《IMAGINES ❤️》My Brother's wife IV


"Gi, tell me. Do i have to feel guilty? Do you think i'm cheating on my husband?" Kendall asked Gigi while they are laying on their shared bed at the hotel.

Gigi looked at her best friend, "What are you talking about Ken? I don't mean to be insensitive but-- how will you cheat on your husband, when you don't have a husband anymore?" Gigi reached for Kendall's hand and said, "One step at a time Kenny. I'm sure Harry would want you to be happy."

Kendal didn't answer to her best friend, she just gave her a smile and let herself drift away to sleep.

You and Kendall are going to the mall, while walking she is talking about your late brother. You couldn't help but to get jealous and to feel insecure with Harry when you know that you have no right to be jealous. "I feel like i met him for a reason, maybe so i'd learn how to take care of myself and others. All the more i realize that he is my one great love." You rolled your eyes at the model's statement.

"All i hear you talk about is the goodness of St. Harry." You said.

"Oh, okay.. Well then, we'll talk about your wife." You shake you head and continue to walk.

"Look, just answer my question first-- does he never hurt you? Does St. Harry have any imperfections?" Kendall laughed.

"He doesn't know how to dance."

"Ugh. That doesn't count.. You guys never fought? He never broke your heart? Not even once?" You asked.

"Well once.. Just once."

"When?" You asked the model again.

"He broke my heart the day his heart stopped beating." You can see at Kendall's eyes how much she's still hurting for your brother's death. You felt guilty for asking too many questions because you are hoping that he hasn't changed, that he is still a douche before. But the truth is, he really did change. For Kendall. The way your brother talked to you about the model before he died from the accident, he is obviously inlove with her and she made him a better person.

"Sorry.." You muttered under your breath.

"Oh no, don't be.. I'm doing better now, and that is because of you." She smiled and pinched your nose. You laughed when you heard Kendall's stomach growls.

"Come on. I know a good place.." You reached for her hand for you to hold as you both walk inside the mall.

"Anne, isn't that your daughter and Kendall? I didn't know that they are dating." An older woman asked Anne.

"Of course not! That is abdurd. They are just close friends dear. Come, i know a a great place to have a tea." Anne said as she dragged her friend on their way to the café. Your mother glanced back at you and Kendall who are walking while holding each other's hand.

You and Kendall ate at the restaurant and went to shopping. Some people are taking pictures of you together, and paps knows you as Kendall's sister in law. Even if they took pictures of you together, hugging and holding each other's hand there is no malice to other people because they know you are Harry's younger sister. They also didn't know that Kendall is a bisexual, she also likes girls. That's the thing that Kendall hides to public, Harry knew about that and he is okay with it.

You are looking around to find the model, you are looking at the cute crop top and when you turned around you couldn't find Kendall. You saw her at the cashier buying something, it's like a little ball. You walk towards her, "Hey.. What did you buy?"


"Uh-- nothing.." She grin and hide the ball inside the bag. "Did you find anything you like in here?"

"Okay? Y-yeah.. Let's go over there." You said pointing the direction where you found the cute croptop.

You are heading out of the mall, you and Kendall are still talking about your life in Italy and how your mother treated you before. Both of you stopped at Kendall's car. "So.. You're going to help me tomorrow to redecorate my music studio?" You asked the model while smiling widely.

"Do you want me to?" Kendall asked just to tease you a little bit.


"What? Come on, yes or no?"

"YES. I'll wait for you tomorrow." You smiled at her, she gave you a hug before going inside her car.

"I had a great time Y/N. Thank you." She smiled and drove away.


You and Kendall are designing your music room while she's cleaning some of your instruments, while you are beside her spray painting your wall with Kendall's face because that's what you promised her earlier.

"The owner said that he missed Harry, Harry is his favorite customer. Because there was this one time; Harry came to defend the sales lady, there was a drunk customer who entered the store and Harry got mad because---" You are getting irritated because all she ever talk about is Harry ever since she came to your apartment.

"I didn't ask about Harry. I asked about you. If you're okay after your visit at the toy store.."

"I'm okay. You'll be proud of me because i manage to control my tears." Kendall smiled at you, your attention turned to her neck.

"You.. uh-- have a paint on your neck." You said and wipe the paint.

"Thanks. Oh hey! I have a gift for you." She pull the little black ball in her bag that she bought at the mall last night. You know when i saw this last night, i thought about you. This is a magic eight ball! Do you know this?"

"Uh, yeah? But why did you buy that for me?" You said as you rub your neck because of embarrassment.

"Because you have answers for everything. So just in case you don't know the answer, here it is.." She said and gave you the ball. "Just shake this and the answer will pop right here, see?" Kendall smiled and handed you the ball.

"Okay. Thank you. Let's try this.." You said to her, "Does Kendall like my music studio?" You asked and shake the ball.

"Of course! I love your music studio! Okay, my turn!"

"Does Y/N wants to go to Leo Carillo with me next week?" Kendall asked the magic ball. The model looked at you smiling. "Is this true?"

"Nope." You said and stick your tongue at her to tease the model. "But seriously, i'll just drive you there and i'll head home and then i'll pick you up in the morning."

"Alright. Whatever you say boss."

You and Kendall continue to redecorate your music room, you just ordered chinese take out and pizza while you watch a movie in your living room. After a few hours, Kendall decided to head home because she need to fly to France tomorrow afternoon for photoshoot and walking in the runway. You walk the model to your door and bid goodbye to each other. You slammed your body against your couch and lay there while watching tv. After a few minutes, you heard a loud knock. You smiled because you thought Kendall came back to stay for a little while.


