
After a few minutes of driving, you arrived at Fai's mansion. You shook your head because it's still a little bit early and the party is super wild. You squeezed yourself into the crowd trying to find Fai and some of your friends. "Looking for me?" You heard a guy from your behind, you turned around and saw the middle eastern guy.

"Fai!! Oh my god! I missed you!" You jumped on him and gave him a hug. He's a sweet guy, he is always looking out for his friends.

"I missed you too Y/N. It's been a month, where the hell have you been?" He asked.

"I'm doing good. Shit, this party is fucking wild bro." He laughed and shake his head.

"Yeah, it's for you. You used to love this kind of parties." You smiled at his statement.

"Uh, yeah. Before.. I told you on the phone not so long ago-- i changed. I like myself better now."

"Good! I'm happy for you." He hugged you once again and gave you a drink.

"Thanks. I'm happy for her." You said and Fai looked at you.

"She's single again. Maybe you can try again?"

"Huh? Single? I though she and Ben--?"

"Well, it's not working for Kendall. So she ended things with him.." Fai told you everything about Kendall and Ben's relationship, it was on and off because the model has some problems. She doesn't know what she want, Fai told you that his best friend to him that something is missing in her ever since she ended things with you. "So yeah, i think you are the missing--"

"Fai Khadra." A familiar voice spoke behind you that cause your heart to beat faster. Fai turned behind him and he saw his best friend.

"Ken? I thought you're in Paris?" Fai walk towards the model and gave her a hug, while you are still sitting beside the pool, frozen..

"Not happy to see me huh?" She let out a chuckle, "I just arrived 2 hours ago dumbass. Who's your friend there?" She asked.

"Uh--" Fai doesn't know what to say. You stood up and turned to her.

"Hey Ken.."

"Oh. Hi." She was surprised to see you because it's been a year since she last saw you in person. "C-can we talk? Fai?"

"We can talk here, Ken." Fai smiled at both of you.

"In private." Kendall gave him a fake smile, you noticed she gave him a knowing look.

"Uh- yeah sure. I'll leave you guys alone." You said and head inside Fai's house to seat on the living room and relax because you are really nervous knowing that Kendall is also here at the party. You sat on the couch while people are partying and dancing around you, you massage your temples and tried to relax for a while. You looked at Fai and Kendall and it seems like they are arguing at something. Kendall's face softened when she looked at you, you glanced at het and she quickly looked away.

"Look at yourself, you still have a soft spot for her. Talk to her!" Fai said in serious voice. "I hate to see you like this. You are more lost when you and Y/N seperated. Hey look-- the girl changed already."

"So? It looks like my best friend forgot what i've been through with that--" she can't even continue her sentence, "that, horrible and heartless person." She glanced at you again, she saw how you brush off the girl who's asking you to go somewhere alone with you. "That's a first." She said.


"See? The old Y/N is not like that. Yeah?" Kendall looked at his best friend grinning at her. "We both know you missed her. Go on, talk to her."

"Ugh. So she did change?" She said in her cute voice, Fai nodded at her while smiling. Kendall sighed and head inside her best friend's house to talk to you. "Hey.." She said, you quickly stood up.

"H-hey Ken.. I uh, Fai invited me to his party and i told him i don't wanna go because you probably don't wanna see me but he told me that you're in Paris so i decided to go. I know you don't want me to be here, i'm sorry.. I'll just leave, sorry." You said with your intermittent stutter. Kendall is trying so hard not to laugh because of how cute you look when you stutter in front of her. "O-okay. I'll go ahead, bye!" You quickly added and turned around but the model held your wrist.

"NO. DON'T GO. We need to talk." She gave you a warm smile, you don't even know what to say.

"T-talk? Here? O-okay.."

"No silly. Not here, let's go to my car? It's so loud in here." She said.

"Okay, you're the boss." You are surprised when Kendall held your hand and drag you outside Fai's mansion. Both of you hop into her range rover. Minutes had passed, non of you are talking. You are stealing glances at the model because she's not saying anything when she told you earlier that she needs to talk to you. "Ken. I'm sorry." She immediately looked at you.

"I know you are Y/N.."

"No, really. I'm so sorry, for everything that i've done in the past. I'm not expecting you to forgive me right way, but i hope soon we can be friends."

