《IMAGINES ❤️》Code blue [Prequel II]


Kendall's POV

My girlfriend kept looking at her phone, Y/N told me earlier that she's on call but she put her phone on silent so she won't interrupt my family while talking and having dinner. She always cares about other people, and that's one of the reason why i fell in love with her. I noticed Kylie is looking at Y/N and keep rolling her eyes when my girlfriend is looking at her phone. The thing is, my sisters doesn't like my girlfriend that much and when i asked them why-- they said that she's too busy and doesn't spend time that much to them. They don't know Y/N that much that's why they don't fully trust her. But that doesn't matter because i love my girlfriend, and i will try my best to be patient with her.

I saw her phone lit up and the nursing station is calling her, she didn't noticed right away because she's having a conversation with Scott. "Hey babe? Someone's calling you.." I whispered. I mean, i have to. Right? I know it's emergency. She immediately looked at her phone and excused herself to Scott.

"Thanks love. I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded as she gave me a kiss on the lips and head outside my mom's house.

"Are you sure it's work Ken?" Kylie asked me. I gave her a confused look because i don't know what she's talking about, "She's always checking her phone, that's not normal and--- why does she have to get out of the house to talk to someone on the phone?"

"Uh--? Because there's a bunch of people in here who is laughing and having a peaceful dinner. She's just don't want to be rude and second, Y/N is on call. Of course she's always going to check her phone." Kylie let out a small laugh while shaking her head.

"What if she's checking other hot sexy doctors in their hospital?" She raised her eyebrow at me. Oh this girl loves to make drama.

"Kylie, don't be silly. I trust Y/N, and she's too busy for that." I said to my sister. I saw Y/N walk towards me and made a sad face.

"Babe, i need to go to the hospital. One of my patient are having complications because of the surgery." She whispered, i nodded at her.

"Alright, i'll drive you there babe." I offered to my girlfriend.

"Oh no baby it's okay. Just stay here, i'll just call an uber." She said.

"But i wanna drive you there and spend a little time with you while driving you there babe." I made a puppy eyes.

"Okaaay, you know i can't say no to that babe. Let's go?" I nodded at her, Y/N said goodbye to my family and told them that she needed in the hospital right now. Honestly, i miss my girlfriend so much. We don't spend so much time like we used to before, and i'm trying to understand her job. But this is all new to me, and sometimes i can't help not to feel lonely and sad because we haven't spend so much time with each other anymore.

Kendall is quiet while she's driving, you know something is bothering her. You reached for her hand and she glanced at you, you gave her a small smile just to comfort her.

"Everything's okay babe?" You break the silence.

"Huh? Y-yeah. All good baby." She gave you a forced smile.

"Nope. You don't look good, there's something bothering you." You said to her and you kissed her hand.


"Nothing.. It's just--" Suddenly your phone ring causing Kendall to interrupt what she was about to say. You didn't answer your phone.

"No, it's okay babe. It's just what?"

"Just answer that, maybe it's important?" She asked.

"No, you are more important. What's up?"

"I just miss you Y/N. A lot." You could hear the sadness in your girlfriend's voice, you felt bad because you didn't have time for her this past few weeks.

"I miss you too baby.. I'm so sorry, i promise i'll make it up to you. Okay?" You said to her and she nodded. "I just wanted to say that i appreciate everything Ken, your patience, your understanding and all your support. Thank you so much.." You said and kissed her on the cheek.

"It's okay, i understand babe. I know there is so much going on in the hospital, as always.. But sometimes i feel lonely, because you're not beside me more often." She said still focusing on the road.

"I know baby, i know.. and i apologize. I'm really really sorry, i will make it up to you and that's a promise." You said, you know there is an emergency in your hospital right now but you wanted to be selfish just for once for your girlfriend. "Let's go to your house." You said and Kendall gave you a confused look.


"Just stop the car for a minute." You said to her.

"Y/N you have a patient waiting for you." She said still not stopping the car.

