《IMAGINES ❤️》Secret love


You are sitting on your girlfriend's couch while waiting for her to arrive, you are just looking at the ceiling thinking about your relationship with the model. You are starting to get tired of your situation, you are dating Kendall for three years now but you are hiding your relationship because the model is not yet ready to come out. People knew you as Kendall's best friend, well it's true. She's your best friend, but you are her girlfriend also. What's hurting you the most is she keeps on going to PR Stunt because that's what her mom wants. Only her family, and closest friends knew about your relationship with the model.

You never had a problem with her family and friends, they all love you. You are really close to your girlfriend's mother and sisters. Especially her older sister Khloe and youngest sister Kylie. But Kris told you that she's not going to force her daughter if she's not ready to come out. You wanted to say to every PR stunt that the model does, but you don't want to be controlling so you let her do her thing. A few minutes had passed you heard the door opened, Kendall walk towards you as she greeted you smiling.

"Hey babe! I missed you!" She said giving you a kiss on the lips.

"Missed you too.." You gave her a small smile, she noticed that something is bothering you.

"What's wrong?" She asked, and hold your hand. You looked at her for a few seconds before answering her question.

"How long are we going to be like this Ken?"

"Huh?" She frowned, she doesn't have any idea what you're talking about. "Like what?" She added.

"Hiding in public." You said still looking at your girlfriend. She let out a sigh, she knew you are being serious right now.

"Babe, you know we can't do that.."

"Why?" You asked.

"Because i'm not ready. You know that, right?" She said as she run her fingers through her hair.

"When are you going to be ready Kendall?" She bit her lip and looked down, she wasn't able to look you in the eyes. The model knew that you are mad at the situation. You are waiting for her answer as you let out a heavy sigh.

"I- i don't know, okay? I'm scared.." She said and looked at you, her eyes are turning red because she's holding back her tears.

"Babe, you don't have to be scared. Okay? Look at Cara, she's fine. She's doing great with Ashley." You said to her.

"Y/N you don't understand.." Kendall said, she explained to you that she doesn't want to jeopardize her job. The explaining turned into an argument that led to both of you raising your voice to each other. "Because i don't want to jeopardize my job Y/N! You are the who doesn't understand!" She yelled at you.

"So you're telling me that your job is worth jeopardizing our relationship?! Is that it?" You yelled back, looking at her in disbelief.

Kendall looked at you and let out a long sigh because of frustration, she didn't answer right away instead she walk towards you. The model is trying to calm herself down, she held your hand. "Y/N can we just drop this? Please? I just want to spend time with you.. We've never had a problem with this before, what is going on?"

You shook your head and you pulled your hand away from hers, "Because i'm planning on settling down Kendall! And i don't know how am i going to that with you." You blurted out, you can see at your girlfriend's face that she was taken aback from what you just said. "I've been waiting for you for three years, three years Ken.. I'm not pressuring you to come out, and i don't want people to judge you but i don't want you to hide me either. Don't you think i deserve more than that? I already gave three years of my life waiting for you to be brave and to be true to who yourself.." Your tears started to fall.


"Babe.." She said reaching for your hand.

"No Ken, listen to me.. I want to be with someone who will be proud to be seen with me in public as her girlfriend not just her best friend, someone who will fight for me, for my love, and someone who will be brave for me-- and clearly that's not you. I love you, i don't want you to choose between me and your job--" You wiped your tears.

"Y/N what are you saying? Please--"

"Let's just end this, we are both wasting each other's time. We're not going to work out if you are going to be like this forever.. I'm sorry." You said and you head out in her house. Kendall stood there while tears streaming down her face, stunned and not knowing what to do anymore. She let you walk out on her house, she didn't chase you or tried to make you stay.

It's been a week since you broke up with Kendall, the model is calling you ever since but you decided to ignore her. She tried to go to your apartment several times but you are always busy filming your new movie and photoshoots for some magazines. You are keeping yourself occupied so you won't think of her. You are getting ready for MET GALA, you are a nervous because you know that Kendall is going to be there and you are sitting on their table with them. You are walking at the carpet alone, so you're also nervous that people might notice that you are not with your "BEST FRIEND".

You arrived at the venue, you head out to your cadillac. You heard the fans screaming and taking pictures of you, so as paparazzis and medias. You smiled at the camera while your bodyguards are escorting you inside.

"Hey Y/N! Oh my god! You're riding solo tonight!" Lisa Koshy said to you.

"Yeah, i'm riding solo tonight." You smiled at her.

"You've been in the MET GALA twice, right? Where's your best friend Kendall?" She asked again.

"I'm great! I- uh, i'm trying to be on my own tonight. But i'm sitting with her later."

"Tell me about your outfit girl! That dress is gorgeous!" She said to you looking really excited and hyper.

