《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [PART III]


You and Kendall are on the back of the truck while she's taking pictures of the nature, the mountain and stolen pictures of... YOU. You heard a loud noise from the tyres of the truck, and Shawn stopped in the middle of nowhere.

"What the hell is that?" You asked him.

"Shit. Our tyres are broken Y/N." He said.

"Okay, i have a spare in the--"

"Do you have two?" He asked, you let out a heavy sigh because you are still far away from the medical mission area. You are walking looking for some place where you can pee. You've been holding it for two hours, Kendall is still in handcuffs with your hand.

"Y/N! Where are we going? My feet hurts." She asked you, you stopped your tracks and frowned.

"Kendall, you've been walking for like two minutes. The truck is right there, look. We're not that far." You let out a soft chuckle.

"Well, what are we doing here?"

"I'm going to pee. Turn around."

She let out a smirk, "What if i don't want to?"

"Okay, fine!" You unzip your pants and she started to panic, she ran on the way to the truck while you are unbutton your jeans.

"I'm joking! I'm joking! Stop!" She started laughing. "Y/N stop! I'm going to tell you to your father!" She tried to threaten you.

"Go ahead!" You laughed.

"Why don't you just uncuff me?!" She yelled.

"I can't. Okay? You're going to runaway again!"

"Seriously? In the middle of nowhere? How?!" She raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms on you.

You looked around and there's is no way in hell she can escape in the middle of nowhere, she'll get lost. You smile and nodded, "Okay, okay.. Relax, you're right. I'll uncuff you." You said and pull the key in your pocket.

"Thank god!" She said as soon as you uncuff her. She walk back to the truck to wait for you while you pee.

Kendall suggested that all of you need to walk your way to the village since you don't have a signal and there's no car driving at this route. Kendall started to walk away when you called her.

"Where do you think you're going?" You asked her.

"Far away from you." She said.

"Okay. Your mom said not to give you any special treatment." You said and get her luggage out of the truck. "So, bring your own stuff."

"The mayor said that you have to take care of me, not to punish me." She walk towards you giving you a stern look.

"Mayor told me to help your mom to change your attitude, not to treat you like a baby. Unless, you want me to so." You wiggle your eyebrows and she gave you a glare. "Okay from now on, i'll call you baby. Baby Kendall." Shawn and Camilla laughed and Kendall started to carry all of her bags and luggage. While you are walking on your way to the village you are telling stories about your other half siblings on your mother's side. You knew that Kendall is not listening because she's struggling to carry all of her things. You stopped and look at her from a distance. "Can you still do it, baby?" You smiled. She let out a sigh and started to walk again.

A few minutes you heard a loud yell at the back, you saw Kendall trip over a rock causing her to let go all of her bags and fell to the ground. "Oh my god Kendall!" Camilla gasp, Shawn look at you trying to give you signal to help the girl. You look at the brunette for a few seconds and started to walk towards her. You helped her up and and held her hand, "Come on, hop into my back."


Her eyes went wide and she looked confused, "Huh?"

"Come on, before i change my mind." You said.

You arrive at the village with Kendall on your back. A lot of people are greeting you in their language, Kendall was surprised because you understand them and they know you already. She got off your back and smiled at you.

"Thank you.." She said.

"This is the last time i'm going to help you, baby." You said while stretching and panting. You saw a bunch of kids playing and you walk towards them.

"Ola Y/N!" They greeted you and gave you a hug.

"Hey kids! How are you guys?" You hug all of them.

You gave Kendall a little tour, you told her that there is no electricity, enough water so she would have to get water from the well, and she's going to sleep on the nippa hut. She's laying on her bed, she couldn't sleep because it's hot and mosquitos are biting her. It's just 9pm and people are already sleeping. She sat on her bed and get her laptop to edit some of her photos.

You are going to check up on Kendall just to make sure she's okay in her nippa hut, you are walking towards her bedroom window carrying a lamp in your hand. You saw her editing some photos in her laptop, you smiled at the thought of how passionate the brunette when it comes to photography. "Wow! Beautiful!" Kendall jumped out in fear when she saw you in her window.

"Fuck! So annoying.." She said rolling her eyes on you.

"Can i give you an advice about your pictures?" You asked smiling at her.

"NO." She quickly answered.

"Something's missing.. The picture is lack of emotion, lack of... LOVE." You said and she raised her eyebrow.

"Are you an expert? No. So shut up." She said.

"I'm not an expert, but do you wanna know how i felt when i saw that picture?" She looked at you, "NOTHING. I think this medical mission could help a lot with your photos. Maybe that's why your mom brought you here. So your works will have some heart." She sigh and shake her head. "Anyways, goodnight baby. I'll just see you in my dreams." You said while you chuckles.

"Wakey wakey!!" You said while pounding on her door.

"I'm up!" She yelled sounded annoyed by you.

"Breakfast is ready baby!" You laughed at her, you just love teasing the girl. She looks cute when she's annoyed by you, and when she's furious. After you ate breakfast with her, you made her get her own water in the well so she could take a bath. You are laughing at her while she's carrying a bucket full of water.

"Is it heavy?" You asked smiling.

"If i said yes, would you help me?" She said in full sarcasm.

"No." You laugh again with the kids.

"They usually eat banana blossom in here, also known as banana heart." Shawn said to Kendall, but she's busy taking pictures of people harvesting the banana blossom.

"Hey baby!" You called her, you are not expecting her to turn around and look at you because of what you just call her. But she turned, and throw her the banana blossom. She catches it and you smiled at her.

"Take care of my heart." You said jokingly. She threw the banana blossom back at you, she quickly turn around to hide her smile.


"Sorry, not interested." She said and she continues to take pictures again.

