《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [PART II]


"The mayor always send Y/N to help us out in every emersion. She will also accompany you on our trip to mountains tomorrow morning." Kris calmly said to her daughter.

"What? You'll let a stranger take me to the mountains? What if she does something bad to me?" You let out a heavy sigh knowing that Kendall is a tough one to handle.

Her mother let out a small laugh, "Kenny, Y/N is a good girl. I trust her.." The older woman said to you smiling, "Besides i need to wait for the doctors and all the medicine to arrive before i go there.

"Oh, before i forgot. My father has arrange a dinner party tonight." You said to Kris.

"Sure, we'll be there." Kris agreed.

"There you are!" Kylie said while panting and catching her breath because she's panicking of the thought that her sister is lost in a foreign country. "Mom." She gave her mother a hug.

"Kylie.." Kris said trying to calm her youngest daughter because she knew that Kylie will scold her older sister.

"Kendall you got me worried about you. What the hell has gotten through your mind that you run away while we are in a foreign country?" Kylie said in her stern voice. The younger Jenner is more matured than her older sister. She is more understanding and considerate unlike Kendall who is always thinking about herself.

"Where's my room?" Kendall asked her mother ignoring her younger sister.


You are talking to your aunt on the phone, she's thanking you for the money you sent earlier to bail your mother out of prison again using your savings money for college. You are running out of money because your mother has been in and out of the prison this past few months because of gambling in casinos with her boyfriends. "Can i talk to her auntie?" You asked.

"Mom, start behaving. Okay? Stop going to casinos and borrowing money. I don't have enough money to bail you out next time.."

"Oh my baby.. Thank you so much for bailing me out again. You can ask for your father's money anytime Y/N."

"Ma, what do i always tell you all the time? We never ask for money, we work hard for it." You and your mother said in unison.

"Fine MOM. God, what did i do to deserve a responsible daughter like you?" Your mother said to you, you smiled at her and you told her that you needed to go already.

Kendall heard your conversation with your mother because she's on a speaker phone, because the earpiece of your phone is busted. You have the old iPhone 5 that Harry gave it to you on your 15th birthday. You've been using that phone for four years already, it has many scratches and dents. But since it's not totally damaged and still useful for you, you are not buying a new one. Besides, you don't have enough money to buy yourself a new phone.

You and Kendall arrived at your father's vacation house in Mexico for the dinner party that he arranged. You greeted the bodyguard and he gave you a high five. "Hey Y/N/N!" The guard said to you smiling, "Good Evening Ms. Kendall." He said and Kendall gave him a nod. You stopped walking on the front door and stared at the door for a second hesitating to knock. "I- uhm.. Let's go around the back?" You said and drag Kendall with you.

"You have a huge house." She said to you.


"It's theirs.." You answered with a sad tone of your voice.

"This is your father's mansion, right?"

"Yeah, but i don't live here." You said not sounding interested with the conversation with the brunette. While you are walking on the hallway, a two waiter and waitress head out of the dining area.

"Y/N! Long time no see!" They greeted you and you gave them a hug.

"What's up guys?" You said smiling at them. Kendall cleared her throat to caught your attention. "Oh! This is Kendall, Mama K's daughter."--" This are my friends, Camilla and Shawn." You said introducing them to each other, they both said 'hi' to Kendall.

"Y/N." A girl on thr stairs called you, she looks annoyed by something.

"We'll go ahead." The two hurriedly head outside to the party while your sister is walking towards you and Kendall.

"Harry sent some shoes and clothes for you from London. You can get it later." He said glaring at you.

"S-sure. Thanks Margaret.." You are about to introduce Kendall but she head back to the party. Your sister is always giving you a cold shoulder, she doesn't like you because she thinks you are just after with his father's money. Not thinking that you have the same father, she never treated you like a sister. She treated you more like a maid or an errand girl. You are the second eldest and Harry is the youngest on the three of you. Kendall is just observing you, looking around her surroundings. "Let's go?" She nodded quietly.

"That's my father." You pointed out your father with a woman holding his arm while talking to his friend.

"And that's your mom?" She asked.

"Nope, i have a different mother. My mom is prettier, but she's a little bit crazy. Like you." You said to her while walking to your table with Kris.