"Babe, just please-- listen to me. Let's go to your house Ken.." She obeyed and turned left at the intersection.


"There is a hundreds of doctors in the hospital right now, don't worry.." After a few minutes you and Kendall arrived at her house. You are both still inside the car, "Look, i know it's wrong that i'm going to ditch my patient who needed me but-- just for once i wanna be selfish for you. I'm so sorry if you feel lonely whenever i'm not with you." You kept apologizing to your girlfriend, and she noticed that your tears are starting to fall from your eyes. "I'm so sor--" She cuts you off by kissing you on your lips, when air became a problem both of you puled away.

"Sshh.. Don't cry baby. It's okay, i understand."

"I know.. It's just-- i feel guilty because i made you feel that way, and for not making time for you that much." You said, still crying infront of your girlfriend.

"We'll figure this out, okay babe? Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this.." She said as she wrap her arms around you, you buried your face at the crook of her neck.

"Sorry babe.." You muttered. You didn't go to hospital after that, not caring about your career for a few minutes. You chose to spend time with your girlfriend at her house. You made love and cuddled with her all night, and watch movies with her. It's the least you can do to return the favor to all the things she's done for you. You really appreciate everything that Kendall does, and you can't deny that you are falling for the model even more. You woke up early and you saw your girlfriend beside you still sleeping peacefully, you smiled and kiss her on her cheek. "I love you." You whispered. You stood up and head to the kitchen to make her some breakfast.



You arrived at the hospital still wearing the same thing from last night. You are about to head inside the locker room to change your outift to scrubs when your father called you.

"Y/N." He said in his stern voice, you know at this moment that you fucked up.

"Yeah? What's up?" You act like you didn't do anything wrong.

"Where were you last night?"

"I- i was sick dad.."

He grabbed you on your arm, "Don't you dare lie to me. You are with Kendall last night, right?"

"Y-yeah. I was with her last night, she took care of me when i was sick. What's wrong with that?" He let go of your arm.

"Your patient almost died from complication last night, luckily Ethan was still here. If you can't focus on your job then i suggest that you quit." He said, "Doctor Smith is expecting you to his office." He walked away. You quickly walk towards the doctor's office, you knocked at his door a few times and opened it.

"Good morning doc. My father said you wanted to see me?" You asked him.

"Oh hey Y/N. Please, come in." He said to you, you do as the old man said. "I have a report that you didn't came here last night when the nurse called you because your patient got complications because of the surgery? Can you explain why?" He asked.

"I-- uh, i'm sorry doc. I had a fever last night." You know it's wrong to lie but you still need to cover the mistake you've done for your girlfriend.

"But you told the nurse that you'll come here right away, yeah? Luckily Ethan was on call too. What is going on with you lately?" He asked again. "Since you are a PGR-1, you are the top one on our list. Now you moved down to top 3, what is going on with you Y/N?"

You got surprised by the news he just told you, it slipped through your mind that today is the result of your evaluation of your performance in the hospital. "N-nothing doc.." You said in a low voice.

"Ever since you dated that model, you are not with yourself anymore.."

"Uh, i'm sorry sir. But i'd like to keep my private life to this matter, my girlfriend doesn't have to do with anything about my job. I'm sorry if you think that way, excuse me." You said still trying to be respectful with the senior doctor.

"No Y/N stay. I'd--" A girl barged in to his office and greeted his father.

"Hey uncle."

"Oh hey sweetie. Y/N i'd like you to meet my neice, Vanessa. She'll be working with you everyday, you will be partners for the mean time until you got back to your old performance. She's the greatest leader of her league in Boston. You turned to the girl and you saw your best friend in highschool, Vanessa Moe. She's your best friend and your old fling, before you met your girlfriend Vanessa was your the one that got away.

"Oh my god Y/N!!" She jumped and wrap her arms to you. "It's so good to see you! How are you?" She said.

"I'm good, i'm good. How 'bout you? It's been years.." You said trying to distance yourself to the girl.

