《IMAGINES ❤️》Code Blue [Prequel]


You are working as a PGR-3 (post graduate residency) in Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. But you are still overwhelmed with your job. You are so stressed, and doesn't have enough sleep. You are always crying when you see someone dying or a patient died on your hands while reviving them. You are on a rooftop crying, you have an hour break so you can have dinner and have a little rest, but you lost your appetite because you just lost a kid patient because of cancer. You are the one who tried to revive him for an hour and a half but nothing.. He let go of his mother's hand and died in front of you, you are emotional wreck because of your job.

You really love being a doctor, it's your dream to help people since you were a kid but sometimes it's too much for you. You've been in a lot of stress lately, and didn't take a time off for three years straight because you are too focused on your job.

"Are you okay?" A girl asked you, you wiped your tears right away before turning to her.

"I- uh, yeah. Yeah i'm fine.." You said.

"Boyfriend problems?" She sat beside you.

"What? No. I'm into girls but that's not the point.. A patient died on me, and--" You burst out in tears again before you can continue your sentence.

"Hey.. It's okay, you're going to be okay.." She said, she wrap her arms around you and you rested your head to her shoulder still crying and sobbing. You told the girl everything, you are comfortable talking to her even though you are a stranger to each other. But you do know who she is. She's the supermodel, Kendall Jenner. The model comforted you, and gave you a pep talk just to cheer you up a little.

"T-thanks.." You said as you wipe your tears and your nose with a tissue. "Hey.. I actually forgot, you are not allowed in here." You said to her smiling.

"Wow. Really? After i comforted you and gave you a pep talk just to cheer you up?" She chuckles. "Kendall." She said offering her hand to you.

"Oh i know who you are. I'm Y/N." You shake her hand, "So why are you here? Boyfriend problems?" You smiled.

"No. I'm also into girls, but yeah, you're right that's not the point-- my grandmother is here. She had a heart attack." Kendall said to you, you can hear the sadness in her voice.

"Is she at the operation room?" You asked, she nodded at you.

"She's going to be okay, what is her doctor's name?" You asked again.

"Dr. Ethan Montgomery." She answered.

"He's my mentor. He is one the best doctor in Cedars, don't worry. Your grandmother is in good hands. Just pray for her recovery, okay?" You said to her, she let out a small smile. "I promise. You know if you want, i can check your grandmother from time to time. If that'll make you feel better."

"R-really? You'll do that for me?" She asked you.

"Yup, i owe you one for bringing me back my confidence and for comforting me. It's just-- my job is really stressful and super exhausting."

"Yeah, no shit. I'll broke down in tears all the time if i am in your position." She let out a soft chuckle.

You and Kendall head back to the hospital, you walked Kendall to the waiting area. You saw her family is still waiting for the patient to come out. She was about to introduce you to her family when you pager goes off saying "Code blue".


"Hey, i- uh.. I gotta go. Thank you for-- everything." You said to her smiling before running to E.R.

"I- i didn't got your number!" She yelled.

"I'll just see you around Kendall!" You waved at her while running. She let out a small laugh and shake her head. 'I'm gonna make that girl mine.' she thought to herself while watching you disappear in the hallway. Her grandmother became stable after the surgeon did a angioplasty procedure to open her blocked arteries so she can have a normal blood flow to her heart muscle. Just as you promised to the model, you are always checking her grandmother in the ICU when she's asleep. You are hoping to bump the model again but it looks like it's impossible because you haven't seen her for three days. You are on your way to your next patient because you are doing some rounds to check up on them.

"Hey doctor, can i talk to you for a second?" A familiar voice asked you. You turn around and you saw the model smiling at you.

"Yes, what do you need?" You asked her smiling.

"You." She said. You let out a soft chuckle and shake your head.

"No, seriously.. What is it? I need to do some rounds to check on my patients." You said to her smiling.

"Okay, sorry.."

"It's okay." You grin. "So?" You said waiting for her to speak.

"Oh! Yeah! I- i just wanted to thank you for keeping your promise and i want to ask you-- if you wanna join me for lunch later?" She asked.

"Alright, i'll see you at the lobby, 12pm sharp." You gave her a wink and head inside your patient's private room. You opened the door because you forgot to say welcome and you saw her still standing near the door, "And your welcome." She smiled again and head back to the ICU with her grandmother.

After that, you and Kendall started to get to know each other. You are occassionally going out as "friends", whenever you are going on a "friendly date" with the model you are overwhelmed by the attention that you are getting because of the paparazzi. You are seeing each other twice or thrice a week, your co-leagues are starting to tease you because Kendall is giving you so much time of her attention. A lot of people in the social media are calling you "The hottest doctor alive" and you don't know why.

