《IMAGINES ❤️》My brother's wife.


"Please tell my wife i'm sorry and i love her." Your brother said to you while holding your hand. Harry is struggling to breathe, he was about to cross the street to follow you on the other side of the road when a drunk driver ran him. Your whole world stopped when you saw your brother covered and coughing blood.

"No no no no.. Tell her yourself. You're okay bro, you're good. J-just stay with me, alright?" You said while tears falling from your eyes. "The ambulance is on their way Harry. Fucking stay with me!"

"Take care of my wife for me Y/N.." He gave you a forced smile, then he shut his eyes. You stared at him for a few seconds, you tried to shake your brother to wake him up but he's not moving anymore.

"Harry!! Fuck. Wake up!" You yelled at him and check his pulse but you don't feel anything. "Fuck! Harry stay with me!"--"HELP!! PLEASE HELP US!!" You yelled crying.

You attended to your brother's funeral, you are not surprised that a lot of celebrities came to his funeral because he is one the most famous singer in this generation. Everybody loves your brother because he's kind, humble and good looking. You haven't met your brother's wife because you lost contact with your family after you ran away from home and decided to live with your father in Italy. He told you before that he eloped with his girlfriend after a year of dating. You know his wife by her name, because who doesn't know the supermodel Kendall Jenner? But you haven't met the girl.

Only family and closest friends knew about Harry and Kendall's marriage because they wanted to keep their married life in private and keep the media away from their private lives. You are heading out of the restroom when you bumped at the girl who has a puffy eyes and still crying.

"S-sorry.." She said while trying to cover her face.

"It's alright. Are you--" You saw the girl's face clearer, "Oh. Kendall.." She's not surprised that you know her name, but she's confused because you called her like you met her in person before.

"Sorry, have we met before?" She asked you.

"Uh, i'm afraid not. But i've heard a lot about you.. I'm Harry's younger---" She cuts you off by hugging you, and burst out in tears. "Hey, calm down.." You said and comforted the girl.

"I'm sorry-- it's just.. you and Harry are look alike." You smiled at the girl as you nodded at her.

"Yeah, a lot of people thought we're twins. I'm Y/N." You said offering your hand, the model crept a small smile in her face.

"It's so nice to finally meet you Y/N." Kendall said shaking your hand.

It's been 8 months since your brother died in your arms, you stayed in the U.S for a few days after the burial and head back to Italy because you also have a lot going on with your life. That's also the last time you talked to Kendall, sometimes you are checking her social media to check how the model's doing. She's always smiling in all of her photos but you can still see the sadness in her eyes.

It's been a week since you got back in L.A, you decided to stay for good because you are s DJ at the most famous nightclub in the city of angels. It's already 3am and your shift is going to end, and some people are heading out of the club. A drunk girl who passed out in the table caught your eye, you looked around to see if she's with someone.


"Hey Barry. Do you know if this girl is alone? Or with someone?" You asked the bartender while his cleaning up the glass and bottles at his counter.

"She's alone. That's the model, i fucking forgot her name. She is here every night.." He said.

"I told you to stop drinking too while serving drinks to people bud." You smiled at him and head over to the girl. You slowly lift the girls head to see if Barry was telling the truth that the girl who is passed out on the table is a model. You frowned because the drunk girl is your brother's wife. "Kendall? Hey.. Wake up." You said trying to wake the model up. You heard a soft snore, you chuckle as you shake your head.

You don't want to leave the girl in the club alone, you carried her like a kid. Her stomach pressed in your shoulder, you head out of the club carrying the model. You looked around to see if there's a paparazzi because you can't be seen with her like that, you hurriedly head inside your car and drove to your apartment. You carried Kendall again on your way to your apartment, you can hear her snoring and you couldn't help but to smile at her cuteness.

You have a two bedroom apartment but you made the other room your music studio. You lay the girl in your bed, you are staring at Kendall's face while panting trying to catch your breath because she's a little bit heavy. You are thinking if you are going to change her clothes or not. You don't want her to be uncomfortable when she woke up knowing that you saw her naked while she's drunk. You decided to shrug all your thoughts, you put a blanket on top of her and turned off the lights. You decided to sleep on your couch even though you are not that comfortable, but you are so tired and doesn't care much of your surroundings so you fell asleep quickly.

