
You are at the club with your friends partying with different women that you don't even know the names. You saw your phone buzzing non-stop, you let out a sigh and rolled your eyes. Kendall was calling you and texting you because she's waiting for you at your apartment. You promised her a movie night, but suddenly your friends told you to go out and party with them. Being an asshole that you are, you said yes to them even though you knew that Kendall is waiting for you at home.

You came home at 2am in the morning, you are tipsy but not too drunk because you need to drive home. You find your girlfriend laying on the couch while holding a bowl of popcorn, sleeping. You looked at the tv and she already watched the movie that she wanted to watch with you. ALONE.. You let out a sigh, and cautiously sat beside her so you wouldn't wake her up. You slowly took the popcorn from her hand, and put it in your coffee table. You tucked a piece of her hair in her ear as you stared at her beautiful face. "Why? Why Kendall? Why are you still here?" You muttered to yourself, you didn't know that your tears are starting to fall. "I'm sorry. I know i'm an asshole. I- i just can't stop.." Kendall slowly opened her eyes, and you quickly act like you are super drunk.

"Babe? Oh my god you are super drunk." She stood up to help you lay on your couch. "Are you crying? Why? What happened?" She asked but you're still acting like you are too drunk to speak properly.

"I- i'm sorry babe. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you.." You said while slurring on your words.

Kendall hugged you, "Ssshh.. Don't say that babe. I'm always here, okay? You're not going to lose me." She continue to comfort you, and caressing your back.

"I'm so sorry.." You whispered to the model.

You are having dinner with Kendall's best friends at her house. You offered to get the champagne at Kendall's mini bar. You heard the girls talking about you, you stood up behind the wall. "Ken, why do you stay with her? She's an asshole." Gigi asked her best friend.

"Gi, i love her. She can change, and i want to be here when that happens. She's trying.." She answered.

"God i fucking hate her. Just leave her Kenny. Jordan is crazy about you. He won't stop asking me for your number." Bella said, you simply shook your head because she is the only person who is so harsh and mean to you ever since you dated Kendall.

"Guys, come on. Leave them alone, people can change. Justin changed." Hailey smiled at Kendall. "I'll support you babe."


"See? People can change." Kendall mouthed 'thanks' to Hailey.


"Oh my god! Y/N i'm coming! Oh f-fuck..." Bella yelled from pleasure while her body is shaking. "How do you do this? You know i'm Kendall's best friend." She said as she pulled the duvet to cover her naked body. You stood up and put on your clothes because you're leaving.

"No you're not. Because if you are her best friend you wouldn't let me fuck you." You said, she sat on the bed and smirked.

"I had you first Y/N. And then she came into the picture and she fucking took you from me." You let out a chuckle and shake your head.

"It was just a one night stand Bel. I'm no one's property." You said and left the model's apartment.

Bella told everything to Kendall, everything that happened between you and her. That's what you wanted to happen. The model felt betrayed by her best friend. She felt stupid because after what happened, she finds herself still wanting to be with you. She's willing to forgive you.

"Why can't you love me? I did everything Y/N.. Where did i go wrong?" Kendall asked you while she's on her knees crying and begging to love her back. "I'm so tired Y/N, i'm so tired.."

"Okay fine! Then leave!" You raised your voice at her.

"I can't!" She yelled back.

"Why not?! Kendall-- i am cheating on you, i cheated on you several times before! I've never been a good girlfriend to you, why can you just leave?! Just leave me alone.." You threw your phone across the room because of your frustrations because the girl won't leave you even though you didn't treat her right since you dated her 6 months ago. You want her to leave you because you are starting to fall for her, and you don't want that to happen. Why? Simple. Because you are scared to fall in love.

"I just can't, okay?! So stop saying that!"

"Why?! Tell me why Kendall?! God have some respect for your--!"

"Because i love you!" You got silent when she said that she loves you. You know that, but she barely say it to you. You wanted to tell her about how you feel but you just can't. No words are coming out from your mouth. You let out a sigh. "Fuck Y/N! I don't know if you're numb or just dumb to know that."

