《Finding Truth》Chapter 4 : Couple goals


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Avni had not let the tear drop by kissing his eye...she cupped his face and bent to touch his nose with hers... and gently rubbed against it...

"I can't see you cry Neil...not even a single drop from your eyes " while saying this her eyes became moist too.

"So do I Avni...please don't cry after listening to what I'm going to tell you now..." Neil said so as to prepare her to hear something saddening.

Avni moved her fingers in his lustrous hair...caressing his scalp with love.

"As i saw you lying here in a lifeless mode with ur eyes filled with pain I prepared myself mentally to hear the worst Neil...please tell." Avni said looking deep into his eyes.

That was the kind of understanding Avni and Neil shared...they did not need words to know each others emotions...just a look in their eyes would convey the unsaid words.

Neil gets up from her lap and sits in a comfortable position. He hugs her warmly and says with a depressed tone in her ears.

"Mishti...Mishti is not my daughter Avni..!"

Avni is stunned to hear the truth...tears roll down her eyes which she was resisting until then...she tightens her embrace as she knows what her man is going through at that point of time...He didn't have to say her verbally how he felt being betrayed by Juhi...

A few moments of silence prevails the entire room...as they lose themselves in digesting the fact which is a shock of their life. Still bound in embrace, Avni pats his shoulders to console him and bring him back to his senses...She knew that she had to be strong...he had to be strong only then they could triumph over the cheap wicked conspiracy of the villians in their life.


"Neil... You can't afford to break down like this now...please look at me..."

Neil moves apart from her and looks her. Avni wipes his tears and her tears too. She holds his shoulder with one hand and his cheek with other.

"Neil, you are the reason for whatever iam today... I've learnt to be strong in any kind of situation because of you...if you break down like this i will lose my strength too...we cannot fight for the truth if we both lose our determination...

Neil, even if mishti is not your daughter...it doesn't matter. She's a child...she is losing her childhood just like me...because of all this chaos...we can't let this happen with any kid Neil. Moreover, your morale is being questioned in the society just because of this lie... I can't let this dirty remark be on you... You are my man Neil...my husband can't become weak.."

Her words were just on strike...she knew where to hit the chord to bring her super cop hubby back. By the time she could complete her words Neil was almost out of the weakness which he experienced for a short while due to human tendency.

"Yes Avni.. I understand now... I know what to do to defeat these wicked people. Thank you so much wifey for bringing me back to reality...You complete me." He gives a peck on her forehead. Avni smiles.

"Neil... come on let's kickstart our mission a fresh..." Avni urges him and takes him near their planning board.

Rest of the night they spend analysing and plotting their plan of action to unveil the truth in front of the society.

** Next morning 8am **

Neil is ready to leave to his station while he bumps into Avni near the corridor.

"Oooppsss..! Avni...you still haven't lost this habit of bumping into me !" Neil exclaimed with a smirk.


"Huh ! My habit ? Really ? It's you who always bumps into me..." Avni backfires.

"Uff...ok ok...Common now give me my medicine" Neil urges and goes close to her leaving Avni confused.

"What medicine ? That too now ? I don't know which medicine you are talking about Neil..." Avni says innocently to which Neil facepalms himself.

"Oh god! Why is she so unromantic sometimes...?! My dear wifey...i need my morning medicine of your kiss...do i need to be more clear ?" Neil clutches her waist and taps her cheeks which have already turned pink...

"Neil...sshhh...someone might hear..." Avni becomes embarassed at hearing the word kiss which he stressed upon.

"Let them hear... let them see also... I've no issues. My wife my time my kiss...what's in that ? You know what Avni... I've been missing this chance to kiss you from past 4 times...today I'm not gonna let you go wifey...bcz the mole above your lip distracts me a lot everytime i look at you...and i just feel like..."

And...she sealed her lips on his before he could complete his words...giving him an adrenaline rush and shivers in the spine... He had never expected his first kiss with his wife like this even in his wildest dreams. He was stunned.

She moved apart and started running away from him...looking behind a dumbstruck Neil...blushing and laughing at herself for what she had done moments before. Neil was mesmerized to see his beautiful wife laugh wholeheartedly and blush because of him...she looked like an angel with her hair left free dancing to the winds...her million dollar laugh...uff he felt bliss...he too blushed and laughed...

And she bumped into a tall well built man unknowingly since she was looking behind and running...

"Aww Mrs.Khanna... I think i always interrupt your romantic moments..Don't I ?" He smirks while holding her shoulders while she was about to trip when she bumped into him...

Avni didn't take more time to realise who that man was...she shrugged off his hands from her shoulders and moved away...with a diagusting look on her face...

"Neil...! She called out to her hubby...but by then Neil had rushed to her...and held her shoulders.

He gave a grinning look to the man...he was Vidyuth..the demon of their life.

"Gosh ! You two love birds...! In such a serious situation at your house...i wonder how do you romance fogetting every other thing...!" Vidyuth taunted with a smirk teasing them...leaving Neil fuming with anger.

He goes near him and holds his collar.

"Heyyy Vidyuth...!! Don't you dare...don't you dare to talk a word about my personal life. First of all what the heck are you doing here ?!" Neil bursted out his frustration still holding his collar.

"Oh oh ACP ! Move away ! I just came to see your condition... thought you'd be dipped in sadness but you...you seem to be having a great time dude...!" Vidyuth hikes up his level to instigate Neil to fight with him.

Neil drags him out holding his collar and pushes him out of the gate...Avni follows him saying to stop...

"Shut up your dirty mouth and get lost...!! 2 days...only 2 days and i will see that you and your mother get the best punishment !!" Neil shouts at him, holds Avni's hand and goes away into the house fuming with anger.


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