《*Insert Fuck Boy Face Here* - Tommyinnit x Male Reader》What If I Streamed?


I woke up today having no energy whatsoever. At least today was Thursday. I got ready, putting on one of my favorite outfits. I look hot in it so of course it's my favorite.

Anyways, I finished getting ready, grabbed a banana, and headed to school. I got there and sat under a tree. Soon enough, it was 7:30. I headed inside and walked to homeroom.

I got to homeroom and went to the corner where all of my friends were. Yet again, I was the last one there.

"Y/N! Y/N! YOU HIT 1 MIL!" Tobey yelled.

"Huh? Wait- I DID?!" I responded, getting out my phone to check. "Holy shit I did!"

"What are you going to do for it?" Aiden asked.

"Let's discuss it at lunch. I'm too tired to talk about it right now," I yawned.

"Ok!" Phoenix said.

"Anyways," Lyric started. "How does it feel to be in love?"

"I'm not in love," I told her.

"I never said I was talked about you," Lyric added.

"You were looking at me."

"Noooooooooo, neverrrrrrrrrrrrr," Lyric smirked.

"Shut up," I groaned.

Soon the bell rang and I went to my first class.

It was lunch now. As expected, my friends threw tons of questions at me.

"What are you gonna do for hitting 1 mil?" Lyric asked.

"When are you going to do something?" Phoenix questioned.

"How come you didn't know you hit 1 mil until I told you?"

"Hold up guys," I laughed. "I'll answer in a second. Let me get my food out first."

I sat down and took a bite of the food on my lunch tray.

"Will you answer now?" Aiden said.

"Fine," I groaned, continuing after swallowing my food. "I've decided to start streaming on Twitch as the 1 mil surprise."



"Probably Minecraft and Just Chatting," I smiled. "I'm thinking that I'll have my first stream this weekend. I'm not sure when because I need to set it all up first though."

"Makes sense," Aiden responded.

"Yeah," Lyric nodded.

"Now answer my question!" Tobey demanded.

"I didn't know I had hit 1 mil until you told me because I've been processing everything discussed yesterday," I told them.

"Understandable," Axel laughed.

"When are you going to announce the surprise?" Mercury asked.

"I'll probably go live and announce it. Maybe a tiktok announcing it too."

"Sounds like a good plan. I can help you set up too! My sibling streams!" Tobey offered.

"Sure! Wanna come over this weekend?" I suggested.

"Sure! Text me and I'll come if I can."


I got home and immediately started making an announcement tiktok. I wanted it to be special so I spent around 15 minutes editing it. I usually don't spend that much time editing them so it felt weird to be putting this much effort into one.

After I finished editing it, I posted it. It seemed to go viral. I got lots more followers and the comments were all people screaming about how cool it is that I'm going to stream. I seemed to have also reached a whole other side of tiktok. Lot's of people were asking if I knew people like Ranboo and Tubbo. I don't but I did some research and they all seem cool. People also asked me if I knew Tommy. I do, but I didn't say anything. I then went live on tiktok.

People were freaking out and asking questions. About half-way through I realized I had forgotten to take off my binder and freaked out a bit. That was the only interesting thing to happen though.

The rest of the night went as it usually does. I stayed up late watching tiktok and youtube. I then eventually tried to fall asleep at 2 am but ended up thinking about Tommy. I finally fell asleep at 3.

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