《IMAGINES ❤️》My brother's wife V


You are laying with Kendall while she's sleeping on your chest. You couldn't explain the feelings that she made you when she's making love with you. It's mixed emotions, you felt like you are a bad person for sleeping with your brother's wife. But at the same time you are happy because it's been a while since someone made you feel loved and important after Brooke. "I love you-- Harry..." You looked at the model for a while and sigh. You got up and slowly put your clothes on, you kissed Kendall's forehead and left a letter for her before leaving her alone at her tent. "I'm sorry, but we have met in the wrong place at the wrong time.." You whispered to her while she's still sleeping.

Kendall woke up alone in her tent, she was looking for you. She saw your note beside her saying, "Your list are already done, i hope you will move on from my brother and start a new life. I already did my promise.. Please, don't look for me anymore." Kendall knew that she is in love with you, but when she's thinking about his late husband she couldn't help but to feel guilty. She's hesitating with her feelings for you.


Kendall saw Harry's mother in front of her house, the model gave her mother in law a warm smile and a hug. "Where have you been? I've been calling you since last night." Annie asked the model.

"I- i was busy last night, i'm sorry i didn't pick up my phone." Kendall said.

"I know you're with Y/N last night. Don't lie to me. Sometimes i want to believe that you've already replaced my son." Annie said and glare at Kendall.

"I could never replace your son, and you know that.." The model answered.

"Why don't i believe you? It's so easy for you.. Maybe because you are married for just a year. "

"Yes, we only had twelve months. But if it was up to me, i'd want him to live longer. Even for just five minutes more, if i could-- i would have twelve more days with him, twelve more years.. Twelve more lifetimes with him. You may have loved him longer because you are his mother, but that doesn't mean i loved him any less. I loved him for as much as i could.. until his very last breath and until now. I still love him Annie." Kendall wiped her tears, "I know you love Harry very much, but you still have another child who needed love and care from her mother. Y/N loves you and Harry. I don't know what happened to your family before, but she needs you." Kendall opened her door and head inside her house, Annie was stunned by the model's words. The model broke down in tears when she arrived at her room, she misses her husband and felt guilty because she's falling in love with her husband's sister.


"I never thought i'd hate you this much but i hate you!" She shouted in her room as she broke down in tears, "i hate you because you're not coming back, because you can't love me anymore. Because until now i still love you so much.." Kendall said while looking holding Harry's picture. "I want to love someone else, but i don't know how will i do that when she's your sister?"

Kendall woke up from her sleep, she felt a cold air wrapped her body and after a few minutes it's gone. "Harry.."

"My client is willing to let her have the house in Italy, not that she'd want it after that happened. That's a fairly generous offer, don't you think? But the trust fund came from Y/N's grandparents. Therefore it's only fair that your client won't receive any share from that fund." Your lawyer said to your soon to be ex wife, Brooke. When you run away from home when you were in highschool, you lost contact with her. But she studied fashion designing in Italy, you accidentally bump her to your former University there. You catch up and decided to rekindle your little romance back in highschool. After a year of dating, both of you decided to tie the knot and lived in Italy for 8 months until the cheating incident happen on your own house.

You are just looking at the floor while your lawyer is talking until Brooke spoke, "I don't want a divorce.. but i know that's where were headed." You looked at her with no emotion on your face. "Y/N i'm so sorry. I--"

"Your apology is a little too late." You didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Can't you ever forgive me? I know i made a mistake once but--"

"Once? When i caught you in bed with him, that was the one and only time you betrayed me? Once?"

"Yes Y/N it was only once." She answered.

"So it was just sex?" You asked Brooke and she didn't answer instead she looked down because of shame. "It wasn't just sex. That's why i can't forgive you. When i asked you to marry me, you said you didn't love him anymore. I'm the only one you should love, just me. Our whole relationship? Our whole marriage-- was based on a lie. And you know what really hurts? I don't even think you loved me.." You stood up and walk away. You left Brooke there crying in front of your lawyers.

