《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [PART V]


"Thanks.." She said and glanced at you.

"Harry, i thought you'd be back next month?" You asked your brother.

"Actually, i had to cut my trip short. I wanted to catch up here and help you guys with the medical mission before it ended today." He said. "It's seems like you did a fine job sis." Kendall smiled at him, but she keeps on glancing at you. "Oh and before i forget, can you gather the people so we can distribute the goods that dad gave?"

"Of course bro.." You said, you looked at Kendall and she followed you.

You do as your brother said to you, you gather all the villagers and distribute the goods while Kendall is in the middle of you and Harry. Your brother is looking at Kendall's photos in her camera.

"Wow. This is really beautiful. You took all of this?" He asked, Kendall nodded at him.

"Yup.." She said.

"Beautiful, right? Before, her shots were so awkward. It's like she's scared of people. But now... Look at that." You said smiling.

"Well, yeah.. Thanks to you." Kendall pinched both of your cheeks as both of you laughed together. When Harry noticed that you and Kendall are started to get sweet towards each other, he decided to interrupt. He clears his throat and said, "Uh, Y/N can you get me some water?" He asked.

"Sure." As soon as you turned your back, he walks closer to Kendall.

"You know what Kendall, i'm going to start college next semester and i think we might see each other in London."

"Really?" Kendall said smiling. The two started talking about going to college in London, all the nice places and everything about school. You can't contribute to their conversation because you don't have enough money to go to college and you need to find a job to support your other siblings.

"Oh, Kendall i just remembered. Mom is looking for a photographer for our family portarait. You know it's for her greeting cards and give aways. I think you would be perfect for the job." He said.

"Me? No, i think you should get a professional photographer for that." She stated.

"Professional? You are already a professional Ken! See?" He said and show the brunette her shot of the volcano lake yesterday. "And you know, mom has a lot of friends in London. Maybe she can help you hook you up with some friends. She can help you get a scholarship or something.. What can you say? It's a done deal, and i don't take no for an answer." Kendall's face is hesitating, she's thinking about not going to London anymore. Instead she wanted to stay and spend some time with her mother while going to college in L.A. "Right Y/N?" He said.

"Uh, yeah. Yup!" You gave them a forced smile. You are starting to fall in love with her but you don't know what the girl feels about you. She's going to London and Harry will be there too you thought.

"Mayor, slightly angle your body please." Kendall said while taking a picture of Harry's parents. You and your brother are standing from the distance looking at Kendall. You are smiling while watching her doing what she loves.

"The first time i met her, i thought she was wild and crazy." You are too busy looking at Kendall to listen to your brother. He looked at you and said, "You really like her huh?"


You turned to him and smiled, "Yeah.. I do." You said. You looked at Kendall again.

"What do we do? The girls we both like always seem to like you first..." He said still looking at you. You turned to him again, a smile on your face faded as soon you heard what your brother said to you. "I like Kendall. I like her too.." He added.

"Again? Just like with Cara? What is this, a replay?" You said.

"That you'll give way again. Right?" He said smiling at you. You didn't said anything, and his mother called him to join the photoshoot with his parents and his sister. You are looking at them, not trying to ask anything to God. But sometimes you can't help it.

"Compress guys.." Kendall said. As soon as your father looked at you, you look down avoiding his gaze. He felt guilty for not including you to his family portrait because you are still his daughter.

Your father planned a dinner party to celebrate because of the success of the medical mission this year. "...Anyways, let's enjoy this dinner. The night is young, there is a lot of food and drinks. Again, thank you so much." Your father said. "Oh and Harry, thank you for bringing the goods in the village yesterday." Your father said.

You and your friends asked Harry to play a game, "Can we play stole the princess?" Camila said.

"Sure!" Harry agreed. All of you formed in circle, "I need a volunteer? Who want's to be the 'It'? Camila asked and Harry raised his hand.

"Me." He said.

"Okay, Harry come here. Stay out of the circle." He walked out of the circle, "And who do you want to be your princess?" She asked.