"Oh my god thank you! I'm wearing Balmain tonight."

You had a little chat with Lisa Koshy, then you head inside. You saw Kylie, with Travis and Kendall with Kim already sitting on your reserved table.

"Y/N!" Kylie run towards you and gave you a hug, "I'm sorry about you and my sister.." She whispered.

"It's alright." You said to her giving her a forced smile. You can feel that Kendall is looking at you, your heart started to beat faster as you are walking towards your table. She looks stunning in her Versace dress, you wanted to greet her but you tried not to. You ignored her and greet her sister Kim and Travis. You took a sit in front of Kendall, beside Travis.

A while after, all of you are watching some of the artist perform. The little mix came out of the stage and people are cheering up for them. You are trying to enjoy the event and not trying to be awkward even if Kendall is in front of you. The model is stealing glances at you, watching you while you are trying to enjoy the performance of the artists.

Little mix started to sing one of their famous song 'Secret love song'. All the person in the table that knows about your relationship with Kendall are looking at both of you, you gave a glare at Kylie to stop looking and smiling at you at the same time. You avoid looking at your ex girlfriend but you can feel that she's staring at you.


"I love you. I want to spend my life with you babe. Always remember that, okay?" Kendall said to you, she gently put her lips to yours while both of you are laying on the hood of your car while stargazing at the hollywood hills. Her words has been stuck with you ever since you broke up with Kendall.

"Because i'm scared, okay?! I'm not as brave as you and Cara! You don't get it, you know how hard it is to be me? One wrong move, wrong choice, and one mistake people are judging and hating on me. Hell, even if i'm not doing anything wrong people are hating and giving mean comments about me. I- i don't wanna lose my job Y/N.. I'm a Jenner, and my sisters are the Kardashians, everybody is judging every move we make. I don't want people to judge me, i'm tired of it.."

"What do you care about what people say to you Ken? All i'm asking for you is to fight for me, for our relationship for godsake!" You remembered your heated argument with Kendall, you don't want to break up with her but you can't just do that to yourself anymore.

"I don't wanna hide us away

Tell the world about the love we making

I'm living for that day


Why can't I hold you in the street?

Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?

I wish that we could be like that

Why can't we be like that?

'Cause I'm yours, I'm yours.."

You glanced at your ex girlfriend, you got nervous whe your eyes met because she is looking at you. She smiled at you, but you look away from her. MET GALA has ended, you quickly head outside to your car after you bid goodbye to your friends at the table. Kendall is doing something on her phone.

"Y/N wait! Are you going to the after party?" Kendall asked you.

"I don't know.. Maybe. I gotta go." You gave her a forced smile and left the venue. You are walking towards your car with your bodyguards when a soft hand held your wrist. You turned around and you saw Kendall, the paparazzis are taking pictures of you and your ex girlfriend. To avoid any controversy or scene, you drag her inside your car.

"What are you doing?" You asked Kendall.

"I don't want to lose you." You rolled your eyes because you don't believe her anymore.

"Look, if we are going to talk about hiding our relationship again-- i don't wanna talk alright? I'm done Kendall, i'm so done with this.." You said to her.

"Will you please listen to me?"

"No! I don't want to listen to you anymore. Just please, get out of my car.." She let out a heavy sigh and nodded at you. She head to your car and you asked your driver to drive you to the hotel. You threw your purse across the bed because your phone wouldn't stop ringing.

"Fucking hell. What is up to this people?" You muttered.

You ignored your phone ringing, you head inside the shower because you are going to the after party. You are preparing yourself, because you are done with your make up. "Thanks Aiden.." You said to your make up artist.

"Don't worry boo, i got you and please answer your phone, it's ringing for like an hour already." He said and left the room so you can put your gucci dress You head to the bed and reached for your phone, you have hundreds of text messages and missed calls from your manager, your friends, Kendall's sisters and to your family.

"What the fuck?" You mumbled.

You read Hailey's text to you. You checked your instagram to know what is going on, you also have a hundred of notifications. Your phone is about to blow up, you saw Kendall tagged you on her post.

I always thought i could keep my personal life seperate from my professional life. Now, i feel completely comfortable with myself and i don't have to be fearful about something damaging about my career if it gets out. Three years i hid this wonderful girl who did nothing but to love, support and wait for me to be ready. But because i was so teriffied of being judged by the people around me, i am about to lose this girl. For years, fear take over my relationship with her, and i'm not going to let that happen anymore. I'm tired of hiding, and i'm tired of lying that she's just my best friend because it's not. I mean she still is-- but she is more than a friend. She is my girlfriend, my baby, the person who owns my heart and the love of my life. I realized that LOVE IS TOO BEAUTIFUL TO BE HIDDEN IN THE CLOSET. Don't ever be afraid to show your true colors. 🌈

Your jaw drops when you read your ex girlfriend's post. She posted a picture of you and her kissing, hugging and when you are under the covers with naked. Your heart started to beat so fast, it's been an hour since she posted it but it already has a thousand likes and hundreds of comments. You hurriedly get dressed and head out to your hotel room, you call your bodyguards because for sure paparazzis are going to shove their camera in your face and ask dozens of questions.

