《IMAGINES ❤️》Beautiful troublemaker [AU]


You are the Los Angeles Mayor's second eldest daughter, Harry Styles is your half brother. You are both close and treat each other like you are full siblings. But your life is different from him, he lives in your father's mansion and you-- well, you are leaving in a simple apartment that your father gave it to you. Because your mother used to be the mayor's mistress. You are living with your mom, and your two other half siblings. Your father offered you to pay for your tuition fee in college instead of giving you financial support. But right now, college is not your priority. You needed a job, a job that will support you and your family.

"I'll go ahead bro. I have an early flight tomorrow to London." Harry said to his friends.

"No, come on dude.. You just got here." Liam said to his friend.

"Yo bro! I heard some girl are going to race tonight." Zayn added while resting his arms at the two guy's shoulder.

Harry saw Kendall walking towards her car, he's world stops as soon as he saw the tall brunette and his heart started to beat faster. Kendall noticed the blonde guy looking at her, she gave him a smirk and head inside her car. The girl drove to the racing line, all of her opponents are guys. "Hey sweetheart! Drive safely." A stranger gave Kendall a wink, she flashed him her sweet innocent smile knowing she can outrun his opponents.

"Go!" A girl threw her shirt and Kendall hurriedly step on the gas. She turned her head around to see the stranger, the guy is already behind her, she let out small laugh and when she turned her attention to the road there is a stray dog. "Shit!" Kendall tilt the steering wheel on the left and hit a street light. An hour later she's already in the police station taking her mugshot. Because she's in the illegal drag race, she's facing a month imprisonment.

"Where's my daughter?! Oh my god!" Kris asked the police and she saw Kendall sitting on the corner texting. "Kenny.." Her daughter ignored her and continue texting.

Kris turned to Bruce with a furious look, "Bruce! Get her out of there!" She ordered her ex husband.


"What are you thinking? You can't do that to Kendall. You can't just let your daughter go to jail!" She argued.

"Yes, i can and we should. All she does is to make trouble Kris!" While her parents are arguing and fighting her three younger sisters are looking at her. "Here we go again..." She tweeted on her phone.

"I'm going to get her out of here, and when i do. She's going to live with me!" Kris yelled again to his ex husband.

"Wow! You can't just leave us and come back just to take my daughter away from me. No way Kris, she stays with me. And i will deal her the best way i know how."


"Battle of exes round 1,008.."

"This is quite a good place. I can get used to this. Lol"


"Bruce give her a break! She's just 19!"

"She's selfish and inconsiderate! And then she wants me to send her to London to study photography? How can i trust her if all she ever does is to trouble!"

"The hell i care. I'm still going to study in London! #FreeJackie

After 30 minutes of arguing and fighting of whoever is in charge of taking care of the girl, her mother wins. She convinced Bruce to take Kendall to her medical mission to Mexico. "And i will make sure that Kendall learns her lesson!" Kris said looking at her daughter who is inside the prison.

"What?! No way. I'd rather stay here in jail!" She argued with her mom.


Kendall is carrying a lot of bag planning to runaway with her parents. She knew that she have enough money to run away and enroll herself to photography school in New York. "Good morning. Do you want breakfast?" Her stepmother greeted her.

"No thanks.." She said and head out of the house. She opened the gate and get inside her vintage mustang. She was about to drove off of her father's house when a range rover blocked her way. "What the fuck!" She said.

"Kendall.." Kylie greeted her older sister giving her a warm smile while shaking her head because she already knows that her sister is planning to runaway from home. AGAIN..

Kendall didn't have a choice but to go with Kylie to Mexico to meet her mom there. Brice agreed that Kendall is going to her mom's medical mission in some remote area in Mexico where there is some people who don't have enough supply of electricity, water, medicine and food.

"So i heard that Volcana Tacana is just minutes away from the community that your visiting? You know what, you should check it out online, you might want to visit, see the sights.." Kylie is sitting on the passenger seat with the driver and Kendall is on the back with her phone, not listening to her younger sister. "Actually, mommy told me about---" Kendall cuts her sister off.

"Your such a good daughter Kylie." She said while looking at the window, "Maybe that's why mom chose to bring you with her instead of me."

Kylie turned to her, "Ken.."

"No, really. Sometime i ask myself, what do you have that i don't? Why did she only take to you when she left dad to go to New York? How do you do it? How can you i be a good child? Isn't that what they want from me? That's why we're all having this kind of hassle.." She said to her younger sister.

"Kendall, you know--" Before Kylie can speak, Kendall plugged her earphones to her ears and wore her sunglass not caring what her sister was about to say to her. Kris called that their private plane to Mexico is already waiting, after a 3 hour flight they arrived to Mexico City. A driver picked them up to go to your father's guest house.