"Oh, you two knew each other. That's good because you are going to keep an eye with Y/N to get her performance on track again Nessa, help each other. Yeah? Now get out and your patients are waiting for you." Smith said to both of you. You quickly head out of his office, you are so pissed because they don't trust you anymore just because you failed once. You don't believe that Kendall is the reason why your performance are down. 'I'm just a little bit distracted, you can do this Y/N.' You said to yourself.

"Hey wait up!" Vanessa said while following you. "Are you okay? Want to give me a tour?" She said smiling at you.

"No. My patients needs me and you should do your job too." You said and walk through the locker room to change.

A week had passed Vanessa is doing her job to monitor your performance, she tried to make a conversation with you several times. For you, you have nothing to do with her anymore. She left without saying a word to you after you admit that you are falling in love with her already. She didn't even said goodbye or even tried to text you, she just left you like you are not important to her. The girl ghosted you and that hurts you the most before. You are waiting for Kendall to pick you up, you've been waiting for her for 10 minutes outside the hospital.

"Pop!!" A girl yelled in your ear causing you to flinch.

"What the hell? Stop!" You said to Vanessa.

She rested her arm around your shoulder, "Come on, i'll drive you home!" The danish girl said to you, you didn't answer instead you remove her arm around your shoulder and distanced yourself to her. "Why does it seem that you don't like being with me?" She asked you.

"No, it's just i'm waiting for my girlfriend." You said.

"Y/N are you mad at me?" She asked, you arched your eyebrows because of her question.

"Me? Why would i be mad at you? Why would i be mad at what you did?" You said in sarcastic voice, "You just broke your promise that you'll always be there for me, you went to a different college and ghosted me after--- THAT. And you went far away, and left me by myself." You smirked at her and shake your head. "What's to be mad about about what you did Vanessa?" You don't normally call the girl by her first name in the past, but when you do, you are actually pissed or mad at her. She chuckles because until now she fimd you cute when you are mad or pissed at something.

"Okay.. I'm sorry. I don't have the right answer right now, but yeah-- that is on me. I'm really sorry Y/N." You gave her a glare, Vanessa let out a small laugh, "Sorry.." She whispered to you. You didn't said anything, she playfully nudge you. "Hey.. Look at me.." She cups your chin to make you look at her.

You looked at your best friend, "What?"

"I'm sorry Y/N/N." Vanessa said and pouts. You couldn't resist your best friends charm, you ended up forgiving her and try not to talk about the past. Kendall is 45 minutes late, your girlfriend texted you that she's stuck with a meeting with her management and you told her that you are still going to wait for her. Vanessa kept you company by talking about her career in Boston, and what happened to her after she left your home town. "You've changed." She said out of nowhere while observing your looks and your outfit.

"How so?" You laughed.

"Before, you could go out wearing flipflops, shorts and a tee. You were simple. You didn't care about how you look." She said smiling at you.

"Yeah-- that's why no one liked me when we were in highschool. I was so ugly." You let out a chuckle.

"I like that Y/N better." Vanessa said in her sincere voice. "So.. Tell me what really happened to you? I alwsys saw you on twitter 'Hottest doctor alive'." You laughed at her statement.

"You mean-- Kendall?" Your best friend nodded.

"Uh-huh.. What does she have? Why are you so in love with her?" The danish girl asked you.

You smiled and looked at the stars, "Tell me-- if you had been waiting for someone to love you and the person you wanted so much finally, love you back. Wouldn't you also do everhthing for that person?" You looked at your best friend still smiling at the thought of your girlfriend. Vanessa didn't said anything, instead she smile at you. "You find it cheesy, right? You wouldn't understand me because you've never been in love Nessa. You are a play girl back then." You laughed at your own statement. Vanessa has a play girl image when you were in highschool with her. She's single, as always. And she swore that she will never fall in love with anyone until you admitted to her your true feelings. The girl realized that the reason why she's single for a long time because she's already in love with her best friend but too afraid to admit it to herself.