Kris introduced her daughter to the leader of Team smile, he's the one who's organizing the medical mission and other activities on the remote areas in Mexico. Kendall is going to be their photographer, she doesn't want to do it at first because she thinks it's going to be boring but her mom managed to convince her because she can add those pictures to her portfolio when she's going to study in London.

"You're a photographer?" You asked her, "Cool! I've always wanted to be a model. I can do what the models are doing, like this." You pose in front of her and Kris, "and then you do this." You strut without being ashamed if someone will saw you, "Fiercer!" You said and try to pose in your serious face. A small smile crept into the brunette's lips, she wanted to laugh at you because you are a terrible model but she doesn't want to embarrass you in front of her mother.

"Y/N." Your father rested his hand in your shoulder.

"Uh, da-- mayor." You said to your father smiling.

"Is my daughter bothering you guys?" He asked Kris and Kendall.

"No, of course not Y/F/N." Kris smiled. "Mayor Y/F/N this is my eldest, Kendall. Ken this is Mayor Y/F/N." Her mother introduces her to your father. Kendall gave him a smile not saying anything.

"Welcome to Mexico, Kendall." Kendall nodded, "You know, you remind me so much of your mom when we were younger. She's that pretty." He smiled at Kendall and her mother. "That's why Bruce doesn't stop calling me, he asked me to look after you. That's why Y/N, i am giving you the task to look after Kendall. Or else, i'm not giving you the job in my office if you don't do this well. Okay?" Your father said to you.


"Yes, i understand mayor." You smiled at him.

"Kendall, if there's a problem. Just tell me, okay?" He said to Kendall.

"What if she's my problem? Can i put her in jail?" She said crossing her arm and giving you a glare. Kris and your father laughed, he was about to say something when the mayor's wife interrupted him.

"Hon? Engineer Kramer is here."

"Oh, okay. Excuse me.. Y/N remember what i told you. Alright?" You simple nodded at your father. "Y/N i just talked to the charity workers this morning, you haven't sent the goods to the fire victims?" Your stepmother said to you.

"Not yet. But i will take care of it once i'm done with my other tasks. I'll do that right away ma'am." You answered.

"And don't forget to tell the guards to put the other bags in the van later." Kendall is observing on how your father and his wife treated you, you are just like an errand girl to them. She frowned because she felt bad because nobody's child deserve that kind of treatment that they are giving to you. You nodded at your father's wife, "Margaret is leaving for London tomorrow. As you know, she's going to study there with Harry." She said to Kris.

"Harry Edward! Thank you so much. And those shoes, these are amazing!" You said to your brother while FaceTiming him.

"Those shoes is fake." Kendall said and your smile fades as soon as you heard her voice.

"Actually, it's authentic." Harry said and you pointed the camera to Kendall. "Wow. What a pleasant surprise. Talk about destiny." He said smiling at the brunette.

"Uh, Harry this is Kendall. Kendall this is Harry my brother." You introduced them to each other, "This is the person i was talking about who did something really bad."

"Kendall.. Ofcourse i know her, i've seen her before. At.. at the race! Yeah, but you probably don't remember me." Kendall remembered him, he's the guy who is drooling over her at the race. "Wow. So.. You're Y/N's new project?" He smiled, you are just looking at them back and forth.

"I'm not anyone's project." She said giving him a narrow look.

"Yeah you are." He teased.

"I'm not." She said in her stern voice.

"If you're not anyone's project, maybe you can be my project?" He asked her smiling.

"Whoa!" Your reaction made Kendall look at you smiling, "Alright Edward, we have to go. We have to leave early tomorrow, i still have to drove this troublemaker home."

"I'm looking forward to see more of you soon Kendall." Your brother said.

"Okaaay, Harry. Take care and thanks a lot again!" You said.

"No problem sis." He smiled and ended the call. You quickly put your phone in your pocket and let out a sigh, you felt awkwardness when your younger brother is trying to hit on Kendall. You think it's too cheesy and pick up line are so overrated. You made her hold the paperbag full of your clothes and a pair of shoes before closing the trunk of your father's car. She rolled her eyes on you and walk away.