"I just want to ask you one thing." She looked at you, "Why? Why can't you love me? What, are you in love with Bella? I just wanna know why did you do it. Y/N what's wrong with me?" She asked you.

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong with you. Something's wrong with me before. Okay? And i'm not in love with her. Look, before you even met me, i- i was at my worst..." You told her everything about your family. That your mother left you when you were a kid and you grew up to your father who abused you physically. You ran away from home since you were 16 years old, you got your fortune and fame because of your hardwork in music industry.

"Thank God i didn't become an addict because of my depression." You let out a soft chuckle. Kendall is listening to your story, "But-- i became a horrible person that i was before. When you came into my life, there's something in you that makes me wanted to change myself but my evil side doesn't want me to. Kendall, blieve it or not, i did love you. I was so scared to open my heart to you because i thought you will hurt me like my parents did. So i decided to push you away, and do things that will hurt you." Kendall wiped your tears, "I'm so sorry.."

The model smiled at you as she caress your face, "I'm sorry Ken, i'm really--" Kendall cuts you off, and kissed you on your lips. She roughly pushed you against the backseat, and sit on top of you while kissing you as if her life depended on it. You pulled away, "Ken are you sure about this?" You asked the model.


"Just shut up and kiss me Y/N." You do as the model says. The kiss got heated quickly, Kendall is unbuckling your belt while you are unbuttoning her shirt. The model doesn't like wearing a bra, she removed her top revealing her breast. You gulped, and she smirked at you. Good thing Kendall's car has dyed window tint, people can't see you from outside.

"Fuck-- i missed you." You muttered and took Kendall's breast in her hand, being as gentle as possible as you massaged it. Kendall let out a low moan and that made you want to moan too yourself. The model pressed something to lower the backseat so you can lay your back, still straddling you, she began to unbutton the skinny jeans she had on. She slowly zipped down her zip making you impatient. Each second felt like an eternity to you, part of you wanted to rip those jeans off of Kendall and just dive into her goodness but you held back.

"I missed you too.. I missed this." Kendall whispered in your ear causing you to shiver. She lowered your pants revealing your hard cock still sitting on your lap. She smirked at you, "Hard already? I didn't do anything yet."

"You're the only person who makes me go crazy like this." She bit her lip but didn't said anything instead she grab your neck and kissed you again. The model sunk down as you kissed, moaning as her body once again pressed against yours. Your cock was trapped between them, hard against Kendall's stomach, and the model couldn’t help but start to rock her hips.

Kendall broke the kiss with a gasp at the feel of nails scratching down her back, you couldn't contain yourself, you squeezed the model's ass. She looked down at you with heavy-lidded eyes, biting her lip as they rocked together. The friction was amazing, but she needed to feel you, needed you to be inside her. She lifted herself up slightly, reaching between them and taking your cock in her hand. “Oh God, Kendall..” You cried out. She reached up to tangle her hands around your neck, bringing you down for a kiss as you began sliding in and out. You groaned into the kiss as the model's pussy clenched around her length.

Kendall was so, so hot and the muscles gripping your cock was enough to drive you wild. She couldn’t maintain you kiss and instead, dropped her head to press wet, open-mouthed kisses across your shoulders and collar bone. “You feel so good and you are so perfect." you mumbled between kisses. Kendall couldn't help but to smile, because this is the first time you compliment her while having sex.

Kendall whined, lifting her legs while going up and down on you, allowing you to sink little bit deeper. Your head was buried into the skin of the model’s neck, her hips were jerking harder and faster and she was so fucking close, but she gritted her teeth, holding back. You were getting tighter around her and it wouldn’t be long now. "Fuck-- oh.. i'm cumming Y/N." She whispered in your ear.

"Yeah, cum for me babe." The brunette becoming more vocal with each passing second and you changed the angle of you thrusts, aiming to hit the spot inside Kendall that would make her scream. You knew she’d found it when the model's pussy clamped down on your cock, and her whole body went ridged for a moment before shuddering violently as her orgasm washed over her. "I'm close Ken." You thrust a few more times, feeling the fluttering of Kendall's pussy around you, before coming with a harsh cry, emptying yourself inside of the brunette model.

Kendall is still sitting on your lap, and buried her face at the crook of your neck trying to take a rest from that good sex, "I love you. I still do." You blurted out still catching your breath. "And that was amazing.."