"W-well then-- if you don't want to leave. Then- then.. i'm leaving you." You said stuttering on your words.

She stood up as she wipe her tears, "Wow." She smirked. "You have done this to me-- again and again.. I can't live like this. I BREAK UP WITH YOU Y/N. I break up with you." She said and slapped you on your cheeks. You can hear how much she's hurt because of what you did. Kendall gather her things and left your apartment. You wanted to punch yourself for hurting her, and you wanted to tell her how sorry you are for hurting her for so many times. You can't contain yourself from doing things that will hurt her feelings.


All of Kendall's family hate you for hurting her, at first you don't care what people think about you. But things started to be different, you appreciate every little things that she does for you. You wanted to change, you really wanted to. For her. But you don't know how.. You don't know where to start.

One year later...

You remember everything you did to Kendall, although you regret everything and beg her to take you back because you already changed-- it's already too late. She's already dating someone named Ben simmons. You are hoping that the other doesn't treat her the way you treated her before because she doesn't deserve that. No girl in the world deserves to be treated like that. You love her, you still do and if she give you a chance you'll make sure not to hurt her again.

"Thank you." You said after you performed your latest hit song at Ellen's. You performed to promote your single at her show, and it's been a while since you've done an interview after you broke up with Kendall. Ellen gave you a hug and greeted you, she asked you to sat down with her.

"So Y/N, it's really good to have you here. I haven't seen you in a while." You smiled at her.

"Yeah thank you so much for having me, i- uh.. took a break from singing for about a year. You know-- to focus on myself more and to be a better person." You answered.

"I bet you are much better than before." She said and you nodded at her. "Can i ask you what is it about your song? Don't take this in a wrong way but-- i think it's kinda cruel. Did you wrote that song?" She asked.

"Y-yeah.. Cruel, right? Nobody deserves to be treated like that. I, i dated this girl before--"

"Do i know her?" Ellen wiggle her eyebrows.

"Yes, she's been here a lot. But please, don't make me say her name." The crowd said "aww" because you didn't want to drop names. People knew about you and Kendall, but you keep your relationship low key. People wouldn't think that the girl you're talking about is Kendall, because some of your exes did an Ellen interview in the past too. "So yeah, i dated this girl before and i was so cruel to her. All that girl did was to love and care for me. I don't understand after everything i did to her, she still managed to stay with me despite all my wrong doings."

"Are you guys still talking? I- i mean, how did you guys ended? Sorry, i know this is personal but you know how nosy i am." Ellen said caused you to laugh. You and her are good friends, so you don't mind to tell her the story in her show as long as you don't drop names.

"I'm ashamed for my actions before, and i know i fucked up.. I cheated on her, not once, or twice. I can't count on my fingers how many times, so yeah-- she decided to leave me because she got tired and i totally understand that. I mean, i wouldn't stay with me too if i was in her position."

"Oh my god. I hate cheaters. But since you changed and you're my friend-- you are an exception."

"Thank you." You said.

"Why did you do it? You know the girl is 100% down for you and would do anything for you?"

"There is no right reason.. But at that time i was in the dark phase of my life, believe it or not-- i did love her. Just not with my whole heart and i didn't knew how to show her what i really feel. When she left, i realized everything that i did to her. I was so stupid and idiot to hurt and let that girl walk out of my life. You know what they say 'You don't appreciate what you have until it's gone.' So..."

You thank god because you survived at Ellen's interview and hot seat questions. You are on your way home, when your phone rang. You answered your phone and it's Fai. You kept in touch with him because he is one of your great friend too, even though he got mad because of what you did to Kendall. He invites you to his party, you immediately said no because you know Kendall's going to be there. He said on the other line. You let out a sigh and said that you'll go to his party.


This imagine is just gonna have two parts. The next one is the smut, so please be patient. But i'll update tomorrow. I hope you like this guys, message me for your request and also the "My brother's girlfriend" is still on writing. 😁 Always having trouble for endings. 🤔

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