
I just got off the shower, i was really tired because i've been busy with my upcoming album. I saw my girlfriend sitting on our bed wearing my shirt and boxer shorts, she's holding her camera and our pictures together scattered all over the bed. I gave her a knowing look, "Baby, what are these?"

Kendalk smiled widely, "Our pictures together babe! Come on, you're going to help me with this remember?" She wanted to put all those pictures in a photo album, it's quite old school for me but i think it's kinda cute. I shook my head just to tease her, she pouted like a little kid. "But you promised.."

"I'm kidding babe, of course i'll help you. Canon ball!!" I yelled jumping on our bed, i hugged her and pressed my lips against her cheek. Hour had passed, i was laying beside her, while i'm picking some picture to put at the photo album. I feel sleepy already but i'm trying to stay awake for her, i don't want her to be mad at me for breaking a simple promise. I felt my eyelids were getting heavy and i closed my eyes.

I felt my girlfriend's lips kissing my cheek as i heard a flash on her camera. I slowly opened my eyes, i saw her smiling at me. "Aww.. My poor baby looks so tired." She said while peppering me with her kisses. I let out a chuckle, "I love you and thank you for trying to stay awake for me." She whispered.

"I will do anything for my Kenny.. I love you too." I said as i kissed her on the lips.

Kendall took a month off from her job, and so did i. Just so i can be with her everyday because i miss her already. She's always travelling for work, going to fashion shows while me, on the other hand, i was in the middle of my tour. It's already 3pm in the afternoon, we woke up late because we stayed up all night until 6am in the morning watching movies and cuddling. I saw my girlfriend preparing some food, i sneaked behind her as i wrap my arms around her waist. "Good morning love." I said kissing her cheek.

I couldn't see her face, but i can feel that she's smiling. "Good morning? It's already 3 in the afternoon love." She said chuckling.

"Well, good morning to us.." I said as i slapped her ass and squeezed it after.

By her surprise she immediately looked at me and her face was priceless. She playfully hit my arm, "Babe stop. I'm cooking.."


"Pffft! No you're not and don't tell me you don't like what i just did?" I asked. She turned to me, smiling and wrapped her arms around me neck.

"What is up to you right now?" She asked me, as she cocked her eyebrow at me. "Okay, what do you want?" I didn't said anything, i just winked at her. "Stop winking at me. I, want you to tell me what you want."

"You know what i want babe." I said winking at her again.

"I want you to say it." She said in her stern voice.

I move my hand down again to her ass and squeezed it. "This." She immediately grab my neck and kissed me. I lifted her into the kitchen counter and what happened next is too good to share. *Wink wink*

I'm waiting for my girlfriend here at our favorite restaurant, i haven't seen her in two weeks. Honestly, all we ever do lately was to argue and fought on the phone. I don't know what os happening to us, but one thing's i know for sure; is that i want us to be okay again. "Hey babe. Where are you? I'm already here at Mastro's." I texted her. Minutes turned to hours of waiting, Kendall didn't show up. I tried texting and calling her, but nothing.. I drove back to our place, i looked around the house and she's still not here. Where the hell is she?

I don't know if i'm going to be pissed or worried that my girlfriend is nowhere to be seen. I heard a car pulled up to my driveway, i saw a black range rover. A blonde head out of the car, stumbling while laughing. I narrow my eyes and i saw it was Gigi, she opened the door and helped Kendall got out of the car. Bella also helped her best friend, they are all laughing and can't walk properly. I opened the door as Kendall and her best friends saw me. "H-hey babe. I missed you!" She yelled and hugged me.

"You're drunk? Wow." I shook my head in dissapointment. I've waited for her for freaking hours in the restaurant looking like an idiot while she's at the bar or club? Drinking with her friends? What the actual fuck?!

"Sorry Y/N, we have to go! Take care of Kendall!" Gigi yelled while getting back to their car.