"I understand Y/N. You have no idea--" Kendall saw you from afar talking and laughing with a stranger. The model is not happy about it, she doesn't know why but when she saw Vanessa she felt a little bit jealous and threathened by her presence.

"Oh! That's Kendall's car. Come on, i'll introduce you to her." You said and drag her to the model's car, you opened the car door. "Hi babe. This is Nessa--"

"Hey. Pleasure to meet you Kendall. Vanessa.." The girl offered her hand and Kendall shook it.

You girlfriend gave her a fake smile and gave you a stern look. You already know that your girlfriend is not happy about something, "Nice meeting you Nina." She said.

"It's Nessa." Vanessa corrected the model.

"Let's go babe?" Kendall ignored her, and looked at you. You find it hot when your girlfriend is jealous but you don't want her to be rude to your best friend.

"Yeah, sure." You gave her a small smile. "Take care Nessa." You head inside the car.

"Oh, and Y/N/N?"

"Hmm?" You hummed and looked at her.

"Don't forget.. We have an early shift tomorrow." Vanessa winked at you, you know she's teasing Kendall. You glared at her.

"Okay, bye!"

The car ride was incomplete silence. No one is talking, you are scared to talk because this is the first time that you saw Kendall got jealous and threatened by someone. She was over protective as always, but this time she's different. She pull up into the parking lot, still not talking. You are stealing glances at her, waiting for her to talk first. A few minutes had passed , you are convinced that she doesn't want to talk to you. You decided to head out of the car when Kendall started to speak.

"Okay, who the hell is that?"

"What? Who's who? No one is here.." You said looking around the car trying to play dumb to tease her.

"Y/N/N??" She called you by your estranged nickname that she only heard it earlier when Vanessa called you. You smiled when you confirmed that your girlfriend is officially jealous with your childhood best friend.

"Nessa? She's our new doctor in the hospital." You said.

"Oh, really? You never told me about that new doctor?"

"Because-- we're always busy. We never had time to catch up."

"And why is she calling you, 'Y/N/N?" She asked you again looking really pissed and annoyed. You explained to her why Vanessa called you that nickname, "...and when we were in highschool---" your girlfriend cuts you off.

"Oh! So you've known each other since highschool? And you two were close?" She raised her eyesbrow.

"Uh, yes? Actually, we've known each other since grade school. She was my best friend back then." You answered.

"So of all places she decided to work in Cedars? Maybe she's following you?" You stared at your girlfriend trying to hide your smile because of how she looked hilarious right now, "what? What?!" She raised her voice. You flashed a huge grin on your face.

"Are you jealous?" You asked her while wiggling your eyebrows.

"Don't you make this about me." She said in her serious voice. "I just wanted to know w-who that g-girl was and---" You laughed at your girlfriend.

"Yeah, so you're really jealous..." You said laughing at Kendall.

"Me?! Over that--- girl? Oh please.." Kendall was about to head outside the car.

"Hey. Hey. Hey! Where do you think your going miss?" You said grabbing your girlfriend's wrist and pulled her close to you.


"Sorry. Why are you mad Ken? Look at your nose, it's already sweating. That means, you are jealous." She glared at you and sigh. You cups her face, "Why don't you just admit that you're---"

"Because i don't get jealous, i can't be jealous, i've never been jealous. Just now!" You let out a soft chuckle, "What?" She added.

"Come here.." You said and she looked at you, "You're the only one i love." You kissed her cheek and whispered, "For me, you are the most beautiful and hottest woman in the universe. So yeah, i'm really lucky to have you.. No words are amazing enough to describe how fantastic you make me feel." Kendall is just staring at you with no emotion in her face, "I love you. And this--" You grabbed her hand and put it to your chest. "You own this.." A small smile crept into your girlfriend's face.

"I love you too." She said and pressed her lips against you. "I'm sorry i got jealous.." Kendall buried her face at the crook of your neck.

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