You just woke up and you don't feel good. You checked your temperature and you already have a fever. You call the hospital and took a three day sick leave because you can't go to work if your immune system is low. Kendall cancelled your dinner the last night because she told you that she needed to be somewhere. While you are laying on your couch, you decided to check your social media. It's been a while since you check your twitter and instagram because you are busy this past few days. You saw Kendall all over the internet holding a guy's hand while walking on their way to the club. 'This girl cancelled our dinner to go to the club with this guy? Seriously?' You thought to yourself.

You felt jealousy, and you are upset. Because she should've told you that she wanted to go to the nightclub instead of going on a dinner with you and hiding where she was going. It hurts to know that she doesn't want to hang out with you anymore but she don't have to lie or hide the truth. Kendall called you a few times but you didn't feel answering your phone, an hour after you heard a doorbell on your apartment, you are not expecting anybody right now. "Just a second!" You yelled and stood up to your couch.


You saw Kendall on your doorstep holding a breakfast and your favorite coffee. "Hi." She said while biting her lip.

"Hey.." You said.

"Can i come in?" You nodded at her and step aside so she can go inside your apartment. "I bought you breakfast, coffee and--"

"Thank you Kendall. I don't mean to be rude but, uhm.. i can take care of myself you don't have to do this." You said to the girl and sat on the chair.

"Y/N are we-- okay?"

"Yup, yeah. All good."

"Anyway, you think you can take care of yourself huh?" You simply nodded.

"Did you eat breakfast already?"


"Did you drink your meds?" You shook your head. "Yeah, because you haven't eat anything so you can't drink meds."

You nodded your head again, "Yeah.." You looked down ashamed.

"That what i thought.. What vitamins are you taking?" She asked you again.

"A-actually-- i don't have vitamins.." You said in your lower voice.

"Seriously? Y/N you are a doctor, and you should know how to take care of yourself so you will be able to take care of your patients.." She shake her head.

"Kendall, why are you doing this? Why are you taking care of me? Why are you spending so much time going out with me? Why are you here? You should be taking care of your boyfriend, and not me." You blurted out, her eyebrows arched and she smiled. "And stop smiling, you look like--"

"I look like what? So... This is about last night?" She said cutting you off.

"Nothing.. You should go home, alright? I can do this, i can do all this. Thank you." You stood up and she walk stand close to you invading your personal space.

"Are you jealous?"

"NO. Pfft!" You turned around and head back to your living room.

"Yup, you're jealous.." She teased you.

"Okay! So what if i am? You should've told me you have a boyfriend." She let out a small laugh and wrap her arms around your neck.

"He's not my boyfriend, he's my best friend Y/N. And, i did cancel our dinner and hold hands in public on purpose so you would see it. I did that to make you jealous.." You frowned.

"What? Why?"

"Because--! I'm losing patience waiting for you to tell me that you like me. Because, i like you. Like, really really like you Y/N." You felt your face immediately turned red.

"So, he's not your boyfriend?" She nodded, biting her bottom lip.

"Okay, good. Because i really really like you too Ken." Both of you smiled at each other and shared a kiss. After a few minutes you pulled away, "Sorry, i-- i have a fever. You can't kiss me."

"No. I don't care, i've been wanting to do this since the night i met you." She said, Kendall grab you on your neck and kiss you.


It's been five months since you and Kendall started dating. She already introduced you to her family, and you can say that they are all nice people. People know that you are dating Kendall, but both of you wanted to keep your relationship private. You are getting used to all the cameras and attention when you are going out with your girlfriend. You haven't seen each other for one week now because she's in Italy doing photoshoots and you are in the hospital 24/7. You haven't slept in for two days and you are really exhausted. You are on your way home when your phone ring, you saw your girlfriend's caller i.d.

"Hey babe! Are you on your way home?" She asked you.

"Hi babe. Oh my god i miss you so much." You said on the phone, "Yup i'm on my way home. When did you arrive?"

"Two hours ago, how are you puppy? You sound really tired.."

"I just had a 23 hour shift, and 18 hours shift yesterday. I haven't had much sleep.. How about you? How's Italy?"

"It's beautiful babe! We should go there and Greece! Anyway, we'll talk later when you get home. Okay? I love you!"

"I love you too! I'll see you later." You said and ended the call.

You let out a sigh because you don't want to drive on your way home, you wanted to sleep already so you could spend time with your girlfriend later. After a 15 minutes drive, you arrived at your condo. You opened your door, you saw Kendall preparing you a food in the kitchen. She's listening to some rap music while dancing and shaking her hips while chopping some vegetables. "I'm so lucky to have you in my life." You said causing her to jumped out in fear. She turned around and smiled at you, you wrap your arms around her waist.

"Of course babe." You let out a small laugh and press your lips against her. You and Kendall had luncg together at your apartment, since she just arrived and head to your apartment right away both of you are tired. You cuddled and she fell asleep in your arms, "I love you so much.." You whispered to your girlfriend before you fell asleep beside her.