"Nope! I-i'm not.." She said as she hiccups. I helped her walk through the stairs, i really don't want to help her but i'm afraid she'll fall because of her drunk ass. She slammed herself against the bed as she buried her face on the pillow. I let out a long heavy sigh, as i massage my temples.


"Babe, i'm sorry. Okay? I- i forgot.." She admitted to me, as soon as she woke up she remembered everything. "I promise, i won't do it again or it won't happen again."

"Then why the hell are you talking to her?!" Kendall yelled at me. We were at the club earlier, i was ordering our drinks when the bartender started talking to me. I didn't know she was flirting, i thought she was just trying to be nice. Since my girlfriend was so busy talking to her friends and ignoring me all night, i talked to the bartender instead.

"Kendall, she was trying to be nice! I didn't do anything wrong!" She smirked and shook her head.

"So it's my fault then?! Huh?" She yelled again at me. I missed her talking to me in her sweet adorable voice, i missed her kiss, her touch and her love.. But stupid me doesn't want to lose the fight because of my stupid pride, i yelled back at her again.

"Yes! It's your fault! You were ignoring me the whole day and even we go to the fucking club with your friends you are busy talking to them! Then what the fuck do you want me to do huh?! Stare at you all night while i'm at the fucking corner waiting for you to talk to me?!" I stood up at the couch yelling at her, i don't know why i'm like this. I'm not even mad at her, i'm more hurt because she ignored me all day and make me look like an idiot.

She walk towards me invading my personal space, "You're a fucking asshole." She said at my face.

"Oh yeah? Maybe i fucking am." I said as i grab her neck as i roughly kissed her on the lips, she pushed me away. I felt a stinging pain on my cheek; she slapped me. I looked at her in surprise, she walk towards me and pressed her lips against mine. I have no idea what is happening right now, what is up with her? We stumbled in together, not knowing where do we go while kissing. She pushed me against the wall as our kiss turned needy, and i can feel the heat in our bodies.

"I- i can't do this anymore.." i said to her after she yelled at me again. I'm so fed up with her attitude, and her fucking pride. "I'm done." I sat on the couch as i wiped my tears. She flinched, she seemed surprised at what i said.

"W-what?" She said while she stutter. "What do you mean you're done?"

"I'm done fighting for this relationship.. I am done with all this bullshit."

"No.. O-okay, i-i'm sorry. I'm sorry i yelled at you, i'm sorry if---" i shook my head and looked at her.

"I'm sorry too.. but i don't want this anymore. Let's break up." Tears started to fall into her eyes, she kneel down in front of me and reached for my hand. I slowly pulled away from her hand, "We're done Kendall."

"You don't mean that, r-right? You're just--- mad at me. I'm so sorry baby. I-i'll make it up to you, i promise." I didn't said anything, because i'm still thinking if what i'm doing right now is right. "Y/N please.. don't do this." Kendall said crying in front of me, holding my hand.

"I have to.. I'm sorry, but i'm so tired of fighting and arguing with you everyday. I feel empty, let's just end this before we lost respect for each other." Kendall tried to argue with me for breaking up with her. But i really can't do this anymore, it's too much and it's not healthy. It's not that i don't love her anymore, i still love her. But, i'm just so done with arguing and fighting with her.

"Y/N i- i can't do this without you. I missed you.." She said to me on the other line. I'm trying to hold my tears.

"I- i missed you too.. But we can't be together, it's toxic. We're both toxic." I said to her.

"Can you still talk to me? Just please talk to me everyday, until i will used to being without you?"

I closed my eyes as my tears started to fall, i can hear the pain and hurt in her voice. I let out a sigh, "Y-yeah, sure.."

"I just wanted to tell you that i'm happy you've stepped into my life for a long while. You've made me realize a lot of things about myself and the people around me. I'm going to miss you. So, for both our sakes. This is my goodbye, Kendall. I love you so much, always.."

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