《Big Brother》8; fück it


It's been days.




Since that day at the beach.

Since that day we kissed.

And I thought everything was fine.

Us forgetting and all.

But it isn't.

Everytime we did something together, we would end up so close to each other. He would quickly pull away, and I was left hanging.

After incidents like that, we would ignore it and carry on with our lives.

But I never will forget these moments.

Fast forward a bit, my 18th birthday was tomorrow, Friday.

And I begged Luke to take me to one of the local clubs with Cora tonight. He said okay but he was to tag along and chaperone.

I squealed and ran upstairs to get dressed.

I put on a black simple cocktail dress and some black pumps. I left my hair down in my natural wavy curls.

I put on a necklace and hopped downstairs happily.

I found Luke already dressed. I could tell he was a bit suprised of my attire.

He clenched his jaw. "Go change."

I stood shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"Change. Now."

"Are you kidding!? I'm 18 years old! I can dress the way I want! You don't have the right to tell me what to wear. It's a flipping club!"

He clenched his fists and closes his eyes before taking a deep breath.

"Fine. But I swear if anyone, and I do mean anyone, touches yo-"

I blushed crimson.

"Yeah, okay I get it big brother is gonna beat 'em up?"

I didn't, I couldn't tell if I meant to sound...... teasing?

Or if I meant to put emphasis on big brother but he froze for a second, and then resumed walking out the door.

I know he caught it.

And I know that only two weeks ago, I was the one who stopped us.


But I'm not sure I can hold it in any longer.

The drive was pretty awkward. Luke did inform me that Kyle was coming. But, after talking to Kyle, we just decided that friends would be a more appropriate reach for our relationship.

We had parked a few blocks down from the club. We walked in silence.

Until he shatters it.

"One, don't take drinks from strangers and two-"

"Don't eat random brownies, don't hop into strangers' vans, don't talk to strangers' don't-"

He chuckles. "Okay, okay. I'm sure you'll be fine. But, I will still be keeping my eyes on you." He gives me a warning look.

I grin and grab his hand as we enter.

The music blares loud and I may need some time to adjust. There is a strong scent of alcohol, sweat, and peculiar mixes of perfume and cologne.

I can easily spot Cora in one booth chatting with some guy. I can't quite see his face due to dim lighting but one arm is wrapped around another girl. She has beautiful red hair and sharp features.

I drag Luke towards Cora and the other two people. Once the lighting adjusts, Kyle comes into view.

All three of them look up at us and I smile.

"Hey-" Cora stops short to look at our still entwined hands.

"Oh uh hey" I let go of his hand quickly as does he.

Luke shakes Kyle's hand and hugs Cora and the red haired girl. I hug Cora, then Kyle, and then the girl.

Kyle introduces us.

"So this is my uh, friend, Shannon. Shannon this is my best bud Luke and his step sister, Amber."

We all say hi and sit down, order a few drinks and talk a bit.

Apparently Shannon works at the same place as Kyle. She goes to a totally different college on the other side of town though.


Seeing as everyone else's drinks' were filled still,

The corner booth we were all at now had a clear view of the bar, so I lean over into Luke's ear.

"I'm gonna get another drink"

He starts to get up aswell when I stop him.

"It's fine you can see me from here"

I then get up and walk towards the bar.

I come up and ask the bartender for a tequila.

What can I say? I'm girly like that!

As I wait I kind of glance around, fiddle with my fingers and then suddenly a warm large hand wraps around my waist.

I gasp, startled, and then turn around to come face to face with a quite handsome guy.

He has dark brown hair, and crystal blue eyes, and a lightly prominent 5' o'clock shadow.

The fact that he is touching me and we're so close, I frantically glance around, hoping Luke doesn't see, but he is sitting, laughing and talking with Kyle.

I glance back at the guy.

"Uhm, y-yes?"

"I'm sorry to intrude but, I was wondering if you were religious?"

Before I questioned him at all, he spoke once again.

"Because your the answer to all fo my prayers."

He grinned and so did I. I couldn't help it! I know I don't know this guy but it's not like I was gonna sleep with him ever.

"God, I'm sorry that was cheesy but, your just so beautiful" he kept grinning at me.

I couldn't help but blush at this.

Then the bartender hands me the drink. I take a sip, and slowly look up at the stranger.

He's just staring at me. Not creepily. More like....... envy?

"What's your name" I whisper just enough for him to hear.

"How about we make a deal sweetheart"

he gently pulls my chin up for me to meet his eyes.

"I'll give you a name, if you give me a number"

I'm going through pros and cons in my head but before I can answer him, someone grabs my arm.

I turn to find Luke standing there.

"Don't you ever fücking touch her again, got it?" He threatens to the man. The guy backs up.

"Sorry dude I didn't know she was taken. I'll leave" I watch as he walks out the door.

He turns to me.

"What did I tell you! I told you not to let these little shïts touch you!" I flinch but recover quickly.

"Just forget it please I don't want to argue or fight tonight" I glance towards the dance floor.

"Dance with me. Please? I just wanna get lost for a while"

He looks down on me and I gently grab his hand and dive into the crowds of people settling on a slightly less body covered path.

Just as this electronica song ends, Martin Garrix and Tiësto - The Only Way Is Up began to play.

Almost immediately my hips started swaying to the music, the heels digging into my skin didn't bother me though.

Tonight, I was free.

I didn't quite pay attention to Luke until I accidently brushed against him with my whole body.

But I didn't care.

I didn't stop.

I ground my hips against him. He didn't show any sign of stopping either, with both of his hands on my waist.

His hands were telling me not to stop.


I faced front forward towards him.

And for a moment we locked eyes. And then it happened.

I smashed my lips to his.

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