《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [Part IV]


You walk towards Kendall's mom and hug her. She continuously cried and rested her head on your chest. You looked at Kendall who is walking towards the truck, "I'll check up on her mama K." You said and Kris nodded.

"Kendall wait!" You called her but she ignores you, "Don't leave." You said.

"Give me the keys!" She said still walking on her way to the truck.

"Kendall, you're so stubborn. Your mom already apologized, what do you still want?" You said and she stopped her track and looked at you.

"You have no right to force me to forgive just because you benefit from my mother!" She snapped at you, you got offended at her statement.

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" You raise your voice at her, "Do you wanna leave? Come on! Let's go!" You held her wrist and drag her to the truck. She struggle with your grip. "Get the hell out of here!" You yelled again.

"What the hell!" She yelled at you.

"This is the keys! You can drive yourself to the airport! Leave!"

"Let go of me! I can drive and take care of myself!" She yelled again.

"That's the problem with you. You are always thinking about yourself. 'i'm hurt, i'm suffering, my life sucks!' Oh come on!" You scoffed.

"You don't have the right to make fun of my feelings." She said.

"I'm not making fun of your feelings, all i'm saying is you have to set yourself free. In case you don't know-- you are not the first child who left by a parent. You are not the only one who has problems in this world Kendall." Kendall looked down in her feet realizing that you are right and she's a little bit harsh on you and her mom. You are about to continue when your phone ring.

"Y/N, mom is in jail.. Again."

"I- i don't know. She's involve in the riot in the club downtown."

"Y-yeah. She's really upset with mom."

"Alright, take care Y/N.."

You massaged your temples because your mother is giving you a headache, you let out a long sigh. You are thinking how can you get out in the middle of medical mission. The kids needs you and on top of that you have to drive an hour and a half to the city just to send money to your sister.

"Y/N.." You turned to the brunette with your glassy eyes, trying to hold your tears.

"What?" You said calmly.

"Hop in, i'm driving you to the city.." She said, you frowned at her. "Come on, let's go. You can't let your mom stay in jail again." You nodded and head inside the truck.

You and Kendall drove to the city, the ride was a complete silence. You noticed that the brunette is stealing glances at you from time to time. It's almost lunch time when you arrived at the city, you quickly send the money and call you sister. You looked at Kendall and she gave you a small smile. "....Yeah, i send you an extra for you and Jake. Blythe, no boys! Okay? I'm serious, i will beat the shit out of them." You heard your sister laugh and she told you to take care and you hung up the phone. You are heading back to the car when you heard a growling sound, you looked at Kendall and she let out a nervous smile.

"Come on, let's eat.." You said. You didn't notice that you held her hand as you walk towards the restaurant. "Are you okay with mexican food? If not--"


"Yup, i-i'm okay with mexican food. Let's go inside, my treat." She said, and drag you inside the restaurant. Both of you are waiting for your order silently, still not talking to each other.

"After we eat, i'll drive to the airport." You said to her.

She nodded at you, "We have the same situation, you know-- not having a mother.." she carefully said.

"No, we're not the same. Your mom is there, apologizing, reaching out to you, asking for your forgiveness and still wanting to take care of you. But me and my siblings? Our mom is present but we rarely see her." You said.

"Why?" You frowned and gave her a puzzled look.

"What do you mean why? She's not always there for us because---"

"No, i mean-- how come you're okay with it? And look at your shirt. Aren't you mad at them? Don't you ask why sometimes life is unfair?" She asked you. You are wearing the shirt that has a print of your father's family.

"Of course i do. Every people who is suffers ask why they suffer. Right? Look at the kids that your mom is helping, Jenny and Julio? Whenever they pray, i'm sure they ask God why their parents had to die soon. You didn't know that, didn't you?" You said, she bit her lip and nod. "But there are no right reasons for those who are hurting Ken. How about you? Come on tell me the truth. Do you accept what your mom told you earlier? Asking will make you crazy, and you'll get mad because there is no answer. Or, you didn't get the answer that you wanted. So you're just wasting your time getting mad at your mom and everyone around you." You smiled, Kendall is just listening to you. "Me? I can't waste my time, i have siblings who is depending on me. If i think my anger and only think of myself, what will happen to us? You know what, it's only of choice-- you'll get angry or you'll just ignore it."

She let out a sigh and said, "It's hard to forgive."

"Kendall, i love my siblings. Look at my shirt, i love both of my brother and my sister. Even my father and her wife. And nothing is difficult when it comes to people you love. That's why i know you can forgive your mom, because you love her."

She smirked, "How sure are you?" Kendall asked.

"You wouldn't be angry like that if you didn't love her." You smiled and drink your water.

"Ma'am here your order." The waitress said, while Kendall is still looking at you. Admiring how positive you are with everything, and how you handle your problems in your life.