"Did you forget some---" You didn't continue your sentence when you saw your mom in your front door. "Mom.. W-what are you doing here?"

"Can i come in?" She asked with a stern voice.

"Y-yeah, sure.. Do you want any--"

"I saw you and Kendall at the mall last night, are you two dating?" She blurted out.

"W-wha---? No! We're just friends!" Your mother grabbed your arm.

"Ouch! You're hurting me! What the hell mom?!"

"Don't you dare call me that! You're not my daughter ever since you run away from home! Leave Kendall alone, she is your brother's wife Y/N!" She yelled at you and let go of your arm. "I saw the way you looked at her Y/N. Remember this; She is your brother's wife!"

"SHE WAS HIS WIFE." You spat back, a few seconds after you felt a stinging pain on your cheek. She stared at you while panting because of anger.

"Leave her alone Y/N. Leave her alone." She said in stern strict voice. She head out as she slammed your door behind her.

You are just listening on your phone while reading a book trying to ignore Kendall's call. You looked at your phone and you already have a 10 missed calls from the model, you let out a sigh and toss your phone on your bed. Kendall was asking you to drive her to the Leo Carillo beach tomorrow, and the model was also worried about you because you are ignoring her for the whole week after your mother confronted you about her.

The model was always keep you updated on where she is, she was in Milan for the whole week for fashion show. She tried calling and texting you, you replied to her once or twice with short and cold text and that's it. A loud knock woke you up, you hurriedly stood on your bed and opened your door. You saw Kendall standing and smiling widely, she quickly hugged you. She looks so happy that she finally saw you after a week. "I missed you!" She said still hugging you. You wanted to smile but you couldn't, your mother's words was stuck on your head.

"Missed you too.." You said as you slowly pulled away from her hug.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?? Come on, let's go."

"Huh? W-why? Where are we--"

"You're going to drive me to Leo Carillo, right? Y/N you promised me.."

"Oh.. Ken, i can't. You can use your gps and--"

"Y/N.. A promise is a promise. You told me you will always be here at the process of me forgetting your brother.." She said.

"You can't forget him. He was your one great love."

"Yeah-- was.. But he's gone, and he is not coming back. Harry will always be in my heart Y/N, and now i-- i wanted to give myself a chance to be loved." Kendall reached for your hand, "or to love again.."

"Y-yeah.. sure. I- uh.. i'll just need to shower, can you wait for me?" She nodded at you. "Okay. Come in." You said as you grabbed her travel bag.

After an hour drive, you parked her car at the parking lot of the park near the beach. You are going to hike on your way to the Leo Carillo beach. "We are going to walk on our way there, is that okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, sure! Let's go." Kendall smiled as she held your hand.

"I'm just gonna drop you off there, and i'll head home. Alright?"

"Are you sure you don't want to stay?" She said and rested her head into your shoulder while you are both walking.

"Ken, we've talk about this--- you have to this alone."

"Alright. Alright. I'm just trying to convince you." She let out a small laugh.

Kendall convinced you to make her a bonfire and set up tent for her because the model doesn't know how to. She's going to spend the night at the beach alone so you want her to feel comfortable and safe. You sat at the sand to get a rest for a few minutes and then you're going home while Kendall is sitting at tree log staring at you smiling. She stood up as she remove her clothes, you looked away so you won't get distracted with her body. She ran to the shore and dive in the water.

"Aw! Y/N help!" You stood up but still not doing anything.

"Why? What happened?" You shouted in the distance.

"I twist my ankle. Can you help me up?" You run towards her and help her to get up. You grabbed her hand, she flashes a mischievious grin and pulled you into the water with her.

"Shiii-- fuck! Kendall! I don't have extra clothes!" You yelled while she's laughing at you.

"Let's have fun. Come on Y/N!" She said as she ride on your back. Both of you played at the beach for a while until you noticed that the sun is setting down. Kendall lend you her extra clothes just in case she wanted to spend another day alone in there. You are changing your clothes at the back of the tree. Kendall reached for her bag and she pull the magic 8 ball out.

"Does Y/N really didn't wanna be here alone with me? That's why she's so grouchy?" She asked while shaking the ball.

"Where the hell did you get that? Is that mine?" You frowned.

"Nope this is mine. I bought myself too and if this is yours, so what? I gave that to you remember?" She said and stick her tongue out to tease you.

"Ugh. Whatever." You said.

Kendall smiled and showed the answer to you. "Here, the answer is no. So you really wanna be here with me huh?" You rolled your eyes but you didn't said anything to the model.

"Does Y/N think i'm cute?" She asked the ball again.

"Wow. Not because you're a supermodel that doesn't mean that i think you're cute." You said.

"Well, the magic 8 ball said that you're lying Y/N.." She said laughing.

"You know what? I'm going home, i'll just call an uber. You're going to be okay here alone, right?" You asked her. "Yeah you're going to be fine." You didn't wait for her answer because if she said no you might have to stay with her through the night.

"Wait-- how are you going home? There is no signal in here." You didn't answer her question instead you continue to walk away from Kendall. She run towards you, "Y/N wait!"

"I have to go Ken." You said without looking at her. You got surprised when Kendall wrapped her arms around you.

"No.. I'm not letting you go Y/N." She whispered and kissed your neck.

"What are you doing Kendall?" You asked as the model kissed your neck and your nape continuosly.

"Stop pushing me away.." She turned your body to her, and kissed you on your lips. You got lost with the model's kiss, it's a kiss that you've been wanting to do ever since you started to have feelings for her. You tried to fight it but she won't let you. "Please stay with me.." She mumbled.

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