《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [ENDING]


The maid called you because Harry won't stop drinking and the maid also told you that he's crying. You immediately head out of the motel where you stay and drove to your father's mansion. You knock on the front door.

"Y/N i'm glad that you're already here." The maid said to you. You're the only one we can call because he'll only listen to you." The old lady added.

"Where's mayor? Where is Harry?" You asked.

"In the garden, i don't know what to tell him anymore.." You walk towards the garden and you saw your brother drinking to death.

You walk towards him, "Harry." But he didn't listened to you. "Hey bro, that's enough." You said while putting your hand to his shoulder.

He looked at you and laugh, "Oh hey Y/N." He said and stood up. "Congratulations sis. You won again."

"Oh bloody hell Harry. That's enough." You tried to get the glass in his hand but he slightly pushed you.

"No! What the--! I lost again, congrats. I hope you're happy now." You frowned and snatched the glass in his hand.

"Give that to me. That's enough.."

"What the hell Y/N? You're the one she likes, right? It's always you, RIGHT?! You're the kind one." He said to you, "The perfect one." He pushed you but you didn't react, "What is it about you, huh?" Harry grabbed your arm and he's already hurting you. You can see the frustrations in his eyes.

"Let go of me. You're hurting me Harry!" You said but he didn't listen.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He yelled, you tried to pull your arm but his grip is stronger. You slap him causing him to let go of your arm and you pushed him away from you as Harry fell into the ground. You grab him to his collar, you lifted your fist wanting to punch him until you heard your father from the distance ordering you to stop. You looked at your brother who is crying, you gave him a stern look as you let out a heavy sigh.

"What is going on here?!" Your father yelled at you and your brother as he dragged you away from Harry. Your step-mother rush into her son who is crying on the ground, "What did you to my son? You ingrate!" She shouted at you. "Get the hell out of my house! Get out now!"

You looked at your father waiting for him to defend you because he already know that you didn't do a god damn thing to hurt your brother, "I did everything for you guys." You said and you looked at your brother, "I never asked anything from you. I gave you everything you asked. This is the first time i wanted something for myself Harry, this is the first time i wanted to say no to you! And yet, i wasn't able to do it. I will always do anything for you because i love you.. You're my little brother." You looked at your father again with a single tear in your eyes, "For once, please fight for me.. I'm also your daughter, dad." You wiped your tears and left their house.

You are already in Los Angeles, you arrived at your apartment and your place is a mess. You sighed and get all the clothes and used plates into your living room. Your siblings are in school, and your mom-- well, she's always not around because of her boyfriend. You are cleaning the place to get Kendall out of your mind, when your mother barged in to the apartment. "Y/N can you wash all of my clothes in the bag for me?" Your mother said while giving you her bag, "What's for lunch? Did you cook something? I'm hungry." You didn't said anything. "How's Mexcio? Oh, can you wash my dress right now, because i have a date later."


"There's no food.." You said.

"Oh, okay. Can you make me some coffee? I didn't slept last night. Oh and you know Wesley, he's going to take me to New York next week---" She saw you crying in the corner, "Y/N? Honey what's wrong?" She stood in the couch and walk towards you. "Why are you crying? What happened to you?" She said worriedly.

"Until when do i have to be a daughter? A big sister? Because i'm so tired mom. How many times do i have to forgive you, just for you to shape up and be a mother to us?" You said crying, your mother gave you an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry Y/N."

"I'm sorry too mom. I just need a mother right now.." You broke down in tears, your mother wrapped her arms around you. She hold you until you stopped crying.


Kendall is getting ready for her flight back to Los Angeles, she's framing all the pictures that she took from the Village. She saw the picture of you and her with Julio and Jenny. She smiled at the picture, she pulled back into the reality when her mother started to speak. "Are you ready to leave?" Kris asked her daughter. She and Kendall had a heart to heart talk about what's going on with the younger girl's life. She told everything to her mother and Kris listened to her daughter carefully.

"...you know what's the painful part mom? Because of the things i learned here, i now understand the choice that Y/N did. I also understand how hard it was for you to makr the choice you made before. And i'm so sorry of all these years that i always thought that i'm the only one who suffered. I never realized how hard it was for you mom." Kendall let out a small smile towards her mother.