"Kylie, i need to go to restroom." Kylie looked at her sister.

"Huh? Can't it wait?" She asked.

"No, i just got my period. It can't wait." Kylie hesitates, "Come on, tell him to stop the car.

Kylie do as her older sister said, the driver parked in a public market. The brunette bring her backpack with her, ofcourse she's planning to run away again. While walking on the public market looking for a ride a kid is pulling the hem of her hoodie. She looked at the little kid, 'Poor kid. Where is his parents?' she thought to herself. "Can you give me some food miss?" A little boy asked her.

Even though she doesn't have plans on having a kid when she get older, she still has a soft spot for little kids. "I don't have food, but-- here. Take this." Kendall gave the little boy a 100 dollars. Money is not a problem with the brunette. Before she can put her wallet back to her backpack a guy snatched it from her hand and run away. "Wha-- hey!! Give that back!" She chase the guy around the public market. She can't lose her wallet because all her money and credit cards and atm are in there. "Hey asshole!!" She yelled not stopping to chase the guy with her big backpack.

You are talking to your little brother on the phone when you saw a beautiful girl running to get her wallet with the thief. She looked at you and everything went slow motion. You never seen a beautiful girl like her before, or maybe because she's just your type and the girl looks faniliar. You didn't know what happened to you but you run with her to chase the thief, you bump the fruit vendor because you are focused to catch the guy. "Sorry!" You yelled. Kendall is near to catch the guy, and she threw her backpack in the guys head causing him to fall to another fruit vendor. He was about to run again but you grab the guys collar and punched him in the face. Some people grabbed him to get him to the police station. You snatched the girl's wallet in the thief's hand and gave it to her.

"Wow! You caught him right away!" You said smiling at her.

She frowned at you, "Give me my wallet!" She snatched her wallet in your hand.

"Thank you." You said in full sarcasm. She looked around and hook her hand in your arm.

"Come with me."

"Hey, getting close already?" You joked.

"Get me to the airport and i will pay you whatever you want." You smiled and you agreed immediately.

Both of you walk to your car, she hopped in the passenger seat. You drove away to the supermarket, you know the Mexico City like the back of your hand. You've been here for like a hundred times doing an medical mission with Kris Jenner. She's like your second mother, she always told you that she reminds her eldest daughter to you. She is the best friend of your father, he's the one who helped Kris when she needed to get out of Los Angeles because of her husband.

"My name is Y/N, when i'm here i drive around tourist as a sideline." You said trying to start a conversation.

"Are we there yet? We've been driving for like an hour." She said still looking at her phone.

"Don't worry miss, we're almost there." You smiled at her again. A few minutes after you arrived at your father's guest house. Her eyes are glued to her phone that's why she didn't notice where you are taking her. "We're here!" You said, she looked around and frowned.

"What are we doing here?" She asked, you looked at her and you flashed a huge grin. "Hey! What are you planning to do?"

"It's a secret.." You said and gave her a wink before.

Her eyes went wide and head inside the car shouting that you kidnap her and calling for help. "Hey! Hey! Stop! Stop yelling!" You said but she didn't listened to you, instead she tried to run away from you while shouting that you are a kidnapper. You run towards her and pick her up like a tree log. "Shut up. I'm not a bad person! Relax!" You said.

"Put me down you asshole!" She yelled. "Help me!! Help!! I hate you!" She said trying to get away from your arms. You head inside the house and drop her to the couch while she's still yelling for help.

"Kendall. Kendall.." Kris called her daughter while walking towards you and Kendall. The tall brunette looked surprised when she saw her mother. You greeted Kris and gave her kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Mama K." Kris smiled at you.

"Y/N i'm glad you found my daughter." She said.

"It was easy to find her. Beside she approached me willingly. She's a bit heavy though, but i don't mind." You let out a soft chuckle while panting and catching your breath. Kendall slammed her body into the couch knowing that she can't do anything with her situation right now.

"So, all this time you knew who i was.." She said in her serious voice.

You pulled your phone to your pocket and show her the picture of her that Kris sent you earlier to find her. "You're beautiful but troublesome." You said and keep your phone into your pocket.

"Ken, this is Y/N. She's the Los Angeles Mayor's daughter.." Kris said to her daughter. The girl scan your look from head to toe and gave you an arrogant smirk.

"Her? The mayor's daughter?" She scoff.

"The most beautiful daughter of the mayor." You said trying to tease her.


Who's up for Part two? Anyone? ✌🏻😊

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