"Kendall." He said pointing at the girl while looking at you. He's like challenging you and at the same time he wants you to give way so he could take Kendall out on a date. But, you don't have a plan on giving up the girl that you love, not anymore because you think she's the one. Unlike Cara, you give way for your brother because you thought it's just puppy love and both of you are too young to have a serious relationship. Harry broke her heart after a year of dating and you don't want that to happen to Kendall.

"Hold hands guys. We need to protect Kendall." Shawn said, Harry shake his head while looking at you. "Harry is going to get her." Camila added.

"Go!" Señor Pancho said and Harry starts to run towards Kendall, you spin to get Kendall away from h but he entered the circle. He was about to grab the brunette but you hug Kendall from behind so your brother won't touch her. He grabs the girl's arm to pull towards him but you won't let him. It's like you are playing a tug of war but Kendall is the rope. You pulled the brunette to you and Harry slipped his grip to Kendall's arm causing him to let go. Both of you and the girl fell to the ground laughing at each other while your friends are cheering for you including Shawn and Camila.

Harry frowned because it's already clear to him that you don't want to give way for him and because he didn't get what he wants. He wiped his sweat, still looking at you and the girl. Kendall stood up and help you to get on your feet, "You did great.. Are you okay?" She asked you, and you winked at her. Kris, your father and Harry's mom are looking at you from afar, they already knew that there is something happening between the three of you.


"Nice game Harry." Kendall said but Harry walked away. The girl shrug it because she doesn't care that much to the guy.

You just got out of the bathroom to clean your face and your arms because you fell on the grass earlier. You are on your way out of your father's mansion where your friends and Kendall are waiting for you outside. "Y/N can you help me?" Harry's mother asked you. "I'd like to pack some food for you if you get hungry."

You smiled at her, "Y-yeah sure, auntie.." Both of you walk through the kitchen.

"Kendall is a nice girl. I like her." She said while packing you some food. You didn't said anything instead you looked down on your feet. "Oh, why?" She asked.

"Nothing.." You answered.

"You know--" She said and looked at her son talking to your father. "I remember when both of you were still young. Harry? He adored you. One time i caught him packing all his clothes, when i ask him where he was going he said that he wanted to live with you. Because you are always alone in your mother's house. I also caught him stealing money from my wallet, he said he would give it to you. So i scolded and hit him, he cried and cried that night but then he told me something i would never forget.. He said 'If it's for my sister Y/N, it's okay that you hit me mommy.' That's when i realized how much your brother loves you. For he was able to endure all the pain that he got that night. That's why i told myself if my son really loves his half sister, maybe i should give this poor girl a chance. So.. If he wants to feed her, go. Money? Go." Harry's mother looked at you and she added, "Even invites her to my own house, go. If my son loves her, then i have to love her too. Nothing's wrong with that, right? If that's what makes him happy."

Harry's mother is trying to send you a message to just let Harry and Kendall be together, to just step away like what you did to Cara in the past. You drove Kendall to the motel with her mother. "Y/N thank you. We'll see you tomorrow at Fernando and Maria's wedding at the village." You quickly nodded at Kris.

"Yes mama K. I'll see you tomorrow." You said, Kendall is still sitting on the passenger seat waiting for her mother to head out of the truck so she can talk to you in private.

"Okay. I'll leave you two alone." She said and head out of the truck.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet after you walked out of your father's mansion earlier. Is everything okay?" She asked you.

"Y-yeah. I'm fine.." You gave her a forced smile.

"You sure?" You nodded at her. "You're going to pick me up tomorrow, right?" She asked you, you were about to say no when she said. "Okay good. I'll see you tomorrow baby." She said smiling. Kendall kissed you on your cheek and got out of the truck. You let out a heavy sigh and drove away.

Kendall is getting ready for the wedding of Maria and Fernando. She's looking at herself making sure she looks good for you. She smiled at the thought that she'll be seeing you again. She heard a knock at her door, "Wait! I'm almost done!" She yelled and grab her purse. She opened the door and she was surprised that Harry is at her front door, he smiled at her scanning the brunette's body.

