《IMAGINES ❤️》My brother's wife III


You drove Kendall back to her car, you stayed at the Santa Monica for awhile. You and the model talked, Kendall asked questions about you and your life at Italy. "So i'll see you again soon?" She asked you.

"Huh? Why?" You frowned.

"Uh, you know-- about my 'to-do list.' I want you to be with me while i'm moving on with your brother." She smiled at you. "C-can you do that f-for me?"

You just looked at her for a second, "Sure. I'll be here Ken. Always.." You smiled at her and hop at your motorcycle. "Leo Carillo beach."

She was about to head inside her but she stopped. "Huh? Leo what?"

"Leo Carillo beach. You told me you've never tried camping or go to the beach alone right? I figured that you couldn't go on a vacation alone because you're a celebrity. But you can go there alone and have some time for yourself. It's peaceful and quiet in there."

She nodded at you and let out a small smile, "Okay. You don't want to come with me?" She asked.

"I can drive you there if you want to. But i'm not going to stay, i- i think you need to go there alone. Drive safe Kendo." You put your helmet on and drove away. Kendall watch you as you drove away until you disappeared. The model is thankful that she found a friend in you, you are the only person who made her smile after 8 months.


You and Kendall are hanging out more often after that night. You are getting to know the model more, and you love spending time with her. You drove Kendall to Arclight cinemas so she can watch a movie by herself, you are looking at her from afar while she's buying a ticket. She wanted to watch a last full show do there's not much people in the cinema. Your smile faded when you saw a creepy looking guy staring at Kendall while she's buying her ticket. She smiled at you and waved her ticket. You nodded at her, Kendall head inside the cinema and the guy followed her.

You run towards the ticket booth and bought yourself a ticket. You quickly head inside the cinema, you saw Kendall sitting alone in the corner while eating her popcorn. You are looking around to find the creepy guy but he's nowhere to be found. You are relieved the he disappears. You took a sit at the cinema chair in front of you, you are keeping your eye at the model making sure that no one is going to bother her alone time watching a movie. The movie is about to start when a creepy guy sat beside the model. You are observing them, Kendall doesn't look comfortable because the guy keeps looking at her.

"Why are you watching a romantic movie alone." The guy whispered at Kendall. The model ignored the creepy guy and focused on watching the movie. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"Hey babe." Kendall flinched causing her to threw her popcorn at you.

"Oh my god i'm so sorry." She said and she was surprised when she saw you.

"No it's okay. It's okay.. Didn't you see me?" You asked her. "Let's sit over there." You widened your eyes at her.


"T-thank you.." She whispered while looking at the screen.

"For what?" You asked the model while eating her popcorn.

"For saving me there."

"You're welcome.." You smiled at her. You saw the guy keeps glancing at Kendall, you wrap your arms around her. She looked at you, "The creepy guy is still looking at you.." She peck your cheeks and rest her head against your shoulder. She looks comfortable in your arms. Your heart started to pound on your chest, you don't know if Kendall could feel your heartbeat. But you're praying that she won't.

You are heading out of your apartment to buy more spray paint because you are redecorating you're music room with graffiti, you got surprised when Kendall is at your front door holding a box of cookies. "Ta-da!!" You let out a soft chuckle as you shake your head. "I made this for you.."

"Really? I thought you don't know how to bake?" You asked.

"Okay fine you got me, Khloe helped me made this." She laughed.

"I figured." You smirked trying to tease the model.

"You're so mean." She pouted at you. You couldn't help but to smile when she does that to you, you found Kendall cute when she does that.

You reached for her hand, "I'm kidding.. Come on, let's try this cookies that YOU baked." She grin and followed you in the kitchen while you are holding her hand.

"Why does it smell like a spray paint in here?" She said making a disgust face while covering her nose.

"I'm redecorating my music room."

"Whoa! Really? Can i see?" She asked excitedly, she looks like a kid who is excited to buy a new toy.

"No. I mean, not yet."

"Oh come on.. Just a peek? Or i'll help you redecorate." She smiled at you. "Please?"

"Alright alright! You got me.. Come on let's go." Both of you walk towards the room, "Wear this." You said as you put a face mask on her face, you opened the door and she saw the graffiti that you made three days ago.

"What is this?" She pointed at your DJ equipments.

"Oh, that? That's a drumpad."

"Y/N this is amazing! You're a DJ, i bet you can play some instruments to?" You bit your bottom lip and nod at Kendall. She looked at your guitar, "Do you want to--"

"Yes i want you to sing for me." She smiled at you.

"I was about ask if you wanted to try to play my guitar." You let out a soft chuckle. "But yeah sure." You walk towards your guitar and sat down to your chair, Kendall smiled and took a sit in front of you. "So?"

"So--? What?"

"What song do you want me to play for you?" You said and playfully rolled your eyes at her. She let out a small laugh while shaking her head.