She looked at you in surprise, "What did you just say to me?" She heard everything that you said, she just wants you to repeat it.

"I said, i love you. I still do. And that was amazing." You smiled at her, "I'm not expecting you to say that you still love me too. I really meant what i said Ken, i loved you and up to now, i still love you. If you want, i'll make it up to you for everything that i've done. Please, let me love you." She gently pressed her lips against yours.

"Did you really changed?" She arched her eyebrow, you nodded at her.

"Yes. I did that for you." You answered.

"You still have a lot to prove to me baby." You nodded at her, and kissed her on the lips.

"I take that as a yes?" You asked her smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes. And i still love you too." She peck your lips once again.

"Why?" You asked again.

"Why what?"

"Why do you still love me? Why do you love me? After everything that i did to you before. I j-just don't understad why."

"I- i ask that to myself a lot. The truth is, i don't know. Despite all your flaws, your completely fucked up past, your fucked up family, your fucked up everything, i still loved you. Despite the way you hurt me, i still love you and i probably always will." You reached for her hand and pressed a kiss on her lips. You look deeply into her eyes.

"I won't say i'll never hurt you. Chances are, i will. I'll make mistakes, because i'm not perfect. But i promise you this; i will never cheat, lie or do anything to break your heart. I'll always do anything to make you feel better and never make you cry again. I'm sorry.."

"Promise?" She asked you in her adorable voice.

"I promise and i love you too. I'll love you more everyday.. Can we, start again? Will you be my Kenny again?" You asked the brunette.

"Yes, i would love to. Let's start again, shall we?" Both of you laughed, and stayed in her car for a few minutes.

"Hi babe. What's going on?" Kendall asked and givr you a peck on the lips.

"Oh hey gorgeous. Hey six." You said smiling at them.

"Wanna see the picture of the house in Malibu baby?" You asked her as she rested her head against your shoulder.

"Oh my god baby, this is beautiful. Maybe i can put on some touches? So it won't be like a bachelor pad or something." You frowned and looked confused.

"Really? My house look like a bachelor pad?" You chuckled.

"No, sorry it's not.. It looks like a person who doesn't want to have a family." Kendall teased you because that's what she's always saying about your house.

"And why is that?" You arched your eyebrow and playfully grinning at her.

"Because-- this house is not a kid friendly. There is so many edges, and the materials that you used for this house is super-- i don't know. Hard? Firm? It really looks like a bachelor pad babe." You are looking around the house.

"Yeah, i think i sucked at designing my own home." You laughed. "So, i'll let you pick the house that we're going to buy." You added.

"I think it's hard to find anybody that you can-- be comfortable with. And truth is, without her you know-- i was always looking for somebody or something.. Kendall's been definitely the big piece that's calmed me down and made me a better person that i am. And made things easier in my life."

"Yeah, don't get me wrong. I love this house, but the way you design this house is super edgy look. I think it's nice to start over again." She said while playing with your hand.

"Yeah, because i had this before i even met you." You laughed.

"I saw that house before, and i was like 'this house is amazing.'. I want a big closet, and sick theater because we love watching movies. You know, like a big screen. So if we move to Malibu you could say 'do what you want with all them'."

"Righ. Yeah. I will give you uh-- a dungeon to play with."

"What?" She laughed.

"Like the fifty shades of grey."

"Baby it's more for you not me." She smiled.

"Yeah, that movie-- sucked. I'm not hating but dude, those rooms were not even used. Nothing crazy went down."

"And they had a whole bed that would strap on to. He literally whipped her." Kendall laughed as she try to tell a story with actions. "And the guy shoved things. It's really harsh."

"Okay, how many time have you seen this movie?" You asked the brunette. "And you loved it when i shove things.." You gave your girlfriend a wink. She playfully hit your arms.

"Babe stop! They are filming!" You just laughed and gave your girlfriend a kiss on her temples. "Cut that part."

"No! Don't cut it. Let them know how Kenny likes it when i shove things." Kendall covers your mouth and the cameraman anf the producer are laughing at both of you.


That's a light smut because i feel rusty. Hope you like it guys. 🤟🏼 Feel free to request. I include the Scott and Sophia part because i think they look cute together. ❤️ Hahaha lol

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