"Wow.. You look beautiful." He said to Kendall.

"T-thanks.. Where's Y/N?" She asked while looking outside hoping she would find you.

"Uh, she told me to pick you up. Didn't she told you?" Kendall shake her head.

"Oh.. Okay. Will she be at the wedding?" She asked.

"Yeah, of course she'll be there. Let's go?" Harry offered his arm, but Kendall act like she didn't saw it. She walked pass by the guy and head inside the car.

You didn't attend the wedding, because you decided to give Harry a chance with Kendall. They're both doing great in life, going to the same school in London, and Kendall's family are really close with Harry's mother. You have no room for them because you are just a nobody, you thought. Kendall is looking for you at the wedding, she tried texting and calling you but you just ignored it. Harry drove her to their motel back to the city.

"Thank you Harry.." Harry opened the passenger door for Kendall, he smiled at her. Harry followed the brunette on her motel.

"Ken, can we talk?" He asked her, and held her hand. Kendall knew that Harry likes her, she can feel it but she hates controntation and scared to admit that she likes someone else. "I want to tell you something..." Kendall slowly pull her hand away from his hold.

She let out a sigh and said, "Sorry Harry.."

"It's Y/N, right?" He asked, Kendall doesn't know what to say to him. She stayed silent, "That was quick. Y/N told me to try. But it turns out, i really had no chance."

The girl was shock that you knew about it, but she tried to keep her cool. "Y/N knew about this?"

"Yeah.. Why can't it be me Ken?"

"I'm really sorry Harry." The guy nodded and let out a heavy sigh. Kendall enters to her room, she quickly dialed your number on her phone. After a few attempts of calling you and texting you. She called Shawn and ask what motel are you staying.

You are at your motel, sitting on your sofa. You just booked your flight back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. You heard a knock on your door, you stood up and opened your door. You found Kendall standing in front of you with a sad look on her face. "K-Ken! Why are you here?" You said trying to sound happy. "How's the wedding? Come in." You asked her smiling.

"Why didn't you go?" She asked.

"Uh-- there were some urgent things that Mayor wants me to take care of. Why are you here? Is there a problem?" You said trying to change the topic.

"I think i should be the one asking you that.. Is there a problem Y/N? Are we okay?"

"Why don't you go home Ken? It's already late.. Don't make your mom worried."

"Aren't you going to drive me home?" She asked you trying to hold her tears.

"Ken, you're not a kid anymore. You can take care of yourself." You said, but the truth is you wanted to drove her home just to make sure she's safe.

She walks towards you, "Is this about Harry, right?" You stared at her for a moment and let out a heavy sigh.

"Kendall, my brother likes you."

"I know.. But, you're the one that i like. No, erase that. You're the one that i love Y/N.." A single tear fell in her eyes. "Do you love me too? Tell me the truth."

You nodded at her and your tears started to fall, "Yes, i love you Ken. But--"

"But you just can't think about yourself. This is not only about what you like. You love your brother. It's a choice, right?" She continue your sentence for you. "You got me so high. Too high, actually. But you left me hanging Y/N and it's not easy.. Because it's your brother we're talking about. Please don't do that again, okay? Don't make me believe that you love me when you can't even fight for me. Because it hurts.." She said and Kendall started to cry.

"Kendall.." You held her hand.

"No. Listen to me--" She said pulling her hand away from you. "You were the one who taught me that if it's for the one you love, even if it's hard, you can endure all the pain.. I can handle this." She said wiping her tears, she opened the door and looked at you. "You are always telling me to think about others, but when will you think of yourself? You can't just keep on giving Y/N. It will drain you, learn to accept love too." You didn't said anything, you are just listening to her. "If not now, i hope someday you'll see the Y/N that i see. A person who deserves complete love and acceptance."


Part VI? What if this i made this a sad ending? Hahaha sorry i haven't had a chance to update that much like before, i'm just super busy with everything that is going on with my life. 😂 But i don't wsnt to keep you guys hanging, so i tried to update as much as i could.. Hope you understand guys. ✌🏻

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