While Kendall is waiting for her flight, she is looking at her pictures that she took earlier. She is looking at your stolen pictures smiling while carrying Julio, playing with animals, talking to other villagers, she saw the picture of her mother while smiling at the kid. She smiled and she remembered what you said about how she loves her mother. Her phone dinged and sas that you tagged her again at her photo saying, "Follow back please. I promise i won't make you suffer about your luggage again. 🤪" She laughed, and followed you back. She already changed her mind, Kendall left the airport and call a cab.

You are helping the social workers cleaning the place because the medical mission for today has ended. You caress the back of Kris to comfort her, she gave you a small smile. You looked around and you saw Kendall walking with her luggage, you smiled at her. She looked away trying to hide her smile, Jenny noticed her. "Miss Kendall!" The little girl greeted the brunette, you and the twins run towards Kendall. She gave Julio and Jenny a hug, and turned to you.


"Why did you come back?" You asked Kendall still smiling at her.

"I- uh, i still need to study photography. Right? And i need to complete my requirement for London."

You nodded, you obviously knew that's not the reason why she came back. "London, huh? Okaaay.." You said.

"Kend, can you help me with this?" Camilla asked her, she nodded at the smaller girl. "Excuse me." She winked at you.

"Hey baby." She turned her head to you, "Thanks for the follow back." You smiled at each other, and she walk towards Camilla. You walk towards her mother who is looking at her from the distance. "London. She said it's for London." You gave her a knowing look.

"Thank you Y/N." The older woman said to you, you just smiled at her.

The next morning, all of you are setting up the tent again for the check up for the old people. You and Kris are waiting for Kendall because she's the only one who is not helping to set up the tents and the chairs.

"Looks like she slept in again." Kris said to you.

You scratch your neck and nodded. "I think so.."

"Wow! Kendall you look really pretty!" Camila said, you turn around and you saw Kendall who is wearing a simple tshirt and a leggings, while her hair is tied in messy bun. She looks different, and more beautiful with her outfit. Simple but stunning. Everything went slow motion again while she's walking towards you, you didn't notice that you are smiling ear to ear while looking at the tall brunette.

"Hey Ken!" Shawn called her, "The surname Y/S/N really suits you." You glare at Shawn and hit him in his chest. Kendall smiled at you, you gave her a quick smile and walk away to hide your face because you can't feel your face anymore because of blushing.

Kendall is taking a picture of the villagers near the gree one by one. "Smile!" She said and the villager smiled at the camera, she showed her their pictures and the people looked really happy. "They look really happy." She said to you.

"Yup, because they don't usually have their picture taken." You whisped to her.

"Huh? You mean-- they don'y have pictures?" You nodder at her.

"Did you see any?" She smiled because she realized that she's lucky because she already has everything, her mother, her father and all of her sisters. And yet the villagers are still happy with them having a simple life. She admires their positivity in life.

The girl set up a family picture for each family in the village, Camilla said to the villagers to fall in line with their family so that Kendall could take a family picture of them. You walk towards the brunette and asked her, "What's all this?" She smiled at you.

"It's my gift for them. Small way of giving back. I want every family to have thei family photo just to remind them how lucky they are. Because they are blessed with something that not everyone has." You smiled.

"Family?" She nodded at you.

"And if only for that, they are probably the most richest people in the world." She turned around, "Ready? Smile! One, two, three!" You watched her taking a family photo for hours, the girl is starting to smile and laugh more often. She is letting herself free from anger slowly and trying to look for the positivity in life just like you taught her. Almost everyone has their family photo taken except you, Kendall and Kris, including the twins.

"Hey Ken, what about you and your mom? Come on, go over there and i'll take a picture of you and Doctor Kris." Shawn offered, Camilla slightly pushed Kendall towards her mother. Kris wrap her arm at her daughter's shoulder to pull her close and they both smiled at the camera. "How about you join them Y/N?" Camilla said, you shook your head but Shawn pushed you towards the two women who is smiling at you.

"Do you want to tell me something Y/N?" Kris gave you a knowing look, she knows that you are starting to havr feelings for her eldest daughter.

"N-nothing mama K.." You said and smiled at the camera. Julio and Jenny are sitting on the rock at the corner watching all of you having a family photo, Kendall noticed them. She reached for your hand and drag you towards the twins.

"Do you want to join us our little babies?" Kendall asked the twins, you are surprised because you thought that she doesn't like kids. She asked those kids like she is the mother of Julio and Jenny. They slowly nodded, "Come on, let's get yout family photo." You said and carry Julio with you and Kendall with Jenny.

"You guys look like a real family.." He said and he wiped his tears because he's being emotional anf dramatic.

"Hey SEÑOR. Take the picture already!" Camilla laughed at her boyfriend, and all of you smile for the camera.

Kendall is walking with you and the kids, you are on your way to their tree house that their father built before he died.

