous redhead and his lover? No truce would stop Chuuya beating the daylights out of his ex-partner. No truce would stop

the near-death of the brunette if his petite mafia was angered too greatly. Wait, that would be Kunikida joining in the background... The blonde would probably be the one to throttle Dazai while Chuuya swore and kicked him where it hurt.

How ironic that both of Dazai's partners would select an abuse-a-Dazai-day.

(Deep down, though, we know that Chuuya loves him.(hopefully.))

Unsurprisingly, on that day, Dazai tries to commit suicide three ties, Atshushi to prevent it, Ranpo drinking Ramune and feasting on candy. Kunikida setting the schedule for the day, Mori sending flowers to- no one...

A certain someone receiving the flowers and giving it to a cat. Then another someone getting angry because of the flowers and then starts spending money. (Because of failed suicides) Dazai storing was sake and wine to drown himself in it.(And Chuuya was undoubtedly drinking that wine.)

All in all, the day was relatively peaceful and full of celebration.


Save for a drunk redhead dancing half-naked and his beloved, laughing and filming the lightweight. (At least it wasn't frontal. )


Now, the evening was the wildest. Who would have thought that Fitzgerald would have purchased an entire amusement park for the city. Or that he personally invited the ADA and mafia to it. Or tried to romance *taken out name* only to find *other taken out name* 's fist flying into his face.

After that incident, all was forgiven, and they had a great time.

Since Chuuya was drunk, Dazai took him around the park and they went on many big rides together. (Dazai felt queezy after but it was worth it for the look on Chuuya's face.) They even went to the shooting and darts stands to win some bears. And yet again, was Chuuya underestimated when he entered.( The smug look on his face when he won the giant teddy made it even more worth it.)

They stayed up watching fireworks while drinking sake under the sakura trees, laughing and delighting in each other's company. Chuuya was cooing and playing with Dazai's hair while he smiled at the adorable hatrack.

They probably drank too much for the blood alcohol levels to be healthy, but who cared? That night was perfect and even stoned out of their minds, all was well.

Until the next morning.

2. Post-year depression/ hangover

Chuuya wondered why everything was white and bandages when he woke up next morning. And, oh god, why did he have such a terrible hangover? OH GOD WHAT WAS THAT THING DOING THERE?! Pulling at what he thought was a rat, he yanked a handful of Dazai's hair, startling the mackeral who gave a little yelp of pain.

Chuuya was not happy with that either. " What the #$ are you sh**y $^@&$ doing here?!" To emphasize this, he kicked the brunette off the couch they were supposedly sleeping on.


Dazai blinked blearily at him, somehow still managing to pull off his shit-eating grin.

"Hello, my little soukoku~ Did you sleep well?~"

The little mafioso swore loudly.

"Little girls shouldn't say such dirty things-"

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING A F**KING LITTLE GIRL?!!" He launched himself at the suicide addict, forgetting all of his dignity.

"Who's my good chu~chu~ train?"

The fact that Dazai could still speak was an insult to Chuuya.

Meanwhile , Akutagawa found a snoring white tiger on the top of his cupboard.

"..." Without any hesitation, he dragged it out by the tail and threw it right out of his front door.

All across the city, people found a familliar face close by, unexpectedly. Leaving them to wonder what the heck happened the other night.

Perhaps it wasn't so surprising for poor Tanizaki...

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