"I understand mom and it's okay." She said. "Even if it hurts."

Kris smile at her daughter, "That's love Kendall." She said.

"I think i've fallen in love with Y/N, mom." She said to her mother and smiled.

"No Ken, you did not just fall. You have grown because of love. I'll be here for you sweetie." Kris hugged her daughter as Kendall rested her head to her mothers chest. "I'm so proud of you Kenny."

"Thank you mom."

Kendall asked Shawn and Camila to gave the frame to you, but they told her that you already head home to Los Angeles so she decided to keep the picture to her. She bid goodbye to the villagers, she saw the twins crying in the corner because the brunette is leaving.

"Hey.. Why are you crying?" Kendall asked the kids.

"Because you're going home miss Kendall." Jenny said while Julio won't stop crying.

"Sshh.. Stop crying Julio, i will come back here before Christmas." She said.

"We will miss you. Take care." Julio said as he hug the brunette. Kendall wrapped her arms at the kids who's still crying in her shoulder.

"I'll miss you both. Always take care of each other, alright?" The kids nodded at her. "Here, keep this. I made this last night, always wear this necklace." Kendall gave Julio and Jenny a necklace that has a picture of you and Kendall.

Before Kendall head to the airport, she asked her mother to stop at the mayor's villa because she wanted to give something for Harry. Her mother agreed because she also wanted to say thank you to your father and his wife. Kendall saw the guy sitting on the couch looking something through his phone.


"Harry?" She called him. Harry looked at him and quickly stood up from his seat.

"H-hey Kendall.. Listen, i wanted to---" Kendall cut him off.

"It's okay. I just want to say goodbye because your mom told you that you are going to London next week." The girl took a sit beside Harry.

"Uh, yeah. I'm guessing you wanted to stay in L.A?" He asked the girl.

She nodded, "Yup. I'm staying to spend more time with my mom and my family." Harry smiled at her and held her hand.

"Y/N did a really good job." Kendall let out a chuckle. "My sister loves you Ken. When you see her in L.A, can you tell her i'm sorry?"

Kendall looked at him for a few second before answering him, "No.. I want you to do that yourself Harry. I'm sure she'll accept your apology. I also came here to give this to you." Kendall handed him the picture of you anf your brother laughing together while he's arm is resting to your shoulder. "Y/N loves all of you. Especially you, Harry. She'll do anything for you."

haven't talked to Kendall in two months, you wanted to thanked her for everything-- for loving you and for making you realize that you also need love and care from the people around you. You are getting ready because your brother told you that he'll pick you up because you are going to exhibit. Harry flew to L.A because he wanted to spend time with you because he's busy in college. "Hey sis. Are you ready?" Your brother asked you.

"Yeah, is this okay? Look i don't know what to wear in exhibits---"

"Relax sis! You look gorgeous. Let's go?" You nodded at him and head outside your apartment.

"Hey i forgot to ask you. Why are you here? Did dad knew that you are here in L.A? Don't you have class?" You asked him.

"It's a long weekend in London, so yup. I don't have class, besides i want to do something for you because you are ready now..." He said while going inside his car.

"What? I don't get it. Ready for what?"

"Sshh.. Just get in the car." He flashed a hug grin at you. You have no idea what is happening and what is he trying to say to you. You arrived at the Annenberg space for photography with your brother, you saw a lot of people entering the museum.

"Whoa! This place is cool. How did you know about this?" You asked him.

"A friend sent me an invite and she told me to invite you." He smiled.

"Huh? Does your friend knows me?" You asked.

"Oh yeah sis.. She knows you so well. Let's go over there." Harry pointed a group of people talking while looking at the old man's picture. While you are walking, you saw a familiar face in the crowd talking to a group of people. You are going near the group and saw Kendall, you stopped your tracks. Harry noticed that you froze. "Dude what are you waiting for? Let's go." He said in his low voice.

"K-kendall.." You said pointing out the girl in the distance.

"So? Come on let's go." He said and held your wrist, dragging you towards Kendall. You pulled away and head inside the fire exit, your brother rolled his eyes and follows you. "Y/N wait up. What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked.

"Why are we here bro? What-- are you and Kendall dating now?" He frowned at you.

"No Y/N. We're not dating, me and Ken are friends. How long are you going to ignore that girl?" He asked.