"Whatever you want Y/N. I'll be glad to hear you sing for me." You started to strum your guitar, you let out a sigh befote you started singing.

You are heading out of the music store because you bought something for your unfinished studio. You are in New Orleans because your friend invited you to a club, you bump into a girl but you didn't looked at her because you are in a hurry to go to your friend's club.


"Y/N!" A familiar voice caught your attention, you looked at the girl and you saw Kendall.

"Oh, Ken. H-hi!" You said, Kendall hugged you immediately.

"I'm not expecting to see you here." She said.

"Yeah, neither do i." You smiled at the model. "What are you going to do in the music store anyway?" You asked the model.

"Oh. Uh.. I-" Kendall looked at your hand, you are holding the equipment that she wants to buy for you. "Nothing.. Just roaming around, you know?" She let out a nervous smile.

"Seriously? In New Orleans?" You arched your eyebrow, she chuckled while she's shaking her head because you are like a detective who is asking so many questions.

"Okay-- i was here for photoshoot. But my friends wanted me to come to this newly opened night club, we were walking on our way there but then i saw you in here. I just didn't want you to think that i'm following you, alright?" She said shyly.

You smiled at her, "Okay.. But i think you're following me because that's where i'm going." Kendall's face lit up.

"Really?!" She said excitedly.

"Yeah. I'm their DJ for tonight. Where's your friends?" You asked the model while looking around.

"I think they are already in the club. Walk with me?" You simply nodded at the model as you started to walk with her.

You and Kendall started to walk while talking about her photoshoot because you haven't see her for a week. You are stuttering with your words while talking to the model, you know to yourself that you are starting to feel something for Kendall. You and the model arrived at the nightclub, she introduces you to her celebrity friends; Gigi, Hailey, Bella and Kylie. Kendall and the girls danced on your beat, you can't help but to look at Kendall while she's dancing and grinding her body with Hailey. She noticed that you are looking at her, she gave a flirty wink and signal you to come to her. You shook your head while smiling as you continue to do your thing.

Kendall wanted to dance with you but she's hesitating because you might get uncomfortable around her. She noticed that you stutters or a little uncomfortable and nervous when you are talking to her earlier. The model is starting to like you, but she's doesn't want to be obvious because you are her husband's sister. She also think that she is cheating with her late husband. She smiled when you looked away and change the beat of your music.

It's already 3am in the morning, Kendall and her friends are still in the club. You said thanks to your friend for inviting you to his club, you also told him that you needed to go to your hotel because you are tired and wanted to rest. You decided to head out of the club without saying goodbye to Kendall and her friends. You are about to call a cab when Kendall called you.

"Y/N! Wait!" You turned to the model.

"Hey." You gave her small smile.

"Leaving already?" She asked.

"Y-yeah? It's already 3am in the morning Ken."

"So? Stay with me tonight. Where are you staying by the way?" She said and reach for your hand.

"At thr hotel, it's 10 minutes away from here. Don't you want to sleep?" You asked her.

"Nope. I want to party until sunrise! Come on, let's go back there!" She said trying to drag you back at the club.

"Ken. I h-have to go, okay?"

"Please?" She gave you her cute puppy eyes. At first, that puppy eyes is not working for you. But now is different, you find her cute and you can't say no to that face.

"You love to dance, yeah?" She smile widely and nodded at you.

"Alright. Come with me." You hold her hand and drag her at the restaurant who is having a party or fiesta for everyone. There's people who is dancing to a hiphop music, both of you stand in the middle. You are about to dance when the DJ changed the song.

You slowly wrap your arms around Kendall's waist, she seemed surprised by your action but she shrug it off. "Are you sure you want to dance with me?" She asked. You didn't said anything, instead you gave her a smile. "The last person i danced, died. One week after my birthday.." She added.

"I'm sorry my brother died after your birthday.."

"I don't know what if i want to celebrate my birthday, because after that it's Harry's first death anniversary." Both of you started to dance slowly while talking to each other.

"You should celebrate. The one who is left behind is more important than the one who left. The living than the dead, the one who still breathes and can still love. The one who should still be loved.." Kendall didn't say anything, she rested her head against your shoulder while both of you are dancing slowly. You danced like no one is around, Kendall is thinking about what you just said. She thought that you are right, she loved your brother more than anything. But now he's gone, she wanted to start a new life.

The song ended, both of you looked into each other's eyes. You didn't noticed that Kendall is getting close to your face until someone whistled to you and the model to cheer your dancing. People applaud at you and Kendall, you rub the back of your neck because of embarrassment. Kendall let out a small laugh and dragged you away from the party. "So, can i take you to your hotel?" She asked while walking back to the parking lot of the club.

"Uh-- yeah no.. It's okay, i'll just call an uber." You smiled, you are about to walk away when she held your arm. Kendall kissed you on your cheek and smiled at you.

"Goodnight.." She mumbled.

"Night Ken. Take care and drive safely.." You let out a small smile and walk away.

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