3 days after what happened between you and Kendall, she tried to call you and go to your apartment but you didn't open the door for her. You are always rejecting her phone call, and ignoring her text. You are at the club, doing your thing as a DJ. You saw Kendall, you let out a small sigh and tried to focused on your music. You are ready to go home but you decided to hed towards the restroom to wash your face with a cold water so you would wake yourself up because it's already 2am in the morning. "Can we talk?" A familiar voice asked.


"No. There's nothing to talk about." You simply said and left the club hurriedly..

"Y/N please! Let's talk." You heard Kendall but you ignored her. "I LOVE YOU!!" She shouted, you stopped your tracks and looked at her.

"No, you don't." You quickly head inside your car and drove away, you are near on your apartment when a car overtake you and stopped in front of you. You quickly hit the break, you saw the model got out of her car.

"What the hell? I almost hit you! Are you trying kill yourself?!" You yelled as you head out of your car.

"Why not?! Maybe you'd care more about me if i die!"

"Kendall stop it!"

"No! I love you! Don't you get it? I love---"

"No, don't say it. Don't you dare say that words! You're not in love with me Ken, you are in love with my brother.."

"Yes, i was.. Before. Y/N i'm in love with you." She grab and kiss you, but you push her away.

"I'm begging you, please leave me alone." You said, you are about to head back to your car but Kendall held your wrist.

"Please let me love you. I'll love you more than anybody's ever loved you. I'll take care of you until we're both old. I won't ever cheat on you.. If you want, i'll make sure i won't die before you do. I will live you Y/N, just say that you love me too." She said to you.

"I- i don't want to. Kendall, don't you see? What we're doing is wrong."

"I know you love me, i can see it in your eyes. I'm not numb okay?!"

"What do you want me to say?! That i'm inlove with you? Is that it? Okay, yes! I am inlove with you. I wish that i was the first one you met before my brother, i wish that i met you before i married my wife. I wish that i was the one who got married to you not my brother! That's what you wanna hear?! Kendall, i'm not worth your love.. I was busy trying to fix you, your heart--- but i don't know how to fix mine. My mother doesn't love me, my brother hatede, and my wife-- Brooke cheated on me." You said to the model while crying.

"I'm not Brooke, okay? I will never do what she did to you.. You know me-- i'm not like that. You fix me, you were there when i needed someone. Let me fix you, let's figure this out together.."

"Ken, you make me so happy to the point that i forget that you are my brother's wife. I'm sorry, but i can't do this to my brother." You pulled your hand from her grip and head inside your car. You drove as fast as you could to get away from Kendall. While the model was stunned because you rejected her love for you.

You arrived at your apartment, you head straight to your room and you threw your phone on the wall. You slammed your guitar, trying to get out all your anger in the world, all the pain ever since you are a kid. You sat on your bed and let your tears fall again, "I'm so tired. No matter what i do i always come in second." You muttered while crying.

"Is this still your favorite?" Brook ask you while she gives you a chai latte. "I wasn't sure. You've changed a lot. Your look, your look, and now you're riding motorcycle too." You are looking on your cup not listening to what she was saying.

"What's wrong with me?" You asked. Brooke reached for your hand and you let her.

"Y/N-- it's all my fault. I told you before that i had no feelings for Ryan anymore, that i was okay even if i really wasn't. I told you that i love you, because i don't wanna lose you.. But i still lost you in the end." She said and quickly wipe her tears.

"Did i rush you?" She looked down and didn't said anything, "I'm sorry.. I'm sorry i expected too much too soon." You said.

"I'm sorry too that i hurt you. Believe it or not, i did love you.. Probably just not with my whole heart. And that-- that is my biggest regret. Look, don't be too harsh on yourself. Okay? You are worth loving, i just didn't know that back then. That's on me, that's my fault but don't get stuck with our failed relationship. That girl really loves you.." You looked at her and let out a small smile.

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