You are trying to avoid the paps but when you arrive at the venue the media is all over the place. "Fuck.." You muttered to yourself, you didn't have a choice but to head outside because your car is already parked in front of the venue. You let out a heavy sigh when your bodyguard opened the door for you, the flashing lights are bliding you and all the questions and yelling are making you deaf. You ignored all their questions and head inside the venue. You are about to walk towards Kendall when you saw her talking to Harry Styles, he's the guy that your ex girlfriend are doing PR stunt with. You are always jealous because he's always handsy with your girlfriend and he seem to be a nice guy, you are threathened because what if Kendall will like him back.

You turned around and walk away, Kendall saw you in a distance and started to follow you. You head inside the restroom to breathe because the party is crowded with so many celebrities. You needed to breathe for a few minutes. "Why are you here?" Kendall asked, you almost jumped out in fear because you thought you are alone but you tried to keep your cool.

"N-nothing.. I was about to talk to you about your post but i.. uhm-- i saw you talking to Harry so.. yeah." She gave you a playful smirk knowing that you are jealous.

"So? It's not like we are together anymore. Right?" She said.

"Yeah, you are free to do whatever you want Ken. You can delete your post on your instagram, i'll go ahead.." You smiled sheepishly, you are about to walk away when she held your wrist.

"Oh come on Y/N, i'm just kidding!" She said.

"Well, i'm not. So let go of my hand." You tried to teased her more.

"Hell no. I'm not going to let you go anymore. Look babe, i'm sorry. I'm m so sorry, can you forgive me? And we can start over?" She said and kissed the back of your hand.

"Why are you saying sorry?" You said trying to hold your laugh.

"Because..." Your eyebrows arched waiting for her to continue what she was about to say.

"Because? What?"

"For being scared. For making you wait, and letting you go when you decided to end our relationship. I really don't want us to end babe, i really meant what i said to you on our anniversary. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you Y/N. You see i love you, and i don't want to lose you because my life has been better since the day you found me. Come back to me babe.." She said holding your hand, begging you to take her back.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" She let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes, i'm an idiot who is madly in love with you." She said. You just smiled at her and didn't said anything, since she made you wait for three years you wanted to tease her a little bit and try her patience.

You step closer to her and caress her face,"You want me to take you back, right?" You said in your seductive voice, she bit her lip and nodded at you. You leaned to her face to kiss her on the lips, she leaned in and you pull away. "Let me think about it.."

"Oh babe, come on." She whined.

"Stop whining, before i change my mind." You flash her a huge grin.

"Fiiiine. Where are you going?" She asked.

"To party, duh? I didn't pay thirty thousand dollars for this event to stay in the restroom the whole night babe." You winked at her and head outside. She let out a sigh because she didn't get what she wants. "Are you coming or what?" She didn't said anything, instead she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes on you.

"Fine. Have fun in here alone Ken, i think i saw Barabara over there. I'm going to party with her.." You said, she frowned and walk towards you. She held your hand still pouting and frowning at what you said to her.

"No.. You're not allowed to party with her, you're going to party with me. Only me and our friends. I'm willing to wait for you Y/N, i'm serious.. I just came out to the whole world for you, because i love you. I'm not going to throw that away." You let out a soft chuckle at Kendall.

"Prove it and i love you too." She leaned in for a kiss but you pulled away, "Oh i forgot, i'm not allowed to kiss you. We're not together." You said laughing because you know Kendall is going impatient with you. She doesn't like teasing her, the model smirked at you.

"Oh babe, you are so going to pay for this.." She smiled and held your hand. Both of you head to the party, a lot of people congratulate both of you and Kendall. Especially her because she just came out to the whole world.

A week had passed, you already talked to your manager about your relationship with the model. Everyone is okay with it inclding Kendall's management and family they are happy for both of you but some people are bitter but you don't care about them. No matter what you do, wrong or right people are always going to judge you. You are still not answering the media to all their questions about you and your ex girlfriend. Kendall is doing everything to get you back. She's always sending you flowers with letters in it, every single day. You wanted to see her because you missed her so much, you haven't seen her for three days because she told you she's going to Paris.

"I miss you." You texted the model not expecting a reply because you know she's busy with her photoshoots.

"Y/N i can't take this anymore..." Kendall replied, you frowned because you have no idea what she's talking about.

"Can't take what?"

"This.." You heard your doorbell on the door.

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