"Come on let's go. I'll walk you home." You said.

"Where's mom?" You asked your sister on the phone.

"She left, her boyfriend picked her up earlier." She answered.

"Not again. She may have gotten bailed out in jail, but she's still a prisoner when it comes to love." You joked at your sister trying to cheer her up. She let out a sigh.

"Y/N when are you coming home?" She asked you.

"Next week. I'll see you soon, go to sleep. It's late already."

"Alright alright MOM." She laughed.

"Hey Blythe. No boys allowed in there, i will kill them if they tried to hit on you. You understand?" You said in your stern voice. She just laughed at you and ended the call, you let out a sigh because your younger sister and brother are alone in your apartment because your mother left again. She barely stays in the house, she's always out with her boyfriend and gambling in casino.

Kendall is at her room editing some photos in her laptop, she always has a trouble sleeping. She heard a knock on the door and she closes her lapto immediately, her mother went inside and called her daughter. "Ken? I just wanted to make sure if you're okay here?" She asked her daughter.

"If i say i'm not, can i go home already?" She asked and lift her eyebrown at her mother. Kris walk towards her and sit at the edge of her bed.

"Can i offer a deal? Just finish this medical mission, just stay until the end."

"What's in it for me?" Kendall asked.

"If you finish this... I will be the one who will pay for your plane ticket myself, yout apartment in London, your tuition fee in the photography school and your monthly allowance. And i will never bother you again. You'll be free, you can live your own life." Kris smiled at her daughter, she doesn't want to let her go but if that's what makes her daughter happy then she will have to let her go even if it kills her inside.

A small smile crept on Kendall's face, "Really?" Her mother nodded at her. "Alright, deal." She said and offered her hand to her mother.


You are waiting for Kendall to wake up since 5am, you told her to wake up early but it's already 6:30am in the morning and she is still in her room. You let out a heavy sigh while waiting with Shawn and Camila.

"Y/N it's already late!" Shawn said impatiently.

Kendall opened the door carrying her bags, "Thank god! You're already awake!" You said walking towards her, "Good morning señorita! This is a lot of bags.. Not planning to go back, huh?" You joked but she ignores you, she's always on her phone. You help her load her bags in your truck.

"Hi! I'm Camilla. This is my first time joining the medical mission!" The smaller girl said to her looking excited to talk to the brunette. Kendall raised an eyebrow on the smaller girl.

You let out a chuckle, "Pardon her. She just got her period, that's why she's like that." You said and Kendall gave you a death glare and hop on the passenger seat.

"Shawn you can carry this midget." You joked to Camila anf you earn a slap on your arms. Shawn laughs at her girlfriend. You hop into the driver's seat, you looked at Kendall and she's still scrolling on her instagram. "Don't you get tired using your phone all the time?" You pull your phone into your pocket and took a picture of her.

is now ready. #Troublesomebeauty

You tagged her on the photo, and she looked at you. "Finally! You noticed me." You said.

Creepy stalker over here.

"You forgot to like, and i followed you already! Follow back, please." You smiled and gave her a wink. She rolled her eyes on you, Kendall didin't know where are you getting all these energy. Because you are always happy and energetic all the time.

You handcuff her left hand to your right hand so she won't run away again. "Hey! Ouch!"--"What the hell are you doing?!" She yelled.

"Just making sure, you love to run away. Right? Now, there's no way you can't escape me." You flashed a huge grin on your face.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Kendall called you.

"What?! I can hear you, i'm sitting beside you. The hell." You said.

"Stop the car!"

"What? Why?" She said.

"I wanna take a picture of the mountain! Oh my god this is so beautiful!" She said.

"No. We are late Kendall."


"NO." You said in your stern voice and she made a puppy eyes on you. You know you can't say no to those beautiful eyes. You let out a sigh and rolled your eyes. Shawn end up driving and you are at the back of your truck with Kendall taking pictures while you are still handcuffed to each other. You didn't know Kendall is taking some stolen shots while you are admiring the view. She smiled at your photo, admiring your face. You are the first person who made her smile in years when her mother left her with her dad. She doesn't know why, but when she's around you she smile more often than before.


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