"I- i don't know.. Okay? I don't think i'm the perfect one for her. I mean, i'm not rich. I have nothing--"

"Y/N you know that's not true. Stop doubting yourself, alright? We both know you are still in love with her and so does she. I know, okay? Because she always telling me how much she misses you. Kendall is waiting for you to be ready, and i think you are ready to love Y/N. Come on sis.."

"Ya think?" You said.

"Hell yes! You got this Y/N. Now, let's go." You followed him walking towards Kendall. "Uh, excuse me guys. I just need to talk this beautiful young artist." Harry said, Kendall looked at him in shock.

"Oh my god you came!" Kendall yelled in excitement. You don't know why but you run away, you don't have the guts to talk to Kendall after what happened two months ago. You rejected the girl, and decided not to talk to her after that.

"Of course! I wouldn't miss this for the world. Oh, and i bring you a gift." Harry turned to you and you were nowhere to be seen. "What the--?" He said while looking around the museum.

"What? What's wrong?" She asked.

"I'm with-- ugh! That girl!" He exclaimed.

"You're with who?"

"I'm with Y/N. Come on, let's find her." Harry said dragging Kendall to look around for you.

"Harry.." Kendall stopped her tracks near the fire exit and the guy looked at her. "I'm not going to force Y/N to talk to me, okay? I promised myself that i will wait for her when she gets ready. If we're meant to be, then it will be. If she doesn't want to talk to me now, the that's okay. That's her choice.. Let's just-- go around? I'll show you some photos when we were at the village." Kendall smiled at him. You heard them because you are hiding at the fire exit trying to think what to say to the girl. You are hella nervous to face Kendall again after two months.

The exhibit has already ended and you saw people are heading out of the museum. You saw your brother head out and gave Kendall a hug, you are looking at them from the distance. Your brother doesn't stop calling you after you left the venue. Kendall head inside the museum again, you let out a heavy sigh and run inside. "You got this Y/N.." You muttered to yourself before going in. The museum is huge, you are looking around trying to look for Kendall. You went to another side of the place and you saw the photos that Kendall took when you were at the village in Mexico. You smiled because you saw how beautiful the photos are when they are in frame. You also saw the girl who owns your heart, standing and looking at the photo of you and her.

"These are beautiful..." You said while walking slowly to her. She turned to you and looked at you in surprise, she didn't waste her time-- the girl run to you and wrap her arms around you.

"I knew you'd come back.." She said smiling at you.

"Of course, i missed you baby." You smiled at her. "And i wanted to say that i'm ready. I'm ready to love you with all i have in me, ready to keep you safe beside me, i'm ready to receive love from you, and open my heart out. I'm ready to fight for you Ken-- god i'm so ready for our future together." You said and Kendall let out a soft chuckle. "I'm so sorry it took me this long, i just thought that i'm not ready because i'm not worth---" Kendall grabbed your neck and kissed you. A few minutes after, both of you pulled away. "Kendall Nicole, i love you. I love you very much. And i want to ask you a question, the answer is either yes or no. Will you my baby forever? Can we be together now? Like together, official and verified?" You smile at her nervously.

"Are you sure about that? You might let go of me again?" She asked you. You show her the handcuffs that you used her before.

"After everything i've been through? I'm absolutely sure." You said while you handcuffed her right hand to yours. Kendall smiled and cups your face.

"I love you too, very much." Kendall said while looking into your eyes. A small smile crept into your face as you gently pressed your lips against hers. When air became a problem both of you pulled away to each other blushinh and smiling from ear to ear. "Yes. My answer to your question is 'Yes'." You kissed her temples and wrap your arms around her waist.

"How about we go out on our first date right now? My treat." You said to her and offered your arm.

She chuckled and hook her arm to yours, "I'm super hungry, let's go?"

You sent Harry a picture of you and Kendall having your first date at the restaurant, your brother smiled and let out a sigh. He is happy that finally you got what you always wanted, someone who will give you love and accept you for who you are. He knew that Kendall wouldn't do anything to hurt you. "Finally!! Let's go on a double date guys? 👌🏼❤️"


Here's the ending. Sorry i didn't published it right away, i was really busy with everything and i'm writing the CODE BLUE Prequel part 2. Hope you like this guys. Any request? 😁

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