Kendall woke up with a huge headache, she reached for her aspirin at her nightstand because usually her assistant always leave it in there so she can drink it as soon as she wake up. Her eyes widened when she realized that she's not in her apartment. "What the fuck? Where the hell am i?" She checked her clothes, Kendall was relieved that she's still wearing the same clothes from last night. She got up, gathered all of her things and slowly walk towards your living to see if there is someone at the apartment. When she knew that no one is home, she hurriedly walk to the front door--- she was stunned when she saw you holding a two cup of coffee while you are on your earpods.

"Oh-- fuck! You--- Y/N?" She was surprised when she saw you. "You scared me."

"It's more scary when some creepy assholes took advantage of you while you are drunk. Get inside.." You said as you walk by past her, while holding two coffees.

"H-how did you-- i thought you're in Italy?" She said as she closed the door behind you.

"I'm staying here for good, i just arrived here in L.A last week.." You walk towards her and handed her a coffee, "Here. You might need this."

"I- i don't drink coffee.." She said.

"Oh. Sorry, i didn't know. What do you want to drink?" You asked the model.

"Nothing, i'm good.." You sat in your couch and looked at her, it's like there is something she wanted to ask you. "If you wanted to ask how did you end up in my place, well-- i saw you at the club this morning. The bartender said that you're in the club every night, alone.. I didn't want to leave you there so i decided to take you here at my place."


"Y-yeah.. I was so drunk last night and-- i forgot to call my assistant to pick me up and i passed out.." She said while rubbing the back of her neck as she looked down ashamed of her action.

"Kendall-- what were you thinking? You are drinking there every night, ALONE. What if someone took advantage of you while you're passed out drunk? That is so stupid.. Knowing you are a celebrity and drinking alone in the nightclub---" Kendall cuts you off.

"I'm okay, alright? I can take care of myself! Who do you think you are to lecture me about my life? You are just my husband's sister, we are not close and we are not friends. So fuck off." She said, she slammed the door on her way out. You are just concern about her, you're sure Harry would be mad too if he knew that his wife is drinking alone at the nightclub every night.

Today is your off, you met a girl earlier at the gym. You are going to your place with the girl, but she told you that she wanted some drinks. Both of you are heading towards the convenient store, when you saw Kendall rolling up her window. It looks like she's crying, "Hey, what are you looking at? Do you know who owns that car?" She asked.

"Uh, i guess? Just go inside, i'll catch up." You said, the girls nods and head inside. You knock at Kendall's car. "Kendall, open up.." A few seconds after, the model rolled down the window. She looks so tired, has a puffy eyes and she's sobbing.

"Go away.." Kendall said and she chugged the beer that she's holding.

"Are you okay?"

"Do i look like okay to you?" You shook your head and leaned in close to her to get the beef in her hand.

"No. But you shouldn't be drinking and driving." You said snatching th bottle off her hand.

"Hey!!" She exclaimed. "Give me that!"

"Y/N? Everything okay here?" The girl said looking at you and Kendall.

"Uh, yeah. This is my uhmm.. brother's girlfriend." You said.

"What's her problem?" The girl arched her eyebrow as she asked you a question. She looked annoyed with the model. You shrug your shoulder. "Hey! Are you okay?"

"If i heard you asking me if i'm okay again, i'll fucking slap you." Kendall said in her stern voice.

"Oh really? Are you ok---" Kendall slapped the girl, you flinched because of surprise. The other girl pulled the model's hair while Kendall is inside her car. They are having a cat fight and you don't know what to do to stop them.

"Oh god you guys-- stop!" You said trying to drag the girl away from Kendall.

"You fucking bitch!" Kendall yelled.

"I'll fucking sue your ass Kendall Jenner!" The other girl said and flip her middle finger towards the model.

"Sure. Go ahead! I'm not scared of yo--" You covered Kendall's mouth to stop their trash talking.

"Just go!" You said to the girl, she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Fuck you Y/N!" The girl said, but you ignore her. You head inside Kendall's car, you sat there in silence for a few minutes. She broke down in tears again, Kendall started to complain about her lonely life and wouldn't stop cursing. You just let her to take out her rage in front of you.