"Kids, let Miss Kendall carry that, including this as well. Tell her to take care of those, she needs a heart." Shawn and Camila laughed at your statement.

"What? She has no heart?" The kid looks really surprised. "You're sooo cute!" Camila said to the kid. You smiled at the brunette and she gave you a smirk.


You are watching the villagers dancing while circling the bonfire with Kendall, Shawn and Camila because they are celebrating an engagement of Maria and Juan.

"Señor Pancho, why are they giving that Lamb to the engaged couple?" Shawn asked the old man.

"It's their tradition, the guy's family needed to give the girl's family a gift before they will give her hand to him." He answered.

"They have nothing to eat and yet they are giving it away. And for what?" Kendall asked frowning.

"For love." You simply answered still looking at the bonfire.

"Oh my dear Kendall.. People will give anything and everything for love." Kendall looked at you, you glanced at her and look away.


Kendall's mother arrived at the village, all of the people welcomed her and greeting her. "Welcome back mama K." You said giving her a hug. She greeted you and smiled at her daughter. She was about to walk towards Kendall and give her a hug but she walked away.

"How is she?" She asked you.

"Mama K, you didn't tell me that your daughter is as hard as a volcano rock. I don't think my powers can take it." You said. Kris gave you a small smile and wrap her arms around you.

"I'm sorry Y/N, i'm really sorry.."

"It's okay." You smiled at her. While Kendall is taking some pictures she keeps on stealing glances at both of you, she's getting jealous because you are more close with her mother than her. As soon as Kris look at her, she quickly looked away and pretend not to care at all. The medical mission started and Kris is checking up at the kids who is malnurished and underweight.

"This is the line for dental check ups." You pointed at your left side, "And for those who need medicines, this way." You added. You saw Kendall taking pictures of you.

"What about those who need heart check-up?" Camilla asked you. You didn't answer her, Kendall walk away still taking pictures of her surroundings. She started taking pictures of her mother's patient who is carrying a baby. "Are you feeling okay?" The patient nodded. "How's your baby?"

"She has a cough."

"A cough? Do you know what medicine to give to your angel?" The mother shake her head saying no. Kris kissed the baby in the forehead. Kendall took a picture of it, she didn't noticed while she's looking at the picture that she just captured her tears started to fall. She immediately wiped it and continue taking shots. She started getting uncomfortable. She keeps glancing at her mother who is checking up some kids.

"Dr. Kris! The kid got hurt!" Camila said.

"Where's the first aid?" Kris asked the other nurses. Kendall took a picture of her mother while trying to calm the crying kid. "Jenny stop crying.. Okay? You'll be okay." Kris comforted the kid, she gave Jenny a lolliop so she won't stop crying while on other hand Kendall is crying while taking pictures of them. You noticed that the brunette is crying and trying to cover her face with the camera. She glanced at her mother again until her eyes met her mother's. "Kenny." She called her daughter and Kendall wiperd her tears and run away.

"Ken!" Kris called and follow her daughter.

"What?!" Kendall yelled at her mother. You followed them near Kendall's nippa hut.

"What's wrong? Are you okay? Kendall talk to me."

"Stop asking if i'm okay because you of all people should know that i'm not!" She was about to walk away when her mother held her wrist.


"Don't touch me! You can't just leave and come back and expect that everything will okay." She said.

"Ken i just want us to talk." Kris said to her daughter trying to reach Kendall's hand but the brunette pull away.

"Do you know how much it hurts to be near you right now? Do you know how i feel seeing you taking care of others, other kids, while i keep asking myself how come you weren't able to take care of me, your own daughter. Why mom? Did the people know that you left your own daughter?" Kris doesn't even know where to start. "Why did you leave me mom?" Kendall burst out in tears.

"Kendall i love you--"

"Bullshit mom! Just answer my question! Why? Why did you leave?!" She yelled.

"I don't have the "right" reason."

"Mom just tell me! I wanna know the reason why did you left your own daughter!"

"Back then, i was just thinking of myself. My life is a mess. Your dad and i kept fighting, we were just hurting each other until we have no respect towards ourselves. I wanted to leave him, but i couldn't. Because i had nothing. How could i raise you and Kylie? That night, we had a big fight. I knew i couldn't bear it anymore.. I grab your sister and i was getting you, but he stopped me. And he threatened to kill me, i couldn't do anything Kendall. I left and told myself that 'i will come back and get my daughter'. That i would come back for you." Kris started to cry in front of her daughter.

"But you didn't come back." Kendall said.

"It was a choice i had to make, my life was so hard back then. I'm sorry, i didn't think the pain that i would cause you. Because i only think that you'll have a better life with your father. But when i was ready, and i could stand on my own-- i tried reaching out to you, calling you, and i tried getting you but your dad won't let me. Kendall, i tried. I tried.."

Kendall run her fingers through her hair, "I didn't want a good life, i wanted a mother. It was hard, mom. Everytime i'm going home i was hoping that you were there. But you weren't.. Every christmas, every new year everyone is with their mothers but i'm not. Whenever i was sick, i always looked for you because i wanted you to take care of me but weren't there mom. You weren't there for me.. Dad said i'm self distracting, well yes he is probably right. Because i'm doing anything to make this pain to stop. It's so hard to the point that i will do everything just to make it stop. I want this to stop mom! I want this pain to stop but it won't.." Kendall is already sobbing from crying too much.

"All i can do now is apologize.. I know that it's impossible for you to forgive me, but i won't stop trying Ken. I will not stop seeking for your forgiveness sweetie. I'm really really sorry.." Kris held her daughter's hand.

"I don't know how.. No one taught me how to forgive. I just want to get out of here.." Kendall said to her mother and walk away crying.

You are watching them from the distance, now you understand why she was so distant to everyone. She doesn't want to get attached because she's scared to be left alone again.

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