You are having a meeting with your fellow PGR doctors, and some surgeons because they think you are ready to have your first surgical operation. All of your co-leagues congratulate you because you got the trust of all the senior doctors and surgeon. They are going to watch you to do it, while your mentor will be assisting you in the operating room. You head out to the conference room, and your father called you. Your father is also known as the best neurosurgeon in Los Angeles.

"Y/N?" He said in his stern voice.

"Dad.. I mean, Doc."

"Don't disappoint me Y/N." He said to you and he tap your shoulder and left. You and your father are not that close, you wanted to be like him someday but he thinks that you are not good enough. In the past, he always pressures you with your exams and wanted you to do better like your effort isn't always enough that causes your anxiety. As soon as your father left you, you immediately call Kendall to tell her the news.

"Hey babe."

"Hi baby! How's your meeting?"

"They want me to do my first surgery operation tomorrow.."

"Really?! Babe that's promotion! Congratulations!!" You let out a small chuckle at the model's statement.

"Baby that's not a promotion. But, thank you. I don't think dad is confident that i can do it.."

"Well, i'm confident that you got that baby. Who else do you want to be confident? Dr. Ethan is confident, right? He always supports you. Who else do you want to hear? Okay, here. Just listen.." You listened and Kendall's friends shouted at the phone, "You can do it Y/N!"

You couldn't help but to smile because of how supportive your girlfriend when it comes to you, "Thanks guys!" You said and Kendall put you on a speaker phone.

So, who else do you want to hear?" She said, you can't see her but it's obvious that she's smiling while she's talking to you.

"You're more than enough Ken." You said and you can hear all the giggles, and laughing in the other line.


You called your girlfriend because you told her that you are in front of her house. She quickly opened the door and she saw you standing beside your car holding a rose.

"Good morning beautiful." She said.

"Good morning babe!" She rushed to give you a hug and pepper you with kisses. "I missed you!" She said.

"I missed you too babe." You pressed your lips against yours. "I gotta go now, i'll see you tonight?" You asked her.

"Yup! I'll see you tonight, we have to celebrate. You don't need good luck, right?" She said.

"Why not babe?" You pouted.

"Because! You. Are. Already. A. Great. Doctor Y/N." You smiled.

"Ha! I wish my dad could say that to me. But thank you babe, we'll celebrate later." You said and have her a peck on the lips.

"Alright baby, break a leg! I'll pick you up after your shift. " She said and grab you on your neck and kissed you.


You did an excellent job in your first surgery operation, your father gave you a smile that you haven't seen since you are in medical school. Your mentor congratulate you, as soon as you head out of the operating room you immediately called your girlfriend and share her the news. Both of you agreed to have a fancy dinner in Mastro's tonight, and she'll pick you up and drop you at the hospital again because you have a early shift tomorrow morning and you have to monitor the patient that you did a surgery earlier. You decided to sleep in the hospital instead of going late tomorrow morning.

"So.. I'll see you at Khloe's dinner party tomorrow?" Your girlfriend asked you.

"Yup! I'll see you tomorrow babe." You smiled at her.

"Okay, now get out and get some sleep. You look really tired baby." You gave her a peck on the lips.

"Call me when you get home baby, alright? Drive safely, and thank you so much for the dinner." She kissed you on the lips that lasted for a few seconds, you smiled and head out of her car. "I love you." You said.

"I love you more babe." Kendall gave you a wink, as you watch her drove away from the hospital's parking lot.

You talked the model on the phone when she got home before you go to sleep. She told you that you have to be at her mom's house at 8pm sharp. You agreed at her time because your shift will end at 6:00pm tomorrow so you still have time. This is the first time you'll going to meet her family after dating the model for five months. Your outfit is already ready in your house because you wanted to impress Kendall's family especially her mother.

You had a long day at the hospital, you feel exhausted and super tired. You've been on the operating room for four hours since 2pm, you are assisting Ethan for the open heart surgery because the old man had already a heart attack twice and needed to do a emergencg surgery. An hour after, your mentor finished the surgery earlier. You looked at your your watch and you saw the time, 7pm. You get out of the operation room and head towards the on-call room to grab your things. You checked your phone and you saw a 6 missed calls from your girlfriend.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry, i just got out of the operating room.." You said on the phone while walking on your way to your car at the parking lot.

"Hi baby. It's okay, are you sure you can still make it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I can make it babe, i'm really really sorry."

"Don't apologize babe, it's okay. I'll wait for you at my mom's house. I love you!"

"See you babe. I love you too." You smiled, she ended the call as you got inside your car. After a 30 minute drive you are near at Kris's house. Kendall texted you her mom's address. You looked at the mirror, you saw yourself still wearing the O.R scrubs.

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