"I fucking hate my life!! I don't wanna be here anymore!" She said while punching her steering wheel.

"Yeah! Let it all out!" You said trying to support the girl.

"He fucking left me! He promised me that he's not going to leave me! I miss my husband! I fucking miss him-- so much.." You are looking at the model, you saw how she loves your brother, how she's still mourning for his death. You are too, but you are trying not to hide it because you don't want to show your weak side. "Why did i meet Harry if he was going to be taken away from me so soon."

"Who knows? Death is a part of life.."

"Then what kind of a fucking life is this?" She smirked and drink her beer.

"You love my brother so much.." You said to her, she nodded at you as she wiped her tears. "I hope my wife loved me like you love Harry.." Kendall noticed that your eyes are getting red and glassy, because you are trying to hold your tears.

"Why? What happened?" Kendall leaned to her steering wheel still looking at you and waiting for you to tell your story. "Where's your wife? Do you have kids?" She asked.

"I lost my wife. No kids.. Thank God." You looked away as you wipe your tears.

"Why? What happened to her?" She asked you. Both of you fell in silence, you're not sure if you are ready to talk about it.

Kendall couldn't help but to fell asleep because of her condition before you start talking, "She uh.. she cheated on me. I really thought we were happy, and i thought she loves me. It was our anniversary and i planned to surprise her. I told her that i'm going home late, but the truth is i'm already in my car heading home. She told me it was okay, that we can celebrate tomorrow because it's my day off. When i arrived at our house, i saw a car parked in our driveway.. I thought that she just called a friend, i walk inside but she's not in our living room. I was walking upstairs when i heard a laugh, not her laugh-- but a guy's laugh. I was near our bedroom when i saw their clothes laying on the floor.. When i opened the door, i saw her and her ex laying-- on our bed naked.." You didn't realize that you're already crying, you wiped your tears using your hoodie. You glanced at the model and you saw that you are talking with no one because she already fell asleep. You shook your head and smiled at her.

You let Kendall stay at your place again since you don't know where the model lives. She sold the house that she and Harry used to live a month a go says the news. Kendall woke up because of the sunlight that is beaming her eyes, she noticed that she's not in her apartment again, "Fuck. Not again.." She said facepalming herself. She stood up and called you, "Y/N?" But no one answered. She saw your note at the coffee table saying, Kendall looked at the aspirin and the breakfast you cooked for her earlier, she smiled and felt guilty for being mean to you the other day.

Kendall ate the breakfast that you made for her, she tried to wait for you to come home to your apartment but she also need to be somewhere for work. She decided to leave you a note before leaving your apartment. You arrived at your apartment, you quickly run towards the shower because you are getting late for your job. You didn'd noticed the letter that Kendall wrote for you ealier.

You are at the club looking at the people dancing at the dancefloor while you are drinking your beer. You saw a familiar face passing through the crowd, the girl saw you looking at her. You looked away when she noticed you pretending that you didn't see her. "Y/N can we talk?" She asked you.

"Sure. We can talk here.." You said.

"It's so loud in here. Come on, follow me." Kendall hold your hand and drag you to the VIP lounge.

"Hey Jake! Take over for me, yeah?" You said to the other DJ as nodded at you.

"It's more peaceful in here.." She gave you a small smile.

"What do we need to talk about? I thought we're not friends?"

"First of all, i wanted to apologize for what i said to you the other day.. I didn't mean it, i was just-- mad and frustrated with... and i'm sorry for taking it out on you. Second, thank you for letting me stay in to your apartment. Twice. And for the breakfast and everything.." She smiled at you.

"Alright. Apology accepted and you're welcome." Both of you sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about what to say to each other.

"So... How do you do it?" You frowned at what she asked you.

"Huh? How do i do what?" She rolled her eyes and said, "How do you deal with everything? About your wife's death? You seem fine with everything that is going on with your life. I- i wanna be like you.. " You gave her a puzzled look.

"Kendall. My wife isn't dead.. I just said i lost her, and she cheated on me. Remember?"

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