"Kendall! Come on, join us! You have to see this." Señor Pancho said to Kris's daughter. "Your mom is the best cook when it comes to banana blossom, you have to taste it!" He said excitedly. Kendall hesistates and looked at you, you smile at her. She nodded and decided to stay to watch her mother cook.

"It's okay sweetie, you can go with Y/N and take pictures." Kris said smiling.

Kendall didn't said anything, she just grabbed the banana blossom and looked at her mom. "I-- i don't how to cook this. C-can you teach me mom?" Kris wanted to cry and be emotional at that moment but she don't want to scare her daughter away.

"It's easy. Here, watch me.." She said.


You and Kendall are sitting on the tree watching Julio and Jessy playing with other kids. She is taking pictures of them while laughing and smiling at the kids, you stared at her for a while and smiled. She noticed you.

"What are you looking at?" She asked.

"You have the most beautiful smile i have ever seen, should smile more often Ken." You said and looked at the kids. Kendall didn't said anything, she blushed but didn't tried to hide it. Instead, she rested her head against you shoulder while both of you are watching the kids.


Kendall woke up, stretching her bones while looking at the sunrise. You called her from the distance while you are carrying a bucket of water with Julio and Jenny.

"Good morning baby. I fetched you some water from the well, this-- is really heavy." She let out a soft chuckle, "and this is a hot water so you won't get cold." You winked at her before heading out of the bathroom. Julio is teasing you and Kendall, while Jenny handed her the towel.

You are having a breakfast boodle fight with some of the villagers and staff. Kendall is beside you looking at the food not knowing how to eat with her bare hands.

"Kendall, don't you like the food? Come on. Eat!" Camilla said.

"I- i don't know how--"

"She just want to be fed!" You put a food on her mouth and you laughed.

"This food is amazing. Here!" She said shoving a food into your mouth, and they all laughed at you and Kendall. "Delicious, right?" She said smiling at you.


You are walking with some of the social workers with Kendall, she showed her photos with Señor Pancho. He walked up to Kris and showed her the pictures. "Look Kris, this is Kendall's shot from yesterday. It's beautiful, right?" He said.

Kris agreed, "Yes. These are beautiful Ken."

"T-thanks.." She said shyly.

"Your work is starting to have a heart." You whispered.

"New perspective, thanks to you." You smiled at each other. Before she started to walk again, you held her wrist.

"Uh, Ken i have to show you something. Let's go!" You said and drag her to the volcano lake.

"Whoa.. This is beautiful Y/N." She said and started to take pictures of the view.

"Do you know what they say when that volcano erupted? Violent. But after releasing that rage-- look at the view. It's so beautiful." You said looking at the lake.

"A beautiful disaster." She said.

"Just like you." You whispered to her.

"What? Disaster?!" She gasp.

"No. Beautiful." She smiled at you, you rested you arm around her shoulder as she rested her head against yours while looking at the view.


You are walking towards the truck, and Kendall is bugging you to let her drive the truck. You are playing with the car keys while walking.

"Come on, let me drive Y/N." She said.

"No, you'll crash it." You joked. You toss the keys to your other hand but she catches it.

"Got it. Okay, let's go!" She smiled at you. You tried to snatch the key to her hand but she's quick until you cornered her to the truck, you didn't noticed that your face is already inch closer. She hid the key on her back.

"Can you get it from me?" She said in her low voice and looked at your lips.

You tuck her hair behind her ear, "I can.." You said while looking at her eyes and her lips. She lowly leaned in to you, you cups her face and gently put your lips against hers. The kiss lasted for a few seconds, you can feel your heart race and pounding on your chest. She smiled, and you lift the key into your hand. "I got it. Come on, let's go baby."

"You are such a tease..." She said playfully hit you in your arm and head inside the truck.

After that kiss, you and Kendall are acting like a couple. You are always holding hands, she's not shy to hug you. You two haven't talked about the kiss yet, but you already to yourself that you like the girl and you are starting to fall for her. You and Kendall are sitting on the grass resting because the medical mission for today has already ended. She rested her head to your shoulder as you wrap your arms around her.

"Y/N! You have a visitor!" Shawn shouted to you from afar, both of you turned around and you saw Harry walking with your friend.

"Sis!" Harry waved at you.

"Harry! Bro!" You said giving your brother a hug.

"How are you? I missed you sis!" He said.

"Missed you too little bro!" You smiled at him. He gave Kris a hug and greeted the older woman.

"Harry this is my daughter, Kendall." Kris said to your brother.

"Yeah, we've been introduce before." He smiled at Kendall. "Hello Y/N's project." He extend his hand, and the girl gave her a small smile not looking interested in him.

"Hello.." She said.

"You are more beautiful in person Kendall." He said, you are waiting for the girl to answer. You are a little bit uncomfortable because your brother is hitting on her.. AGAIN.


Uh-oh. Looks like we got some competition. 🙄

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