《Dazai x Chuuya Oneshot stories》Hacking into your heart (Conclusion)


As Chuuya blinked groggily, his eyes were blinded by the brilliant light washing over him.

Well, that was certainly not a dream, he thought and snorted. This was by far the most ridiculous thing that had happened to him since joining the organisation.

Taking a quick sweep of himself and his surroundings, he discovered that:

One, he was not tied up or restrained in any way, shape or form. A mistake on their part, he thought darkly, even if he was bound, by using his ability, the building could be incinerated by a flick of his hand.

And second, there was a black haired boy at the far corner of the room, where the exit was.

Strange, Chuuya noted. As he discovered the white tips of the boy's hair. Even stranger still, the youngster was completely still and silent.

He decided to shrug it off. Nothing was in the norm right now.

"Hey, you!" He shouted at the youth.

The silhouette didn't even twitch or make any noise. He seemed to just keep staring at the outside.

"Hey!" Chuuya tried again.

But no response came. Only silence.

Precious silence, to be shattered by-

"Hey Chibi!"

That shitty bastard... DAmmit!

"What do you want, you half-baked mummy?!"

But Dazai's grin only got wider.

"You're coming to live with me, isn't that exciting, hatrack?"

It's finished! But I still do more prompts and requests! If you want another random one-shot in this universe, just ask me down in the comments section!

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