《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》Are You Good With This?


Today felt like a shit day from the moment I woke up. I didn't even go to bed that late! Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was once again, a fucking Tuesday. I had gotten up and taken a shower in attempt to make myself feel better. Surprise, surprise, I saw myself without my binder on and my day just got worse. I then put on one of my favorite outfits and just walked to school.

I got to homeroom at 7:45. I silently walked over to my friends and sat on the counter beside Axel, not bothering to take off my headphones.

"Whoa dude! You look like shit!" I heard Aiden say to me.

I took one side of my headphones off of my ear and responded, "I know."

"You good?" Tobey asked.

"It's a Tuesday. What do you expect?" I forced a laugh.


They then turned back to the rest of our friends and talked. I listened to music until the bell rang. When it did I went to class.

Lunch came eventually. The day had just gotten worse. I had to suffer through presenting the video editing project because there wasn't time yesterday. It was definitely the best one but nothing seemed to be able to cheer me up.

I got lunch and headed to the roof. Nobody except me, that I know of, knows how to get up here. I've never even told my friends. Anyways, I sat against a wall and started to play my music while eating. I didn't bother with headphones.

After about 3 songs I heard the door open. I quickly turned off my music and stayed silent.



"There you are! Don't worry! I'm the only one!" Tommy smiled. "Can I sit here?"


"Sure. Why did you come looking for me?" I asked.

"Your friends were worried and I was the only one who knew how to get to the roof," he told me.


"Want to talk while we eat?"

"Sure. About what?"

"Well, people are shipping us and I wanted to know if it made you uncomfortable. They are also making ship art of us," Tommy informed me.

"I mean, I don't really care. Are you fine with it?"

"Yeah, just wanted to ask you. I'll tweet about it now."

Sure enough, my phone soon dinged and I checked it to find that he had tweeted.

"Want to look at fanart?" I asked.

"Sure!" he responded excitedly.

He moved closer to me until he was right beside me. He then leaned over so he could see. We ended up looking at fanart of Ryan, Tobey, and Ranboo first. It was all really cute and amazing. The artists are really good. We eventually moved on to fanart of us. Not us together but us individually. Sure, we saw stuff of us together, but that didn't effect the experience.

After a while I noticed Tommy's head was on my shoulder. I blushed but tried to ignore it. We spent the rest of lunch silently eating and looking at fanart together.

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